the living God."
Interested in becoming a Catholic? RCIA, the programme of catechesis and instruction, which prepares adults for the Sacraments, will begin after summer. Please speak to Fr. Mackle, if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
St Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place this Monday 30th June in the Lower Hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Somebody will always be there to help if you have never played or if you're a bit rusty. It is, essentially a social occasion. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night.
The Soup Run will be on this Friday 4th of July. Donations of soup, soft fruits, sandwiches, biscuits etc. will be accepted in the lower hall from 7pm. Your continuing support is very much appreciated.
Would you like to attend and represent St Andrew’s at a unique Commonwealth Games event to explore and celebrate the interweaving of sport, disability and faith - Thursday 17 July 9.30am to 5pm at Blessed John Duns Scotus, 270 Ballater Street, G5 0YT? Tickets £40 – sponsored by the parish. To book, speak to Fr Mackle and contact [email protected]. The conference will include leading voices in the field of disability, faith and sport, and Special Olympic and Paralympic athletes will share their stories.
Human Trafficking - volunteers still needed- Can you spare even 4 hours during the Commonwealth Games to help raise awareness and end human trafficking? The ‘More than Gold’ ecumenical group and Stop The Traffik have teamed up to bring 4 UN GIFT boxes to Glasgow for the duration of the Commonwealth Games. The ‘Gift Box’ is an innovative project to raise awareness and inform people about this crime against humanity. Volunteers are still needed to staff the boxes - with training provided. There's a short training session this Wednesday evening, 2nd July. See porch noticeboard for more details or contact Marie Cooke on 07876787713 / [email protected]
Bus to Carfin for the National Pilgrimage. Sunday, September 7th. Bus will leave parish at 1pm and return approx. 7.30pm. £3. Mass at 3pm. Rosary procession at 5pm. Please sign sheet in porch or mention to Dorothy MacLean, if you would like to go.
Many thanks for the generous donation of £2000 from a parishioner for parish funds.
I + You = We Programme for the development of Marital Relations, 19- 20 July, Turnbull Hall. See poster for details or email [email protected].
Save Meriam Sudanese Christian mother and doctor, sentenced to flogging and death. Cards of simple greetings ( please do not make political comments) can to sent to Meriam Yahia Ibrahim , PO Box 65, Omdurman, Sudan (info sheet in porch).
Passkeepers – If anyone would like to volunteer as a passkeeper, please contact Fr Mackle 942 4635 or Michael Sheerin 943 0935. We are still short of helpers especially at Saturday 6pm Vigil Mass.
Greater Maryhill Foodbank. Many thanks for your continued support.
Piety Stall Rota – Volunteers still needed, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass we would really appreciate your help. Rota for June, July & August is on the noticeboard. Any questions please call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Fr Mackle will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood this Thursday. Mass will be at 11am, followed by a presentation and refreshments in the hall. All are very welcome. We are asking for donations of home baking (no nuts please) and if possible have them delivered to the hall on Wed. evening. Thank you. D. MacLean – 587 7319.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7 pm. All very welcome.
Mass Attendance – 21 / 22 June. Vigil Mass - 116; 10am Mass - 276; 12 noon Mass – 141. Total – 533