Pilgrimage of the Icon of Jesus the Teacher – Holy Hours in our deanery in St Eunan’s, Clydebank, 15th Sept at 2pm, and 16th Sept at 3pm. All most welcome. For full details of the Icon’s pilgrimage, see porch noticeboard.
Gospel Reflection Session -Mon. 3rdSept. after 10am Mass in the Upper Hall.The session will reflect on the Gospel Reading for Sunday 9th Sept. If you can, please join us for tea/coffee and a reflective and enjoyable discussion.
Catholic? Not baptised? Baptised in another faith?RCIA programme of learning and instruction will begin 26th Sept at 7pm in the Hut. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
Mary’s Meals visiting our parish this weekend to collect any unwanted clothing, rags etc for recycling. You can also support Mary’s Meals vital charitable work by buying a raffle ticket The van will be here and leave at 1pm on Sunday.
Confirmation meeting for parents and sponsors will be held in St Joseph’s Church Hall, Milngavie, at 7pm on Thursday 27th September.
Primary Three Parents intending to present their child for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in St Andrew’s Parish, please complete an enrolment form available in the church porch and return it by 23rdSept.
Mass of Commitment for Primary Three families will be at 10am on Sunday 7th October.
Fr Barnabas. Grateful thanks are due to Fr Barnabas who helped with looking after the Masses during August. We are grateful to him for his services and for the generosity of his time, and I am sure we will all remember him in our prayers as he returns to minister in his diocese and seminary in Uganda.
Trip to Carfin - Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm . Still a few spare seats—it is advisable to bring a packed lunch.
Soup run - Friday 7th Sept. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit etc can be brought to the lower hall between 6.30 and 7pm. For food hygiene purposes, ideally it would be really helpful if sandwiches could be in packs of two or four. If you can give a few hours of your time to help with the soup run, it would be much appreciated.
Baptism Course for parents and godparents - Thursday, 13th September at 7pm in the upper Hall.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle or Mgr Ryan, who will gladly take your details. This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in P IV who made their First Holy Communion in May earlier this year. Training sessions will start in the near future.
Mary’s Meals Coffee Morning – Sunday, 16 Sept after am Mass in the upper hall and we will be raising money for Mary’s Meals, the Scottish-based charity which provides one good meal to some of the world’s poorest children, every school day. Please come along and join us for a cuppa and some delicious home baking. For more information about the charity please log onto https://www.marysmeals.org.uk/you. Also, many thanks to all who came along to last month’s coffee morning. The sum of £164 was raised for Mathew Parumoottil’s parishIndia and many thanks to the parishioner who made a very generous donation.
Mary’s Meals Open Day would like to invite all parishioners to the Open DaySunday, 9 September the Royal Concert Hall. Join the Mary’s Meals team for an afternoon of entertainment and inspirational stories to celebrate the ways Mary’s Meals brings hope and joy to so many lives. To secure your free place register by clicking onhttps://www.marysmeals.org.uk/who-we-are/news-and-blogs/celebrate-marys-meals-day-with-us
SPRED Sunday. 8th/ 9th September. Special Religious Development. SPRED works within the Church to nourish accepting and inclusive communities for people with learning disabilities. We are very blessed to have our own parish SPRED group, which meets every Wednesday evening in the upper hall. Please pick up a SPRED leaflet from the porch. The second collection will be taken up to support the good work of SPRED.
Meet smallholder farmers from Malawi at a Justice and Peace event: Immaculate Conception, Maryhill; Tuesday 11th September at 7 pm. Just Trading Scotland has been importing Kilombero rice from Karonga in northern Malawi for 10 years and supporting community development there. Howard and Webster are the Chair and Vice Chair of the smallholder farmers’ association in Karonga with 9000 members and will talk about their members’ precarious lives and how we can assist their journey out of poverty. All welcome to come and meet the farmers.
Coffee Morning/ Afternoon: Sunday 8th September In aid of homeless people in Glasgow and in particular Glasgow Night Shelter. 10am-2pm in St Joseph’s Hall Milngavie Adults £3, children aged over 5, 50p. Justice and Peace Group
The Beginning Expereince are holding a residential weekend for those who find themselves suffering bereavement through divorce, separation or widowhood.. 5th– 7th October at the Conforti Centre, Coatbridge. Contact Catherine [email protected].
Climate Change Scotland’s Climate has already changed! It is now generally warmer and wetter, producing more extreme events. A recent Scottish Government report states that Scotland is in line with global trends, with average annual temperatures now around 0.7°C higher than they were a century ago. Up until 2018, 2014 was the hottest year on record, while rainfall is 13% higher overall than during the early twentieth century. The report also cites clear evidence of erosion to our coastline. Additionally, if robust action is not taken, then more extreme weather events such as the experiences of last winter and summer are likely to become the norm. Some fish and bird species are already disappearing while new pests and diseases are introduced. Disruption to our home food supply which affected farmers this year is also likely to become the norm.
We can do something about this. Visit the Stop Climate Chaos website for further information. If you are concerned then please consider writing to your MSP. Milngavie – Gil Paterson: [email protected] Bearsden - Rona Mackay:[email protected] Justice and Peace Group
“Nay Nukes Anywhere” Faslane 22nd September This major event which will take place at Faslane will include campaigners from six countries, including Russia, the Netherlands, the USA, Iran and South Korea. It is supported by a wide range of organizations including the Scottish Catholic Justice and Peace Commission. These organizations share a common goal which is the removal of nuclear weapons from our soil and to persuade the UK Government to sign up to the United Nations Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Gather at Faslane Peace Camp at 12 noon and walk from the Peace Camp to the North Gate of the base for the rally, a distance of around a mile. The rally should end between 3 and 4 p.m. Justice and Peace Group
St Andrew’s Pre-School & Toddler Lunch Club. Join us every Thursday (term time from 6th September) at St Andrew’s Church lower hall, Roman Rd, Bearsden. 12:15pm – 2:30, £1 per family All Welcome.
Still not too late to sign up for Caritas 2019.If you are interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected] Five young parishioners signed up so far.
A date to put in your diary:Sat. 24 November—parish Music and Quiz Night in the upper hall. Tickets costing £5 will be on sale after all Masses in October.
Upcoming Meetings
4th Sept – Cluster 7pm
12th Sept – Halls Committee – 7.30pm – Hut
13th Sept – Baptism Preparation – 7pm – Upper Hall
25th Sept – Liturgy Group – 7pm – House
25th Sept– Justice & Peace – 7.30pm - Hut
26th Sept – RCIA – 7pm – Hut
27th Sept –Confirmation - Parents and Sponsors – St Joseph’s 7pm
1st Oct – Youth Ministry – 7pm – House
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—Rosemary Devlin, Ursula McGuiness, Don Mayhack, Grace Doherty
Anniversaries--Frank Ward, Eileen Brown