"If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me."
- The new Mass text will be introduced at all Masses on the week-end of Saturday 3rd/Sunday 4th September. Full implementation of the new translation will be in place by Advent.
- The order of Mass remains the same.
- There is a new translation of some prayers and responses.
- Mass Cards will be provided to guide the congregation
- The readings and the Gospel will remain the same for the next few years.
- The current lectionary and Book of Gospels will continue to be used.
- It is suggested that you use your current missal and do not purchase a new one until advised
The Way Ahead Group—(A Stroke Club for the Local Community). Club recommences on Thursday 1st September at Killermont Church Hall from 1 15pm until 3 45pm, If anyone is interested in helping/driving one Thursday afternoon each month, please contact Anne Wightman 942 4052 or Mary Munro 942 7961.
Soup Run--The next soup run will be on Friday 2nd September. Donations taken at the lower hall from 7pm. Soup, sandwiches, soft fruit, biscuits etc most welcome. (The soup was very much missed over the past 2 months!). Any queries please call Phyllis 0141 5790 1343. Many thanks as always.
All Saints Scottish Episcopal Church--The All Saints King James Bible Marathon. See notice in the church porch.
Vocations to the Priesthood--The year of Discernment begins in mid September. If interested please contact Mgr. John Gilmartin at [email protected] or directly at the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes 882 1024.
Catholic Nurses Guild of Scotland--Meeting Monday 26th September at 7pm. Topic—The Way forward. Venue—The Ogilvie Centre, 25 Rose Street, Glasgow. Contact Nita Harkin 0475 725252 email [email protected] or Isa Wilson –131 665 3639. All nurses and health workers welcome.
National Pilgrimage to Carfin--Is next Sunday.
Parish Pilgrimage to Rome--Please note the change of date for the Mass and meeting—6 30pm on Wednesday, 31st August at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and later at the Upper Hall. The group will visit Italy from the 6th—16th September.
Parish Council Meeting--At 8pm on Thursday 1st September at the Upper Hall.
Assisted Parishes--Specialsecond collections 10/11th September.
Forty Hours Devotions--St Catherine Laboure Balornock, the weekend of 28th August.