"Whoever drinks the water that I shall give him,
says the Lord, will have a spring inside himself,
welling up for eternal life".
Gonzaga Lectures 2011—The Lectures take place on the following Tuesdays in Lent—15th, 22nd, 29th March and 19th April. They start at 7 30pm, admission is free and all lectures will take place in St Aloysius’ Church. —see notice in the church porch.
In addition to the 10.00 a.m. Mass, daily, there will be evening Masses on the Wednesdays at 7.00 p.m. beginning on Wednesday 16th March.
Second collections for sick and retired priests fund on Saturday/Sundays exception on S.C.I.A.F Sunday—2nd/3rd April
Stations of the Cross—as announced
Deanery Station Mass, celebrated by the Archbishop and clergy of the Deanery at Our Holy Redeemer’s Clydebank on Wednesday 6th April at 7.00 p.m.
Station Mass Deanery Choir—Anyone who wishes to take part as a member of the choir is welcome to contact Tom Logue. 01436 842 554 for rehearsal information etc.
Information—On Catholic social teaching around important issues in politics is now available on a new website www.CatholicVotersGuide.org please visit the website to help prepare for the forthcoming Scottish Parliamentary Elections on 5th May 2011.
St. Andrew’s Parish Groups—Annual Return 2010/2011. Our annual Parish return to the Diocese will shortly be due and must include those accounts for the various St Andrew’s Parish Groups/Activities. In compiling the Parish return I require the following information from each Group Leader/Treasurer, viz:-
Name of Group/Activity; office holder name and contact telephone number.
A copy of your Group accounts for the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 inclusive. (Income/Expenditure accounts will suffice)
Sight of the group bank book/statements for period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 together with any comment you deem relevant to the group finances.
The above information to Brian Donnelly (Finance Coordinator) by 17th April please! 942 6085 St Andrew’s Fabric & Finance Team.
Choral Group—We hope to form the Choral Group again with a view to singing in the Liturgy at Mass on a regular and more frequent basis. We are looking urgently for new members and also to welcome back former members whom we hope will now wish to participate once again. Our first occasion will be Easter. Many in the parish are members of excellent choirs and we invite you to make this additional commitment to enhance our liturgical celebrations. Please contact Adrian Finnerty if interested. For further information 943 1517. Please note as announced last week the first Choral rehearsal dates for Easter are after 12 noon Mass on Sunday 27th March and after 12 noon Mass on Sunday 3rd April.
Baptism Course—Two months notice is required for Baptism. Please contact Fr. Donnelly to make the arrangements. Please note that the next Baptism Preparation Session for parents and Godparent of children being baptised will be on Saturday 7th May from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Church (Lower Hall.)
The Piety Stall—Has a large selection of cards and gifts for mother’s day and Easter now on sale.
Parish Fabric & Finance—We are preparing to construct a toilet facility in the Lower Hall. Any contractors interested in tendering, please contact Father Donnelly before 31st March 2011 in writing at St. Andrew’s 29 Roman Road Bearsden G61 2SN.
Lost Property—If you wish to reclaim lost property, please contact the Sacristans. Unclaimed items will be disposed of by 3rd April 2011.
Altar Servers Awards—On Sunday 27th March 2011.
Area Leaders Meeting—At the Lower Hall on Monday 3rd April at 7 30pm.
Messengers Meeting—At the Lower Hall on Monday 3rd April at 8pm.
St. Andrew’s Cathedral—The formal opening is on Sunday 10th April at 3pm.
RCIA—The ceremony of the Presentation of the Creed and the Our Father will take place on Sunday 3rd April at 12noon Mass. Please remember Alan Macbeth, Keith Sinclair, Susan Morrison and all the members of the group in your prayers.
Whist Drive—St. Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place on Monday 28th March at 7 30pm in the Lower Hall. Even if you don’t know how to play but would like to learn, come along. You will be made very welcome and we’ll help you. It’s a social evening essentially! For more details, phone Susan Morrison 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381
Soup Run—Next soup run is Friday 1st April. Donations accepted at the Lower Hall from 7pm.
S,P.U.C.—Many thanks to all those parishioners who supported the coffee morning and raffle last week. £153 was raised for the Society’s funds.
St. Margaret of Scotland Hospice—Easter hat competition 17th April . Pre registration Essential. Contact the Fundraising Team on 0141 435 7018 email [email protected]