so that what had been spoken through the prophets
might be fulfilled,
He shall be called a Nazarean".
New Year's Eve—Mass 11.30 pm. followed by Seasonal Refreshments.
New Year's Day Mass 10am.
Annual Crib Donations are vital for the solvency and running of St Margaret's as the UK's only Catholic adoption agency. St Margaret's take home Crib Boxes available in the porch to be returned, please, by Sunday, 2nd Feb. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated. St Margaret's aims to ensure that every child has the right to grow up in a safe, loving and secure family environment.
Invite someone you know back to Mass this Christmas Season. All of us know someone who has stopped going to Mass. Invite someone you know, who no longer attends, to think about coming along this Christmas Season.
Christmas Season Appeal - Drumchapel Foodbank. The number of families now dependent on the foodbank, and the number of emergencies, are rising fast. All donations always gratefully received. The collection boxes in St Andrew's church porch are delivered to the Foodbank every Monday. Church open Mon – Sat 'til 4.45pm & Sun 'til 1.30pm.
A huge thank you to those who generously give of their time serving in the piety stall, and to the parishioners who support the stall with their purchase. The fantastic amount of £1000 profit was raised during 2019, a profit increase of £100 on previous year, which is a great boost to parish funds.
We look forward to all families, who have had a celebration of Baptism within the past year, gathering together for the 10am Mass Sunday, 19th January, 2020. After Mass, there will be refreshments served in the parish hall to which everyone is invited.
St Andrew's & St Joseph's parishioners were in fine festive voice for carol singing last Friday in the Jubilee Garden delivering some Christmas cheer in the neighbourhood. Super turnout. Huge thanks to the members of the youth team for looking after all the preparations; to the folk group for the music; to the PFFA participants for being such a good help; to our young trumpeters; and to the school's PTA for providing the delicious festive treats. Great photos of a terrific festive evening on Facebook & Twitter.
The next soup run is this Friday January 3rd - please note revised start times for 2020. Volunteers will be at the Hall from 6pm and leave for the city centre at 6.30pm. Sandwiches, fruit and snacks all welcome as well as any donations of decent quality clothes, toiletries etc. Inexpensive gents underwear particularly appreciated.
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for P7 pupils of St Andrew's and St Joseph's Parishes in Andrew's Church 7pm 13th May 2020. Enrolment forms, available in the church porch, to be returned, please, by 9th February. There will be a preparation meeting for all parents on 20th February at 7pm in St Andrew's Hall.
Our parish's new copyright license number is – A - 631700
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 29 December (Nearest Sunday to World Day of Prayer for Peace (1 January)) Without justice and love, peace will always be a great illusion Archbishop Hélder Câmara
The Embroidery Group were delighted to present Father Mackle with a fully restored and repaired chasuble and stole for Christmas. The original vestments had belonged to the parish and the embroidery on the central panels were in need of repair. Using gold work techniques and satin stitch, the group worked together to make good the original panels on the front and back, and hand-stitched them onto the newly created chasuble and stole. Look out for Father Mackle wearing them over the festive Masses. The Embroidery Group would like to thank the parishioners for supporting their work throughout the year. They raised the very generous sum of £100 at the recent craft stall at the Church Christmas Fayre. They will be working on the new lectern fall and altar cloth for the Blessed Sacrament chapel in the New Year.
Could God be calling you to serve as a priest? Vocations Discernment Evenings: Catechesis – Adoration - Fellowship: 31st Jan, 28th Feb, 27th March, 24th April and 29th May. For further info contact Fr. Ross Campbell, [email protected] or 339 4315
How can we develop our thinking as Catholics? Find out on the website run by the US-based Word on Fire Institute, founded by Bishop Robert Barron. On wordonfire.institute you can access videos on his YouTube channel, which address issues ranging from moral teaching and theology to myths about the Catholic Church.
Every year, the Church in Scotland collects important information about all those working with children and vulnerable adults on Church premises across the country. Parishes, dioceses, religious congregations and Catholic organisations are asked to complete a detailed audit, answering questions about how they are complying with the safeguarding standards set out in the Church's policy document, "In God's Image", which was introduced in April 2018. Details of this are in the 'Taking a close look at Safeguarding in our Church' leaflet, which is available in the porch, and they can also be found on the Bishops' website www.bcos.org.uk/Safeguarding
Please keep in your prayers Yvonne McCafferty and Jen Wright, who are journeying though RCIA preparing to become Catholic at Easter.
Primary Three Parents- First Confession Parents Meeting - 16th January 2020 at 7pm in St Nicholas' Primary.
Primary Four Parents- First Holy Communion Parents Meeting 30th January 2020 at 7pm in St Nicholas' Primary.
Primary Seven Parents- Confirmation Parents Meeting 20th February 2020 at 7pm in St Andrew's Hall.
Save the date – We look forward to the NET Team returning to St Andrew's on 2nd Feb 2020 to lead a youth retreat day.
The Legion of Mary – as well as visiting families who have had a celebration of baptism within the past year, the Legion of Mary is continuing to attend to the Mission Week's follow up work of revisiting all those who requested a call back.
Invitation to all involved in youth ministry in the parish. Cheese & Wine Evening - Tues, 14th Jan, 7 – 9pm. A great opportunity to get to know other leaders, share ideas, pray together and, of course, enjoy the cheese and wine! Archdiocesan Youth Team look forward to meeting you. 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow, G1 4JY. Email [email protected]to register.
Please do take part in the East Dunbartonshire Council's school admission consultation. Visithttps://www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/council/consultations/school-admission-and-transfer-arrangements-primary-secondary-school to complete the online form by the 10th January
2020 edition of the Western Catholic Calendar now on sale in the Piety Stall, priced £3.20.
The church is open Monday to Saturdays until 4.45pm, and 2pm on Sundays. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God. Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass. All most welcome.
Special Collections for Advent and Christmas –29th Dec– Pro-Life White Flower Appeal; 5th Jan – Justice & Peace; 2nd Feb – Assisted Parishes.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in prayer.
Recently Dead--Mary Silcock, Anne Gilbey, Drew Bronjes, Fernand Deroo, George De Ste Croix, Barbara Crawford, Fr. Peter Burns, Teresa Conaghan, Sarah McCole, Eddie McSheffrey
Anniversaries--Patrick Murray, Ada Cecilia McAllister, Tilda Clarke, Margaret Murphy, Kathy Connor, Agnes Reilly, Tom McCrorie, Rae Russell, Patricia McNeill, Gerald Corish, Teresa Tarbet, Isabella Gallacher