consecrate us in the truth."
Just a reminder ~ St Andrew’s is now inviting all P3 parents intending to present their child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent 2022, and for First Holy Communion in May/June 2023, to complete an enrolment form which is available from the sacristy before or after weekday and Sunday Mass. P7 parents should collect an enrolment form for Confirmation. All forms are to be returned, please, by Sunday, October 17.
October Devotions ~ Come along and pray the Rosary at the outdoor statue of Our Lady in front of the church ~ Sundays at 4.30pm. ‘Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God’
Dates for 2022 Sacraments
Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturdays 12th and 19th March 10am – 11am
First Holy Communion – 14th & 15th May and 21st & 22nd May all at 2pm
Sacrament of Confirmation – 4th & 5th June both at 2pm.
We look forward to 2022 to the celebration of the Sacraments for the
P3, P4 and P7 children. Each family will be advised, in due course,
of their date, which will be allocated, similarly to this year, strictly
alphabetically. As we are keen still to be cautious in these times, numbers of first
communicants and confirmandi at each Mass will be relatively small.
In the lead up to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in November, the Youth Ministries Team will host OUR YOUTH COP26. This event is for young people from P5 – S3 from the Parishes of St Andrew and St Joseph, and will be held on Sunday 24th October 2021 in St Andrew’s Church Hall. The event will run from 1pm until 3pm but we would encourage you to join us for Mass at 12 noon. We ask that you bring a recyclable packed lunch and we can confirm that all Covid-19 restrictions will be observed.
Linked to the Youth Ministries Team’s OUR YOUTH COP26 event, we would like to encourage WALK TO WORSHIP on the Sunday that falls during COP26. This will involve, if you can, walk, cycle or scoot to Mass on Saturday 6th and/or Sunday 7th November. An opportunity to take climate change action! Thinking about the air that we breathe and doing our bit to make it cleaner.
Competition time for P1-P4 – Poster competition for the young people in Primary 1-4 with the theme WALK TO WORSHIP. Let your imaginations run wild by designing a Climate change poster. All entrants should be made electronically/scanned and sent to the Youth team via [email protected] by Sunday 7th November at 12 noon. Prizes available for best poster in the categories of P1/2 and P3/4 – good luck.
The young people of St Andrew's and St Joseph's would be really grateful if, over the next few weeks, you could keep your plastic bottles (all types, sizes and colours) for their COP 26 activities, and bring them along to Mass washed and clean, please. Many thanks.
Prayer Service for COP26 A service based on Laudato Si' in preparation for COP26, “A Prayer for Our Earth” will take place in St Peter’s, Partick, next Sunday 3rd October at 4pm. Open invitation to all.
Final day for nominations for the Parish Pastoral Council. The PPC is an advisory body which assists the Parish Priest in his leadership role in the Parish, and it represents the interests and needs of the entire Parish community. Please consider a limited term of three years serving the parish on the PPC. Nomination forms are available from the church porch.
St. Andrew’s Whist Delighted to announce that St. Andrew’s Whist will restart on WEDNESDAY 29th September in the Lower Hall, from 2pm – 4pm. Tea and coffee will be served. Entry £2. Please note that we now meet on the last WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON in the month instead of the Monday night. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. COVID safety measures will be in place and face-coverings must be worn.
Volunteers needed for St Nicholas' first garden clean up day next Sunday 3rd October. Just turn up at the school at 1.30pm. The parents clean up group have been in touch with EDC with regards to funding the purchase of bulbs, plants and anything else that might be needed. They'd be really grateful if you could give an hour or two of your time.
Emmaus supports formerly homeless people by providing a home and meaningful work on one of their social enterprises. If your old furniture, sofas,white goods and electricals are in good condition, Emmaus will collect for free. Call 0141 342 4089.
Considering Primary Teaching? The Archdiocesan Primary Head Teacher Association
offers online advice and support on the application and interview process for Initial Teacher
Education programmes and for a mentor before 8th October. Visit
their website: /www.rercglasgow.org/aphta-initial-teacher-education-support.html
Catholic Parliamentary Office – Sign up for the latest news and articles at rcpolitics.org. ~ raising Catholic pressing matters in a political forum ~ protecting Catholic values ~ making the voice of the Catholics heard in Scottish and UK Parliaments.
In this Year of St Joseph, please visit our sleeping St Joseph statue. You can write out a petition and place it under the statue. Let St Joseph ‘sleep on it’.
St Andrew’s 29 Club’ (200 Club ) Christmas Draw will be held early December with a top prize of £1000 + several £100 prizes, and a Summer ‘Double’ Draw early June with 2 x £1000 prizes + more £100 prizes!!! New members are very welcome ~ £6 per month by standing order or £65 by cheque. You can make direct payments monthly or annually by to:- ‘St Andrew’s Church’ .at TSB Clydebank (Sort Code 87-37-39 a/c no 06021274) Simply contact Brian Donnelly by phone/email or speak to Fr Joe or any of the Parish Finance Team.
Peer Support Group for Women Of Faith Affected By Separation or Divorce meets first Friday of each month at 6p.m. at St Patrick's Church Hall, Dumbarton. For information and details, see 'Faith Living' Facebook group, which is the Archdiocese of Glasgow's New Evangelisation Group, or contact Tricia Imrie on 07970928028. Please note, the meeting in November will be on Friday 12th.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week – 26 September - World Day of Migrants and Refugees The Church should, above all, be the church of the oppressed, the refugees, those persecuted for their faith, those relegated by the rich and powerful to the margins of society. Servant of God Fr. Pedro Arrupe S.J
SEASON OF CREATION - WEEK 4 Each year from September 1 to October 4, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. This year, let us pray for the success of COP26 and for our own efforts to care for creation. God our father, help us to open our hearts and minds to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Justice and Peace Scotland September 2021 Campaign: Support Care Not Killing's campaign for proper funding of palliative care and ask Members of the Scottish Parliament to oppose the legalisation of euthanasia or assisted suicide in Scotland. https://carenotkilling.scot/
Pope Francis on Twitter and Instagram. The Pope's Twitter (@Pontifex) and Instagram (@Franciscus) accounts are worth following for daily content relating to the Pope a d the Church in the world. Pope Francis uses his Twitter account to highlight topical issues as well as content from his writings.
The monthly Pope video is also a great resource of contemporary commentary by the Holy Father on current issues. The videos are available https://thepopevideo.org/
Drumchapel Foodbank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our parish’s soup-run’s volunteers continue to collect food donations from M&S Byres Rd & Milngavie for delivery to Drumchapel & St Gregory’s Foodbanks, the Wayside Club & Aspire.
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Chapel House or sent by email: [email protected] by 12 Noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter, the parish website and on our exterior noticeboard.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick and housebound and those in hospital.
Recently Dead: Stewart Allan, Angela Bowden, Vincent Capaldi, Zhai Holt, Tricia Johnson, Ann Lyden, Moira McConville, Catherine McKillop, John Meehan, Sylvia Tartaglia
Anniversaries: Annie Galloway, Keith McVicar, Bridie Tolland.