I am with you always, until the end of the world."
The church is open on Fridays until 5pm, and on Saturdays until the 5pm vigil. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God. Teas / coffees are served in the Hut after daily Mass. All most welcome.
This Sunday is World Communications Day. Pope Francis has chosen ‘Listen’ as its theme. “In the search for truth, Catholic communicators must learn how to listen above all else …….The pandemic has struck and wounded everyone, and everyone needs to be heard and comforted. Listening is also fundamental for good information.……The search for truth begins with listening……in order to grow professionally communicators too need to listen a great deal as every dialogue, every relationship begins with listening” Find the full text of the Pope’s letter at Vatican.va. A collection will be taken up for the apostolate of communications.
First Holy Communion Party ~ All the boys and girls and their families are invited to come together for a Thanksgiving Mass at 10am next Sunday 5th June followed by a big celebratory First Holy Communion Party in the upper hall.
Here are our first communicants 2022
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated next weekend 4th & 5th June at 2pm. Keep our young parishioners in your prayers.
A huge amount of thanks to Gordon Reid, who, after almost 15 years is retiring from being our halls' Letting Secretary. This is richly deserved, as it is a voluntary role within the parish which Gordon has fulfilled faithfully week in week out by looking after the halls' diary taking numerous bookings for various occasions over the years, as well as attending to the regular lets. Nicola Quinn has very kindly agreed to take over the role of Letting Secretary, and I am very grateful to Nicola for her willingness to serve in this important area of our parish's life and mission. As email details for hall bookings are likely to change, we’ll keep you posted, but the bookings number 07528425698 will remain the same.
New P1 Welcome afternoon – Sunday 12 June 2- 3.30pm in the hall. Teas / coffees , juice & cakes will be served. An opportunity for new P1 families to get together before starting school, and an introduction to St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s links with St Nicholas’, along with, of course, some fun and games.
P7 leavers’ Party – Friday 17th June in St Andrew’s, plus Leavers’ Mass – 21st June in St Nicholas’ – more details soon.
Thanks to all who took part in the Big Plastic Count. Let’s hope that all the data being submitted will persuade the Government that too much single use plastic is being produced and that they will set ambitious targets to reduce and replace it with reusable alternatives.
Laudato Si -- On Care for Our Common Home Besides, we know that approximately a third of all food produced is discarded, and “whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor”.[#29]
Next Carfin Bus ~ Monday 13th June from Milngavie Railway station 6pm. Price £8.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays 10am – 11am. Confessions throughout
Confessions – Also on Saturdays 4.15pm – 4.45pm & Sundays 9.15am – 9.40am
Next Special Collections – Pro-Life 5th June; Peter’s Pence 26th June.
The Pope's Twitter (@Pontifex
The Pope's Instagram (@Franciscus)
The Pope’s monthly video
Great resources of contemporary commentary by the Holy Father on current issues.
£1000 : No. 32 : Alan & Jacqueline Burke
£1000 : No. 145 : Brenda & Stephen Murray
£100 : No. 91 : Anne O’Hagan
£100 : No. 64 : Kathleen & Tommy Thompson
£100 : No. 15 : Alison & Chris Low
£100 : No. 130 : Paul Donnelly
£100 : No. 125 : Lorraine McMillan
£100 : No. 16 : Margaret McCauley
£100 : No. 146 : Gerry & Margaret Boyle
£100 : No. 100 : Frances Donnelly
All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development
Fund and various charitable causes. Vacancies are available for the new season
starting in the Autumn. Membership remains at £6 monthly or £65 annual.
Come and Join Us !! - (spaces available now!!)
Contact Brian Donnelly on 07484 707750 or Fr Joe Mackle on 942-4635.
Parish Website – On the latest page and bulletin pages, click on subscribe for a daily summary of the previous day's posts.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent in by 12 Noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, the parish website and on our exterior noticeboard.
Some items of information from the archbishop:
Good News ~ we look forward to a summer full of ordinations.
With three Ordinations to the Priesthood:
- Edward Toner in St Paul’s, Shettleston, on 8th July
- Frank McKendry in Holy Cross, Croy, on 22nd July
- Douglas Green in the Cathedral on 15th September.
- Paul Brady in St Robert’s, Househillwood
- Tony Murphy in Cumbernauld. (dates to be confirmed)
St Andrew’s Drive ~ It is hoped that the sale of the former episcopal residence will be completed within the next few weeks.
Parish Rationalisation ~ Fr Andrew McKenzie has been asked to lead a team that will look again at previous discussions about parish rationalisation with a view to a wider archdiocesan discussion. It is important that our focus is on evangelisation and that any restructuring keeps that in mind.
Calling all youth and young adults in St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s: Join with others your age across the Archdiocese of Glasgow on an experience of a lifetime, the World Youth Day trip to Lisbon in 2023. There is a minimum age 16 from February 1, up to the age of 35 at the time of the trip. Details of costs and dates will be advised soon. Please let our youth ministry team know by emailing [email protected] and the AoG youth team by going online to https://tinyurl.com/wyd2023. Both parishes will happily assist with fundraising/sponsorship.
Mass to Commemorate 100 years of Legion of Mary. Today Sunday 29th May 3p.m. at Carfin Grotto. All most welcome. Bus will leave at 2.00 p.m. from Milngavie Train Station. Rosary, Procession and Benediction 5 p.m.
PlayDays Learning ~ Saturday Mornings in St Andrew’s Hall, Bearsden for aged 1 to 5. For full details email [email protected] [email protected]
Synod ~ 2023. Our parish’s Feedback Report, which is part of our Deanery’s Report, along with the reports of other Deaneries has been submitted to the Diocesan Synod Team. They are compiling a Synodal Report of the Archdiocese. This will be formally presented to Archbishop Nolan during Solemn Evening Prayer at 7pm in the Cathedral on Sunday 19th June. All most welcome.
Recently Dead: Pietro Castellanotti, Oonagh Coleman, Fr Andrew Coleman, Hugh Collins, Liz Gracie, David Kirshal, Mary MacIsaac, Beryl Martin, Eleanor McMahon, Graham Mochan, Patricia Sheridan, Christiane Sohier.
Anniversary: Isabelle Cox, Kenny Donnelly, Terry Grogan, Owen Patrick Fallen, Anne Laurie, Sandy Munro, Kevin Taylor.