"Come, Holy Spirit fill the hearts of thy faithful
and kindle in them the fire of your love."
Dates for the Children’s Choir—10th June 10am Mass, 17th June 10am Mass. Contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799, 07749715514, email [email protected]—Also 17th June Singing at the Phoenix Choir Concert at 7.30pm.
Parish Family Walk—As part of our ongoing 25th Celebrations, you are invited to come along and join our family parish walk on Sunday 10th June. We will meet at 1pm at the Visitors Centre, Mugdock Country Park. Please bring your own picnic. The walk will take about 3 hours in total (i.e. there and back) with a break at the half way stage for a rest and a picnic. Please note that unfortunately the walk is not suitable for pushchairs or wheelchairs. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Maguire on 0141 942 0607 or email on [email protected]
Little Sisters of the Poor—Raffle tickets to support the work of the Sisters, are available at the Piety Stall. For other events celebrating the 150th Celebration of the Sisters . See notice in the porch.
Communications Sunday—Thanks for last weekends special collection—£517.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity—Sunday 3rd June—Bishops’ special collection for “Life”, Thursday 31st May is the “Day for Life”- Holy Trinity marks the end of the Easter Duty period.
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive—Will be held on Monday 28th May in the Lower Hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome./ We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night.
Soup Run—The next soup run on Friday 1st June. Donations taken at the Lower Hall from 7pm. Soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. Any queries please call Phyllis 0141 570 1343. Many thanks as always.
Celebration of Notre Dame Presence, Dumbarton—See notice in the porch.
NHS Glasgow & Clyde Free Hospital Transport for visitors—See notice in the porch.
Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry—See notice in the porch.