say to all: stay awake!"
An Advent Challenge – many people, less than a mile from us, are hungry. Can we help? Yes. If each person attending weekend Mass in St Andrew’s could bring just one food item each week in Advent, we could make a difference. Tins or packets of everyday food and household goods are in great demand, especially those food items which can be heated without using a lot of fuel. The need is real. Please help.
Keep Christ in Christmas stickers for your Christmas cards are available in the porch. They’re free to take.
Caring Christmas Trees - good quality Christmas trees for sale with the profits being used by Bethany Christian Trust in their work with vulnerable families in Glasgow. To order a tree, visit www.caringchristmastrees.com
Nomination Forms for Parish Pastoral Council membership are now available in the porch. Members are appointed to serve a three year term and membership is open to active parishioners over the age of 16. We are particularly looking for parishioners who would represent, on the PPC, the youth of the parish. Please complete this form and return it by Sunday, 18th January 2015. The Council is a planning body of parishioners which fosters the full participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church as lived out in St. Andrew’s Parish. In consultation with the Parish Priest, the PPC actively listens to and identifies the needs and concerns of parishioners and helps develop a plan to respond to those needs.
Care Not Killing Petition. Please sign the petition in the porch which opposes a change to the existing legalisation on assisted suicide as proposed in the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill … The petition calls upon MSPs of all parties to vote against legal change which is unnecessary, puts vulnerable people at risk and is unethical. Please take the time to find out more, view the full text of the petition and sign electronically at: www.carenotkilling.org.uk/scotland/petition/. "Care not killing "is a uk based alliance which aims to ensure existing laws against euthanasia are not weakened as well as promoting improved palliative care.
Kelvin Choir Christmas Concert – here in St Andrew’s Church at 3pm on 14th December. Tickets £5 / £3 (children) on the door or from www.kelvinchoir.com
SPRED Family Mass: Our parish SPRED group will lead the Liturgy at 12noon Mass on Sunday 14th December. All are welcome to join us for tea/coffee afterwards in the Lower Hall.
Choir dates – December 14, 21st & 25th. All at the 10am Mass. Plus Carols at Asda (P7 only) 12pm on 20th Dec. Any queries, call Annamaria, 942 9799 / 07749715514 or email [email protected]
Family Christmas Party at Schoenstatt, Campsie Glenn – 13th December. Starts at 2.30pm. All are welcome. Pick up a Christmas Party leaflet from the porch.
Dear Parishioners, Thank you so much on behalf of Inclusive Skating for your donation of £180 from the recent coffee morning. The money you gave is going to be used to support skaters at the Inclusive Skating club at the Time capsule in Coatbridge in their preparation for Glasgow 2015 and is certainly going to be put to a good cause.
STV are covering next April’s Inclusive Skating event – visit mediahttp://dundee.stv.tv/articles/300405-inclusive-skating-event-scotland-braehead-glasgow/?fromstreampost=185009. Very best, Margarita Sweeney-Baird
Regarding the pastoral practice of young children who haven’t made their First Communion being given a blessing at communion time, parents please note that Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned only to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. Parents who wish their child to receive a blessing must come forward in the communion line to the priest.
St Andrew’s Primary Open Day – 5th December. All are most welcome to visit.
From P7/6 of Castlehill Primary. Dear members of St Andrew’s, we are creating a Scottish café and you’re invited. The café will be in the gym hall at 2pm – 2.45pm on Tuesday 9th December. Our school topic is Scottish food and drink. There will be a Scottish assembly at 1.15pm. We hope you can make it. Please let us know if you are attending by phoning 955 2215. Yours sincerely, P7/6 and Miss Brown.
Five things I can do to promote Vocations to the priesthood as a teacher. Please pick up a copy of the ‘five things’ leaflet from the porch.
Poinsettias for the sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like to donate a poinsettia, it would be gratefully received. Please hand it in to the church the weekend before Christmas. Many thanks.
Artists for Holy Week. Association of Bearsden Churches is appealing for artists from St Andrew’s and from all the churches in Bearsden. Artwork can be anything from a painting / drawing to pottery to woodturning to tapestry, etc. The list is endless. If you are interested, then you are invited to an initial blether about the this Holy Week project on Tuesday 2nd December at 7pm in New Kilpatrick Church.
The Christmas Soup Run - Friday 12th Dec. We are appealing for gifts of gents toiletries (soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.), socks, underwear, scarves, gloves etc. A box will be available at the back of the church for collection. No soup or sandwiches will be required that evening. Instead we would be grateful for donations of mince pies! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Phyllis Littlejohn on 0141 570 1343.
Fabric & Finance Coordinator – We are looking for someone to take over from Brian Donnelly as Fabric & Finance Coordinator from January 2015. If you would like to discuss this, please contact Brian on 942 6085 or Father Mackle on 942 4635.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Padre Pio Prayer Group: Monday at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.
Mass Attendance – 22/23 Nov. Vigil Mass - 159; 10am Mass - 271 ; 12 noon Mass – 160. Total – 590.