Masses for New Year
New Year's Eve - 11.30pm followed by Seasonal Refreshments.
New Year's Day - 10am
Annual Crib Donations are vital for the solvency and running of St Margaret’s as the UK’s only Catholic adoption agency. St Margaret’s take home Crib Boxes available in the porch to be returned, please, by 2ndFeb. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.
St Margaret’s Adoption Society: We are currently looking to recruit prospective adopters. If you have ever thought about adoption as a way to grow your family and would like to know more, please contact our office for a chat with one of our friendly and experienced staff on 0141 332 8371 or email [email protected].
Saturday Vigil Mass- Beginning next Saturday, January 5th 2019, the Saturday Vigil Mass will begin one hour earlier. For a trial period, Mass will begin at 5pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation will be 4.15pm – 4.45pm. These new times will be reviewed after six months.
Invite someone you know back to Mass this Christmas Season. All of us know someone who has stopped going to Mass. Invite someone you know, who no longer attends, to think about coming along this Christmas Season.
We look forward to all families, who have had a celebration of Baptism within the past year, gathering together for the 10am Mass Sunday, 13th January. After Mass, there will be refreshments served in the parish hall to which everyone is invited.
Next soup runis this Friday 4th January - Lower Hall open from 6.30pm. All help welcome.St. Andrew’s soup run.
Bearsden Academy– Sincere thanks to pupils and staff of Bearsden Academy for the terrific amount of bags and boxes of food items donated for the Drumchapel Foodbank, and sincere thanks too to the volunteer drivers from St Andrew’s for their time and help last Friday. The staff of Drumchapel Foodbank have asked that their sincere thanks be passed on to the parishioners of St Andrew’s for their generous support throughout the year.
Between now and Easter, please keep in your prayers Pamela Edmiston, Gabija Lazaraviciute, Christopher Earl, Joakim Landstroem, Stephen Miller and David Quinn who are going though the RCIA process preparing to become Catholic at Easter.
The 2019 edition of The Western Catholic Calendaris now on sale in the piety stall, priced £3.20.
Padre Pio Payer Group Meetingresumes on Monday 14thJanuary 2019 at 7pm after the Christmas and New Year holiday.
NET Ministry - We are look forwarding to welcoming back NET Ministry on Sunday 27th January. NET are ten young Americans who are doing great youth ministry work in schools and parishes.The team will lead a Faith/Fun Day for the young people of St Andrew's and St Joseph's beginning with 10am Mass in St Andrew's through to 2pm. All most welcome.
Upcoming 2nd collection– 6th Jan – Justice & Peace.
Primary Three Parents- First Confession Parents’ Meeting - 17th January 2019 at 7pm in St Nicholas’ Primary.
Primary Four Parents- First Holy Communion Parents’ Meeting 31st January 2019 at 7pm in St Nicholas’ Primary.
New hymns and music -as we are always looking to broaden our repertoire, please join in as far as possible when we're learning new hymns and music settings.
FIND for young people S5 – 25. Discussion, prayer and pizza. Every Thurs 4pm – 6.30pm in 196 Clyde St.
FORMED for P7 – S4. Chance to meet new friends. Prayer and Pizza. 4.30pm – 7pm in 196 Clyde St. Every 1stFriday. Pick up an info card from the porch. Visit www.rcagyouth.co.uk
Get a new bike for Christmas?Got an old one you no longer need? We can
collect, if necessary, and pass it on to someone who needs to get around as
cheaply as possible. Email [email protected]
The Monday Club for Senior Citizens – enjoy friendship, entertainment and afternoon tea. Baptist Church Roman Rd – 2nd& 4thMonday of the month 2pm. Transport available if required. Tel Roan Armstrong 956 4318. A Bearsden Churches Together Project.
Unity Supper.Wednesday 6th February 7 for 7.15pm Tickets £12 from
Margaret Sanders. Buffet Supper included with Presentation on the Book of Job by pupils from Bearsden Academy.
Emmaus Glasgow provides living and workspace for up to 24 previously homeless companions and is located in Hamiltonhill. of furniture welcome. Call 0141 353 3903.Mon—Sat to collect for free.
Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways- Could God be calling you to serve as a priest? Please get in touch to find out more about discerning your vocation. Monthly evenings of discernment take place at Turnbull Hall. For information and details, please call Fr Ross Campbell on 339 4315. Email: [email protected]
2018/19 Levy One substantial expense, which our parish annually incurs, is the Diocesan Levy. This is a contribution that every parish must make towards the administration of the archdiocese. The current Diocesan Levy for St Andrew’s Parish is £56,500. To date, the remaining balance to be paid by 31st March 2019 is £39,800.
Cue and Review Print Speaking to the Blind– a free talking newspaper service for the visually impaired is looking for volunteers in East Dunbartonshire to show the public how to listen to daily and weekly online articles from the Herald, Evening Times, The National and Inside Soap magazine. Contact Michael 772 3976 / [email protected]. For information, visit cueandreview.comMany thanks.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament– each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
The P4-P7 Children’s Liturgyare looking for some young helpers.If you are doing the Duke of Edinburgh Awards or the Caritas Award you will receive credit towards your award or if you would like to just volunteer your help would be greatly appreciated. Volunteers should be in at least 3rdat High School. if you would like to assist with the P4-P7’s Liturgy at the 10 O’clock Mass on a Sunday please speak to Father Mackle or contact Sharon Warner at [email protected]
Bearsden Bank Changes - Standing OrderIf you are still thinking over changing your personal plate offering to standing order, we have standing order forms suitable for Gift Aid and Non Gift Aid donors in the porch area. Thanks again.Brian Donnelly St A - F & F Coordinator Email [email protected]
Church Cleaning Team –We still need a few more volunteers please to complete a 4 week rota. Would you be free for an hour and a half on a weekday afternoon once a month to help with church cleaning? If so, speak to Father Mackle.
Thank you.
Recently Dead— Mary Ann MacDonald, Margaret Wingate, Gavin Campbell, Molly McKenzie, Margaret Cocoran, Miranda King, Rev.
Michael Ward, Rena McElroy
Anniversaries—Isabella Gallacher, Paul Sheridan, Margaret Dolan, Hugh Burnett, Patrick Murray, Ada Cecelia McAllister Murray, Tilda Clare, Roger Morgan, Bernard Connolly, Patrick & Mary Mulhern.