"May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts.
Let the message of Christ find a home with you."
Monday 31st December (New Year’s Eve)
Mass at 10.00am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament—7—9 pm
Tuesday 1st January (New Year’s Day)
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God—Mass at 10.00am—A day of prayer for peace.
Feast of the Holy Family—Sunday 30th December—second collection for Pro Life Fund.
Lepra—I am writing to thank you for your kind donation of £351 to LEPRA Sarah Nancollas Chief Executive.
Epiphany—Sunday 6th January—Special second collection for Justice and Peace.
Parish Pastoral Council—Meeting Thursday 10th January at 7.30pm.
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord—Sunday 13th January. All baptised in the parish during the past year are invited to a celebration today at 12 noon Mass, followed by a reception for refreshments in the Upper Hall. Please return the tear off slip for catering purposes.
Feast of St Kentigern - (Mungo) - Patron of the Archdiocese Sunday 30th January. Outwith the city, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is observed.
Christmastide—Concludes on the 13th January.
Forthcoming Ecumenical Events--
Life of Kentigan Saturday 12th January Mitchell Library Midday
The Mungo Festival Service Sunday 13th January Glasgow Cathedral 6.30pm
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th—25th January 2013
The Western Calendar—2013 edition on sale in the Piety Stall priced £3.
Glasgow Lourdes Hospitalite—Archdiocesan Pilgrimage 12th—19th July 2013. For sick pilgrims contact Mrs Agnes Findlay 5 Crofthead Drive Lennoxtoun G66 7HP Tel 01360 312676 Please note closing date for return of applications is 1st March 2013.