Year of Mercy Healing Holy Hour – Encountering God’s mercy through His saints. Tuesday 5th January at 7pm – 8pm in St Andrew’s. Healing Mass of St. Charles of Mount Argus including: Blessing with first class relic, Divine Mercy chaplet and Benediction. Sacrament of Reconciliation available throughout.
With all good wishes for the Christmas Season and throughout 2016 from Monsignor Ryan, Fr Mackle and Deacon Tommy.
Invite someone you know back to Mass this Christmas Season. All of us know someone who has stopped going to Mass. Invite someone you know who no longer attends to return in this Year of Mercy’s festive season.
New Year’s Day Mass - 10am - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
We look forward to all families, who over the past year have had a celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism, gathering together for the 10am Mass on Sunday, 10th January. After Mass, there will be refreshments served in the parish hall to which everyone is invited.
Please let us know if you are a Caritas or Duke of Edinburgh pupil. We would like to compile a list for the Easter Reachout along with a feature on the World Youth Day candidates.
Preparation for First Confession and First Holy Communion.
Thursday 14th January at 7pm in the Upper Hall for parents whose children are preparing to celebrate Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent 2016.
Thursday 28th January at 7pm in the Upper Hall for parents whose children are preparing to celebrate First Holy Communion in May 2016.
Maryhill Foodbank – Many thanks to all for your generosity over the past year and in particular over the Christmas Season. We continue to help to feed the poor, remembering that Jesus said, “When I was hungry you gave me to eat”.
Parish 50th Anniversary - 2017, marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of St Andrew’s parish. We’d like to mark this with a number of celebrations over the course of 2017 that, together, will appeal to our whole parish community. Whether you’ve got some great ideas or are willing to be involved in helping organise, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with Father Mackle, Monsignor Ryan or any member of the PPC with your ideas.
A huge thank you—to those who generously give of their time serving in the piety stall and to those who have supported it with purchases. The fantastic amount of £1200 profit was raised during 2015, which is a great boost to parish funds. That’s a £200 increase in profits from the previous year, and £400 increase from 2 years ago
NET - National Evangelisation Teams. One of the great hopes of the Church in Scotland. Their mission is to encourage young people "to love Jesus and embrace the life of the Church". Each year, young Catholics will take up the challenge to spend nine months on a NET team, bringing the Gospel message to young people all over Scotland through peer to peer ministry; young people ministering to other young people. Their mission is to invite young people all over Scotland to encounter the love of Jesus in a deep and personal way, working with the local bishop and priests, schools and parishes to bring a new evangelisation to our country. Check out the website and
spread the word!
Special Second Collections – 27th Dec – Pro-Life; 3rd Jan – Justice & Peace; 31st Jan – Education Sunday.
Unity Supper at New Kilpatrick Halls on Wed 20 Jan 7.15. Tickets £9.50 from Margaret Sanders 942 7519. Speaker – Gemma Lamarra, SCIAF’s Outreach Manager.
The 2016 edition of The Western Catholic Calendar is on sale in the Piety Stall priced £3.00.
Big Clean for Christmas: Many thanks to all those who came along and helped with this essential task. Thanks, too, to all those who have kindly donated a Poinsettia.
Turnbull Times – pick up a copy from the porch of Turnbull’s December newsletter.
St Aloysius’ College is holding an Open Day in its Kindergarten and Junior School for prospective parents and families on Thursday 14 January 2016. Anyone who might be interested in applying to St Aloysius’ College is more than welcome to come along, take a tour of the school and meet with pupils and staff. Our main intake years for August 2016 are Kindergarten, Primary 1 and Primary 7 however we do have spaces in all year groups.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Marie Moy, Margie Cornyn, Michael Moss, Russell Rodger, Eileen Tully, Hil Black, Alexander Pate, Patricia Swiatek.
Recently Dead—Greta Ward, James Ruddy, Frank Costello, Annie Ward, John McKenzie Jnr, Rev. Michael Corbett, Gloria DiMaggio, Fiona White, Catherine Elliot, Pat Rooney, Susan O’Hara.
Anniversaries—Patrick Murray, Kathy Connorm Ada McAllister Murray, Matilda Clarke, Gerald Corish, John & Martha Jane Mulgrew, Margaret Dolan, Paul Dolan, Fionnuala Wilson.