Five things I can do to promote Vocations to the priesthood as a parent. If you are a parent or grandparent, please pick up a copy of the ‘five things’ leaflet from the porch.
The St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday, 16th November after 10am and 12noon Masses. This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities at the event. Could parishioners who would like to host a stall, please contact either Anne MacIntosh (931 5861) or Annamaria Strachan (942 9799) to confirm. All profits from the piety stall go to Church funds. Tea and coffee will be served at this event – donations of home baking would be most welcome (no nuts please).
External Defibrillator – Our parish, along with four other local Bearsden churches, has made a contribution for the local community to buy a new external defibrillator, which will be situated near Bearsden Cross. We are looking for some parishioners who would be interested in attending a training session by the Scottish Ambulance Service on Monday, December 1st from 6-9pm in Glenburn Hall at All Saints Church. Please speak to Fr Mackle, if you are interested.
Holy Water – Please note that the blessed Holy Water for you to take and use is now beside the Baptismal Font.
Lost & Found – check and see if something you’ve lost is in the box in the porch. All items uncollected by 16th November will be handed in to a charity shop.
Finance Coordinator - role involves preparing the counters rota and liaising with the parish bookkeepers. Liaising with the bank, and the archdiocesan finance department, occasionally. Do you have a background in accountancy and are you perhaps retired and would like to take on this important voluntary role in the parish? If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Brian Donnelly on 942 6085 or Father Mackle on 942 4635.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish (who has made his/her First Holy Communion) who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details.
St Andrew’s Whist Drive will be held on Monday 27th October in the Lower Hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night.
Mission Matters Scotland is very grateful for our parish’s generous donations of £2097 to last week’s Mission Matters collection. Mission Matters Scotland is the Catholic Church's official mission charities. Visit www.missionmattersscotland
Through two world wars, persecution by the Nazis, imprisonment and exile… the remarkable story of Father Joseph Kentenich. Written and directed by Stephen Callaghan. Tickets £5 (under – 16s free) from 554 1333 or Performances at 7.30 pm - Saturday 1 November – St Stephen’s, & Thursday 6 November – St Joseph’s, Milngavie.
Remember the Dead—Praying for the dead, especially during the month of November, reminds us that the Church is not confined to this world, but extends into the next as well. By praying for the dead, as we prayed for them while they were alive, we can establish a special link with the “communion of saints”. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up every day during the month of November for the Holy Souls. Please feel free to enter names of departed loved ones in the book of remembrance.
Memorial Mass – for all the faithful departed, and remembering and praying particularly for all those who have died in our parish over the past year. Mass will be on Sunday, 2nd November at 10am. After Mass, there will be refreshments served in the hall. All are very welcome.
Please help the passkeepers tidy up the Church for the next Mass by placing your hymn books and Mass card neatly on the ledge in front of you, and by removing any litter and abandoned bulletins. Many thanks.
Messengers Meeting – Monday, 10th Nov. in the church. Area leaders at 7.30pm, and messengers at 8pm.
Choir Dates for this term November 9th & 16th, December 14th, 21st & 25th (to be confirmed). All at the 10am Mass. Any queries, call Annamaria Strachan 942 9799/07749715514, or email: [email protected]
Family Planning – God’s Way – Nature’s Way. The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning is 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy with no side effects. This method is also helpful for couples having difficulty conceiving and is a natural alternative to IVF. For an information pack or details of a tutor, please contact Fertility Care Scotland on 352 7930 or pick up a leaflet from the porch.
Fertility Care Scotland constantly need to train new teachers. There will be a course in April 2015. If you would be interested and willing to train to provide this service, please speak to Fr Mackle or call 352 7930.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Mass Attendance – 18 / 19 Oct. - Total – 554
Survive-Miva. 2nd collection 8/9 November for Survive-Miva, the only UK-based Catholic lay Association funding transport for the Church’s health and pastoral work in under-developed parts of the world. Visit
SVDP Annual Requiem Mass Blessed John Duns Scotus, on Sunday 2nd Nov 3pm. Family and friends of deceased SVDP members are invited to attend. Tea / coffee in the hall afterwards.
Got a bike you’re not using? We can take it off your hands and pass it on to someone who needs to get around as cheaply as possible. Don’t worry if it’s got flat tyres etc. Please email [email protected]