and grant us your salvation."
Please Note New Year’s Eve Masses – 6pm Vigil & 11.30pm followed by refreshments. New Year’s day Masses – 10am & 12noon.
Light of Hope – join with others in Bearsden this Advent and light a candle, a Light of Hope, and place it at your window. Take a small step to quell the darkness and shine a Light of Hope in the world. See Light of Hope poster for more details.
P6-S6? Didn’t get a chance to sign up last weekend? Still a chance this weekend to sign up to be involved in some of the ministries at Mass ie reading, passkeeping, music, altar serving, the offertory or other contributions such as children’s liturgy. Assist as little or as often as you would like, to a variety of ministries. Youth Committee members will be available in the porch after each Mass. Wonder and Awe - An evening of prayer, music and adoration for young people, led by young people - this Friday, 2nd Dec 7pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral.
A huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported this year’s Christmas Fair last Sunday. Sincere thanks also to Veronica and David Maguire and the fabulous team who helped with serving the teas and coffees, to the providers of the home baking, to those who helped us set up and put away all of the tables and chairs and to everyone who helped us serve in the stall – we are extremely grateful to you all for your assistance. We are delighted to tell you that £470.00 was raised for “The Scarlett Fund” from the sale of teas, coffees and homebaking, with all proceeds going to the Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. Annamaria Strachan and Anne MacIntosh
To celebrate our 50th Golden Jubilee banners of photos from Photo Sunday and ones handed in will be displayed outside in the church grounds. If you have any concerns or would prefer for yourself or your children not to appear, please speak to Fr Mackle.
SPRED - Please come and support our parish SPRED group as we lead the liturgy at 12.00 Advent Mass on 11 Dec. We would love you to join us afterwards in the Lower Hall for tea, coffee and a chat.
Our very best wishes to Bearsden Cross congregation on their 10th Anniversary. All welcome to attend their Anniversary Service at 7pm this Tuesday 29th November.
Remember in your prayers Karen, Peter, Mark and John, who are journeying through RCIA. This Sunday at 10am Mass there will be the Rite of Acceptance, which involves special prayers for them as part of the RCIA process.
St Andrew’s Whist Drive Christmas Party will be held on Monday 28th November in the Lower Hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night.
The Christmas Reachout and 2017 Golden Jubilee Calendar will be delivered by parish Messengers to 1200 homes over the coming weeks. If you have still to add your address to the Reachout / messenger system, please let us know. If there is someone you know, who is not in the messenger system, who might like to receive a Jubilee Calendar and Reachout, pick up copies for them from the porch. Extraordinary Ministers – please collect from the porch the Christmas Reachout & Card, and the 2017 Calendar for the parishioners in nursing homes. Many thanks.
Kelvin Choir Christmas Concert – 11th Dec at 3.30pm in St Andrew’s Church. Tickets £5/£3 (children). See poster for details or visit www.kelvinchoir.com
Westerton Male Voice Choir - Spirit of Christmas Concert. St. Andrew's Church - Thurs, 15th Dec, 7.30 - 9 pm followed by a "festive afterglow" in hall 9 - 9.30pm. Evocative Christmas music across the range of classical, sacred and traditional carols. Tickets £10 (children under 16 free). Call Owen McHugh on 07954952885.
Advent Appeal - Drumchapel Foodbank. The number of families now dependent on the foodbank, and the number of emergencies, are rising fast, especially with advent of winter. If everyone coming to Mass could donate at least one item of food, this would be of great help. Collection boxes are taken from porch every Monday morning. Thank you for your help.
Parish Pastoral Council - the next meeting is on Thurs 8th Dec at 7pm in parish house. If you have an item you’d like to be placed on the agenda, please let Veronica McLaughlin know by this Thurs 1st Dec Email: [email protected]
Smart Junior Chef. Hands-on cookery course. January to April 2017. For girls aged 14 to 17. 10 sessions. Saturdays 10am -12noon at Hazelwood House, 52 First Gardens, G41 5NB. Parents and grandparents welcome. Discover the chef in you. Pick up a flyer from the porch. For more information, call 427 7036.
Christmas Soup Run will be on Friday 16th Dec taking hot drinks and mince pies on our visit to the gentlemen at the Bellgrove Hotel. We also hope to take Christmas parcels of toiletries, underwear, socks, books and sweets. Your donations will be gratefully received. If parcels could be wrapped and labelled with contents that would be very helpful. Please place in box in the porch. The folk group will provide a Carol service which is always appreciated. Any excess food or gifts will be taken to the Wayside Club. Many thanks for your wonderful support throughout the year. Winter clothing appeal – terrific amount of bags donated. All delivered to Refuweegee, a project set up recently to help refugees arriving in Glasgow.
Children’s Choir - December 11th, December 18th & December 25th. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 /[email protected]
Support in time of bereavement - for anyone seeking assistance, who is suffering a bereavement (not necessarily recently) and feels they could benefit from talking to someone about it, St Andrew’s Support in Bereavement Group is holding a Drop In Meeting in the Hut (behind the Chapel House) on Thursday 1 December at 7.30 pm and will make you most welcome.
The annual St Andrew’s Family Christmas Party with entertainer - Saturday 3rd December 2-4 pm. Family tickets £6. Wrapped gifts can be donated and will be given to a charity for boy or girl. Contact Christine 07885974038 or Romina 07469195329 . Alternatively, pop into the St Andrew’s Toddlers and Lunch club between 10.30-1.30 on a Thursday . Toddlers and Lunch Club – runs Thursdays term time in the Lower Hall. Toddlers 10.30-12, and lunch club 12-2pm. Contact Romina [email protected]
Upcoming Meetings:
1st Dec at 7pm – Parish Cluster; 1st Dec at 7pm – Bereavement Support Drop In; 1st Dec at 7pm – Caritas.
Baptism Course – parents and godparents of children to be baptised soon are asked to attend the next preparation course on Thursday 1st Dec at 7pm in the upper hall.
The 29 Club Winter 2016 Draw—Our Christmas Draw took place at the Church Hall 24th November with the following winners
£1000—No 72 Paul Mazoyer
£100 - No 63 Elizabeth & Tom Burnett
£100 - No 150 Anne McInulty
£100 - No 51 Sylvia & Sergio Guidi
£100 - No 32 Burke Family
£100 - No 30 Margaret &Don Carvill
£100 - No 81 Elaine & Iain Pringle
My thanks to our Hut Group for making the draw and to all you 29 Club members. Thank You for your great Support!! … finally to the winners...Enjoy!!
All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and various charitable causes. Vacancies are available now for the current season with membership at £6 per month or £65 per annum.
Come and Join Us!! (spaces Available now!!)
Contact Brian Donnelly on 942 6085 or Father Mackle on 942 4635
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Finn, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Davie Peacock, Kay Reilly, Anne Rodgers, Diarmid O’Hara, Barbara Holland, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, James Keegan, Martin Reynolds.
Recently Dead— Adio Moretti, Gerard Coyle, Mamie Brady, Anne Flynn, Gerald Fleming, Kevin Moore, Fiona Hoey, Rosemary Queen, Mary Rose Walker, Michael Devlin.
Anniversaries—Jack Mulhern, Annabel Hartnett.