No one comes to the Father except through me.
If you know me, then you will also know my Father.
From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
The Halls Committee would like to inform all Parishioners that, in an effort to further improve security in the upper hall and parish office, a secure door entry system and camera will be installed in these areas by the end of May 2024. Any Parishioner or group that currently has an access key to these areas should complete the online form at or via the QR code below before the end of April. This will give them access to these areas and will replace existing keys as these will not provide access once the system goes live.
Wednesday 1 May is the feast of St Joseph the Worker and International Workers’ Day. Why not offer a decade of the Rosary for all workers, past and present, and in particular any Josephs that you know.
URGENT ACTION NEEDED – Pro-abortion MP Stella Creasy has tabled a new abortion up to birth amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill. Please click this easy-to-use tool link below to contact your MP now. Simply enter your details, and a pre-prepared text will be sent to your MP asking them to oppose the extreme abortion up to birth amendment. It only takes 30 seconds
Lunch Club The next lunch club meeting is this Thursday 2nd May, from 12.30 to 2.30p.m. in the Upper Hall. As always everyone is very welcome. Come along, bring a friend, neighbour, family member and enjoy lunch “in a warm, friendly environment".
Kelvin Choir - Spring Concert in St John’s Renfield Church, Kelvinside, G12 0NY (opposite the Nuffield Hospital) on Saturday 4th May at 7.30pm. Programme comprises Haydn’s ‘Theresienmesse’ and Handel’s ‘Utrecht’ Te Deum, accompanied by the Glasgow Chamber Orchestra. Tickets are available at £12 from Chris Sanders (0141 942 7519), Kelvin Choir Members or at the door.
Huge amount of thanks to the AoG Youth Team, our Youth Group and to St Nicholas' teachers for giving the P7s a great Ignite retreat day last Friday which helped them reflect on being sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We look forward to P6s joining us for first Friday Mass to celebrate the feast of Saints Philip and James.
First Holy Communion will be on Sunday 19th May at 12 Noon.
St Nicholas’ has organised a rehearsal for First Holy Communion on Thursday 16th May at 11a.m. in St Andrew’s, which is for all pupils from all schools.
Save the date: For all the First Communicants and their families, there will be a Mass of Thanksgiving at 10a.m. on Sunday 9th June followed by a big First Holy Communion party.
The Youth Ministries Team is hosting a P1 Welcome event for families of children starting at St Nicholas in August. This will be held on Sunday 23rd June from 1pm until 3pm. All family members are welcome.
There will be refreshments, lots of activities and entertainment for the little ones, pre-loved uniforms available to take and P6 buddies to introduce themselves. Any P6 children who will be available to assist on the day please email [email protected]
It is pleasant to spend time adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is such a priceless treasure - by praying before it, we are able to make contact with Christ present in the Most Holy Sacrament. Saturdays 10a.m. until 11a.m.Confessions throughout.
Confessions also on Saturdays 4.15p.m – 4.45p.m & Sundays 9.15a.m – 9.40a.m
Save the date - Saturday 22nd June - Family Quiz Night.
Consequently, if the organisation and structure of economic life be such that the human dignity of workers is compromised, or their sense of responsibility is weakened, or their freedom of action is removed, then we judge such an economic order to be unjust. Pope Saint John XXIII, Mater et Magistra, para 83
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - The Catechism clearly and forcefully criticises a distorted anthropocentrism: “Each creature possesses its own particular goodness and perfection… Each of the various creatures, willed in its own being, reflects in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom and goodness. Man must therefore respect the particular goodness of every creature, to avoid any disordered use of things”. (#69)
The Safety of Rwanda Bill is cruel and immoral and we firmly oppose its approach. Its passing into law marks a terrible day for the upholding of international law, respect for human rights, and the progression of UK politics. Refugees and all who come to our shores are made in the image and likeness of God and should be treated with the dignity they deserve, not cruelty and inhumanity.
Full statement is here on this link.
The Church is open until 5p.m. Monday to Saturday. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness and silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass Monday to Thursday. All most welcome.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
For women affected by separation and divorce – confidential and peer support this Friday 3 May at St Patrick's, Dumbarton 6-8p.m. [email protected]
You can raise FREE donations for the parish every time you shop online. Take a moment to sign up at
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 5 p.m. on the Tuesday before publication and should not exceed 80 words. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboard in the Church porch.
Recently Dead: Fr Des Broderick, Fr John Chalmers, Mary Gillespie, Margaret Graham, Kitty Lally, Jim McAllister, May Ryan, Roberto Sarti and Maria Straiton.
Anniversaries: Owen Fallen, Stephen Hartley, John McKinnon and Andrew Thompson.