Sundays between 10am and 12noon
Wednesdays from 12noon until 3pm
Please remember and bring your face covering with you, and follow the directions of the stewards on sanitising your hands and being guided to designated seating.
Those who visit the church for private prayer are asked not to stay for long, please. This will ensure that as many people as possible can use the limited time and space, and because shorter visits reduce virus risk. Perhaps a 15-minute visit might suffice.
Parishes have been asked to obtain a list of those who come to church in case the NHS needs contact details if someone who has attended church should become ill. Those who visit will be asked for their contact details by parish stewards.
We will provide further information shortly on how contact details will be collected when Sunday Masses resume.
Funeral Masses may now take place with a minimal attendance of the closest family and friends up to a maximum of 20 persons. Face coverings are to be worn by all present. Social distancing is to be observed. While there would be no congregational singing, it would be permitted to have a cantor and organist. Holy Communion would be under one kind carefully and maintaining social distancing. A full list of updated guidelines are on the Bishops Conference of Scotland website.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 28 June At times we find it hard to make room for God's unconditional love in our pastoral activity. We put so many conditions on mercy that we empty it of its concrete meaning and real significance. That is the worst way of watering down the Gospel.
Amoris Laetitia, para 311
School Uniform Collection -One worthwhile cause you can help is this year’s school uniform appeal. New and used uniforms are needed for children in the Clydebank and Dumbarton area, many of whom miss school because they do not have a uniform. If you can donate anything, please phone Judith on 07713478676 to arrange collection. Last year more than 300 families were helped and the need is greater now. Also, because of home schooling in the new term, jotters, paper, pens and pencils would be gratefully received. Please call the above number to arrange to drop off or for collection.
RCAG Youth continue to offer the young people of Glasgow a variety of online opportunities to grow in faith and in fellowship with others during this time. These include Morning Prayer LIVE!, Lectio Divina Online and weekly audiences with guest speakers, amidst other things. To find out more or to get in touch , please check out: www.facebook.com/RCAGYouth
The Archdiocesan web page below is updated regularly for the families of pupils who were preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation, but are now unable to due to the current situation. It is hoped that the materials and resources on this web page will support you in continuing your child's preparation at home. Keep checking it and the archdiocese's Twitter and Facebook pages for updates.
With our piety stall being closed we are offering individual cards for posting, or collection from the chapel house porch. We have a full range of cards for almost every occasion, all £1 or 40p each. P&P is £1 per order (up to 4 cards) or free if collected from the chapel house porch. Email Annamaria ([email protected]) to place an order. Payment is by bank transfer or cheque.
Virtual Mass:- the Cathedral streams Mass twice per day (1300 & 1715) on Weekdays and on Sundays with Vigil Mass Saturday at 1715, Sundays 1000, 1200, 1715). You can join in spiritually through the link on their website or by going directly to the link https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-andrews-cathedral
Monsignor and Fr. Mackle continues to celebrate Mass each day separately praying for the parish community and their intentions.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - if you would like Confession, that can be done in the Church grounds observing social distancing. Phone beforehand to arrange a time.
Drumchapel foodbank: If you can, as part of your daily exercise this week, drop off a food donation in the chapel house porch and our volunteers will get it to those in need. Also, If you know of anyone who lacks resources to buy food, please mention the foodbank at St Joseph's Milngavie (hall on left hand side), which opens from 2pm to 3.30pm on Fridays and 12.30-13.30pm on Sundays.
Our parish's soup run continues to deliver more than 700 GWR hot meals each week to families and individuals in need. This includes deliveries to Drumchapel and St Gregory's foodbanks, those in emergency accommodation across the city and a registered charity in Drumchapel supporting vulnerable families.
Flourish – The July edition will be available at www.flourishnewspaper.co.uk
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Chapel House or sent by email: [email protected] by12noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin will be available on Facebook, Twitter and on the parish website.
Parish YouTube Channel - The parish now has a YouTube Channel on this link.
We have regular Sunday Gospel reflections, hymns, night prayers and other videos. Look out for Deacon Tommy's gospel reflections for Corpus Christi Sunday.
Meditation Corner - Monsignor Ryan has been sharing weekly meditations on this web page.
Latest Page - Father Mackle's daily messages during the lockdown
Recently Dead – Brian Kennedy, Alice Feeney, Antonio Franchi, Emelio De Meo, Elise O’Hagan, Anne Proudfoot
Anniversaries – Anne Parker, Karen Nisbet, Annie Scott, Jack McRobbie, Margaret McKinnon,