so that by his poverty you might become rich."
The Pope Francis Faith Award - Information evening for parents and P6 participants this Thurs 3rd Oct 7pm in St Nicholas’.
PFFA participants, think about choosing a Faith Action to get involved with in the parish. Maybe you are already involved. That’s good. If not, there’s altar serving, handing out bulletins, holding the SVDP box, helping with passkeeping or children’s liturgy or the sacristy to think about. You might want to join the children’s choir or assist at some youth events or read at Mass. Just let us know. Enrolment forms for Parish Faith Action will be available at this Thursday’s meeting in St Nicholas’.
PFFA Parish enrolment Mass - 10am Sunday 3rd Nov.
Next Sunday at the 10am Mass,we look forward to welcoming all the Primary Three children and their families for the Mass of Enrolment for the Sacraments.
October Devotions –honour of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, there will be Rosary & Benediction on the Sundays of October. 4.30pm – 5.00pm. Praying especially during this Extraordinary Mission Month for the entire Church to bear witness to our faith with missionary vitality.
Evening Pilgrimage to Carfin – Sunday 13th Oct. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at Milngavie. Train Station. All are very welcome.
Baptised & Sent - Extraordinary Mission Month October 2019. Pope Francis has called on the entire Church in this extraordinary mission month to bear witness to our faith with missionary vitality. Missio Scotland is the pope’s charity for the missions. Missio packs available from the porch. Wee Missio Boxes to be returned, please, by 24th November.
Pilgrimage for Christ Mission Week - 2208 homes visited, 1500 miraculous medals distributed, and a conversation was had with around 1200 people about the faith.the course of the coming months, we will be following up the tremendous work begun by the PPC teambear many more seeds for Christ. Mother of Mercy Praesidium.
Sacraments in St Andrew’s in 2020
Reconciliation / First Confession – during the Season of Lent.
First Holy Communion - 10th & 17th May at 12noon.
Confirmation- Thursday 14th May at 7pm.
St. Andrew's Whist Drive - Monday 30th September, 7.30pm, in the Lower Hall. Everyone is welcome regardless of ability. Someone will be on hand to help if you are a beginner. It is, essentially, a social night. £3 includes admission, raffle ticket and tea/coffee. Come along for a great night. We'd love to welcome you! For more details contact Susan Morrison.
Date for your Dairy - 14th November The Justice and Peace Groups from St Andrew’s, Bearsden, and St. Joseph’s, Milngavie, have joined with members of New Kilpatrick, Bearsden, in organising an evening to hear the views on Trident of church representatives and local politicians. Father John Gannon and the Very. Alan D. McDonald will present the churches position. Local will also be represented.event will be held in St. Andrew’s hall from.30pm–pm with refreshments a chance to speak with speakers at break. Please come and hear all views.
Mary’s Meals are collecting this weekend any unwanted, rags etc for recycling. Good clothing which can be sold in their charity shops, should be labelled clearly, otherwise it will be recycled as rags. The van will leave at 1pm today Sunday. Raffle tickets are being sold after each Mass.
The Befriending Service: Bearsden & Milngavie aims to tackle loneliness and social isolation in the communities of East Dunbartonshire. Locally the service provides this by telephone, 1-2-1 and group support. It’s free and has a variety of social events during the year, and is always looking for more volunteers. If you need support or want to volunteer, contact: [email protected] 0141-345-0432 The Befriending Service will have an information stall in the hall at the next coffee morning on 20th October.
Soup run –Friday 4th October. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit etc can be brought to the lower hall 6.30 to 7pm. Many thanks. Soup Run Team
The church is open until 4.45pm. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after 10am daily Mass. All most welcome.
A Rachel's Vineyard retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held north of Glasgow on Tuesday 22nd – Thursday 24th October 2019.This confidential, supportive retreat is powerful for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. For more information, please call/text Sr Andrea on 07816 942824 or email Rachel via the enquiry form on the website www.rachelsvineyard.org.uk
FIND for young people S5 – 25.Discussion, prayer and pizza. Every Thurs 4pm – 6.30pm in 196 Clyde St (next to the Cathedral).
FORMED for P7 – S4.to meet new friends. Prayer and Pizza. 4.30pm – 7pm196 Clyde St. Every 1stFriday. Pick up an info card from the porch. Visit www.rcagyouth.co.uk
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is, perhaps, the best way to enter into prayer and draw closer to Jesus outside of Holy Mass. Adoration is sitting quietly before the real presence of Christ, who hears us and who sees us. Consider coming to spend even just a short period of time in adoration and prayer each Saturday 10.30am until 12.30pm.
Archbishop Tartaglia will celebrate Holy Mass for all newly married couples in the Cathedral next Sun 6th Oct 3pm.
Guild – Buchanan Lodge – volunteer/s needed please to help represent our parish at Buchanan Lodge on 2nd Wed of month 1pm-3pm from Oct- May. Please contact D. MacLean - 587 7319.
Volunteer needed, please, until the end of December to lock up the church on either Tuesdays or Fridays at 4.45pm. Please contact 942 4635 / [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation – Following the success of the Bishop Robert Barron Catholicism Series which ran through Lent and into Eastertide, Bishop Baron’s Pivotal Players series will be shown on various occasions during 2019 /2020.The first in the series of DVDs will be shown on Thurs 10th Oct Upper Hall 7pm. The subject of the episode being shown is Blessed John Henry Newman who is due to be canonised by Pope Francis on the 13th of Oct. Please join us for tea/coffee and Bishop Barron’s insight into this important figure in the Church.
'Calling S1 Young People- A social and catchup in St. Joseph's Hall on Saturday 9th November. 630pm to 830pm. Games, crafts,Pizza, Karaoki and much more. Tell your friends. Organised by Caritas students.
St Andrew's and St Joseph's continue to work various ways in an attempt to bring our parishes closer together. The clustering group meets 4/5a year and is always looking for new members. If you think that you might be interested in helping this growing endeavour, please let Fr Mackle know. Next meeting 29th Oct 7pm in St Andrew’s.
Children’s Choir – Nov 10 & 24, & Dec 15 & 25. All at 10am. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Forthcoming Special Collections –Missio – 20th Oct. Education Sunday 24th Nov.
Upcoming Meetings
3rd Oct – Pope Francis Faith Award – 7pm – St Nicholas’
4th Oct – Reachout – 10.30am – Hut
6th Oct – Soup Run – 1pm – House
6th Oct – Extraordinary Ministers – 1pm – Church
10th Oct – RCIA – 7pm – Hut
14th Oct – Bereavement Support – 7pm - House
Recently Dead-- Theresa McSorley, Annie McCormack, Michael Cain, Margaret Mullin, Paul Donnelly, Jack Coyle, Peggy McGhee, John McColl, Michael Galloway.
Anniversaries--Annie Galloway, Sadie O'Neill, Alexandra Stock.