praising Jesus our Messiah."
Sacrament of Reconciliation – Pope Francis has called for a greater use of the Sacrament of Penance to seek God's Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Peace. Please approach this Sacrament before Easter.
Holy Week Confession Times:
Palm Sunday – 9.15 – 9.40am
Monday 30th March – 9.15 – 9.40am & after 10am Mass
Tuesday 31st March – 9.15 – 9.40am & after 10am Mass
Wednesday 1st April - 9.15 – 9.40am & after 10am Mass
Holy Thursday – after 7.30pm Mass
Good Friday – after 10am Morning Prayer & after 3pm Service
Holy Saturday – after 10am Morning Prayer & 6.00-7.00pm
Easter Sunday – 9.15 – 9.40am
Holy Week Services - Available on this link
Easter Sunday Bells - Children please bring a little bell to ring at 10am at the Joyful Gloria Hymn to celebrate that Jesus has risen.
RCIA Please keep in your prayers Jennifer Aire and Alison McDonald as they will be fully received into the Church and become Catholics this Easter.
Stations of the Cross tomorrow, Monday 7.30pm here in St Andrew’s. Part of the Association of Bearsden Churches Holy Week Services. All are very welcome.
Night Prayer of the Church
The Faithful Community of Our Holy Redeemer invites you to Night Prayer of the Church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week at 9pm in Our Holy Redeemer's Church, Clydebank. Stay for cocoa afterwards. Visit
Passover Meal – This Wednesday 1st April at 7.30pm in the hall.
Many thanks to all artists who have contributed artwork for Holy Week & Easter, all of which will be displayed in St Andrew’s on Monday of Holy Week for the Association of Bearsden Churches Stations of the Cross Service. On Tuesday, all artwork to New Kilpatrick Church and be on display along with other artists’ work until Easter Sunday, after which the artwork from St Andrew’s will return to our church and be on display through to Pentecost.
Association of Bearsden Churches Ecumenical Services are taking place around Bearsden each evening during Holy Week. See noticeboard for full details.
Thanks to all who came along and supported March's Coffee Morning. The sum of £150 was raised for SCIAF and this will be matched by the UK Government, so your support is very much appreciated. Many thanks to all the wonderful helpers and bakers too. We received a lovely 'thank you' letter from PCT- The St Nicholas Care Fund for the £100 we sent them earlier this year and this letter is displayed on the notice board in the porch. Thanks again, Veronica and David Maguire.
St Andrews Parish Pastoral Council Consultation - How can we each deepen our relationship with Jesus, develop our parish community and reach out to the wider world, are all questions being considered by your Parish Pastoral Council (PPC).
The PPC would like to gather as many of your views as possible on these questions to help shape our parish priorities over the next three years.
How will this be done? After the Vigil Mass on 18th April and both Masses on 19th April, we'd like as many parishioners as possible, to come into the hall and share your views in a similar way to the parish consultation exercise last year. If you're not able to come into the hall after Mass, there will still be an opportunity to feed in your thoughts via email and a hard copy feedback sheet which will be available the following weekend.
Last Sunday's fund raising concert by Scottish classical singer Martin Aelred, organised by the parish justice and peace group, was a great success drawing in crowds from neighbouring churches and parishes. As well as raising awareness of the plight of children living on the streets in Columbia, the parish was able to raise on the night £2,884.60 for registered charity "Let the children live". You can see some photos of the evening here on the parish website photo gallery. Many thanks to the Justice & Peace Group and to all who helped on the evening and gave this worthwhile fundraiser their support.
Lady’s watch found in church 3 weeks ago. Would the owner please call at sacristy to collect.
Padre Pio Prayer Group - Easter Arrangements. Monday 30th March - Cancelled: Monday 6th April – Cancelled. Meetings re-start Monday 13th April at 7:00pm Monday 20th April Novena at 7:00pm followed by Holy Mass at 7:30pm Very Many Thanks to the Padre Pio Prayer Group for their generous donation of £150 for parish funds.
Catholic Youth Festival - St Andrew’s parishioners, please get your thinking caps on for fund-raising ideas, as we would like to give as many of our young people as possible the opportunity to attend. 30 July to 2 August at University of Stirling Campus. The event is open to those 14 -25 years of age. To date, thanks to generous donations, we now have funds to sponsor three youths to attend.
St Andrews Squad (SAS) For all Primary 4 children in the parish celebrating First Holy Communion this May. Please come along to the Upper Hall from 9am till 9.45am, today Sunday 29th March. If you require any further information, please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993. Thank you.
SCIAF Wee Boxes to be returned please by Easter Sunday at the latest. Kevin Farmer, a St Andrew's parishioner, will be running the London Marathon on April 26 for SCIAF’s 50th anniversary. You can sponsor Kevin and support SCIAF by going to or sign the form in the porch.
Gift Aid - New envelopes begin on Easter Sunday - Please collect your new box of envelopes from the Gift Aid table in the porch. Anyone wishing to join the Gift Aid scheme, please speak to Brian Donnelly on 0141 942 6085. Thank you.
St Andrew’s Parish Groups - Accounts - Annual Return 2014/2015 It’s that time of year again when the Archdiocese require an account covering all Parish activities for the year 01 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. In compiling the Parish return I require the following information from each Group Leader/Treasurer, viz:-
1. Name of Group/Activity; office holder name and contact telephone number.
2. A copy of your Group accounts for the period 01 April 2014 to 31 March 2014 inclusive. ( Income/Expenditure accounts will suffice)
Sight of the group bank book/statements for the same period together with any comment you deem relevant to the group finances.
Please send to Chapel House for the attention of the Finance Team by 19th April. Many thanks and God Bless.
St Andrew’s Fabric & Finance Team
Mass attendance – 21 / 22 Mar – 645
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston) Alison Burns, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Mick Henry, Sheena Smith, Mary Cowan, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Archbishop Tartaglia, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Margaret Mirrilees, Gilbert O’Rourke, Margaret Cairney, Denis Campbell, Margaret Kearney.
Recently Dead—Scott Ward, Peter Waters, Nora Sharpe, Edward Noble, Ronald O’Connor, Kathryn O’Hagan, Tom Donnelly, Maureen Harrison, Michael McBride, Jim Clarkson, Robert McCorkindale, Brian Horsefield.
Anniversaries—Beatrice Begen, Christopher & Christine Boyle, Kate Arbuckle, Bill McIlroy, Catherine Ballingall, Jack&Sarah Cornish, Ann Carnan, Jane Pugh, Elaine Frances McKenzie.