he was lost and has been found.”
Reflection Session- Monday 1stApril after the 10am Mass in the Upper Hall.The session will reflect on Mary’s Way of the Cross, praying the Stations of the Cross from the viewpoint of Mary the Mother of Jesus.If you can, please join us for tea/coffee and a different perspective on the Stations of the Cross.
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7pm during the Season of Lent. Stations on 5thApril will be in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Lent Thank you to all those who have made great efforts by coming out to weekday Mass, Morning Rosary, and Stations of the Cross - keep it up!
An Evening on Prayer for the Cluster. ‘Prayer for the Ordinary Person’ led by Deacon Nick. All most welcome. This Tues 2ndApril 7pm in St Joseph’s Hall
Prayer/ Spiritual Material Please have a look at the parish library where you will find a great selection of reading/reflection material including SCIAF Stations of the Cross. A good selection of books too for children in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
SCIAF Sunday 31 March We are a parish that proudly and generously supports our aid agency SCIAF. 2nd collection at Mass this Sunday, March 31, goes to SCIAF. So please dig deep - let’s make it hurt so others can be healed! can also help by getting your SCIAF pack and Wee Box from the church porch.
An interactive, multimedia SCIAF Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in St Joseph's on Sunday 7th April at 5pm. All parishioners of the cluster most welcome.
Lenten Penance / Reconciliation Service for the parishes in the cluster – 11thApril at 7pm in St Joseph’s. This is an opportunity for us to become reconciled with the Lord and with each other. Several priests will be available for individual confession.
Lenten Day of Confessions: in Saint Andrew’s Cathedral Thurs 11thApril, from 7.45am until 5.45pm. This may be handy for you if you are in the city centre for work or shopping.
Lentfest:A Glasgow Calvary - an exhibition of the Stations of the Cross reimagined for our own time, by John Cairney, 1st– 30thApril 9am-5pm in the University of Glasgow Memorial Chapel. Free entry. All Welcome
Children’s Choir – April 21st(Easter Sunday). All at 10am Mass. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Easter Service in St Nicholas’– 16th April at 2pm – for pupils and staff only.
Please keep in your prayers Pamela, Gabby, Joakim, Stephen, and David who will become Catholic at the Easter Vigil.
First Confession - Sacrament of Reconciliation- Dates and Times for P 3 -
During the Season of Lent (up to Easter Sunday, 21stApril) Saturdays - 10.30am – 11.00am & 4.15pm – 4.45pm. Sundays - 9.15 – 9.40am Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Hymn Book Amnesty –If you’ve maybe borrowed a hymn book for baptism, wedding or funeral arrangements, could you please hand it back soon. The number of hymn books has dwindled by over 150, and we’re hoping to get back up to having a sufficient number again for our liturgies.
Sign Up Sunday. St Andrew’s parish needs you. Our parish needs more volunteers for existing venture, groups and particular ministries. We are looking for more people to get involved in the various areas of the parish’s life and mission. Please think about signing up for involvement in an area of parish life. Come to Sign-up Sunday, upper hall, 27th/ 28thApril.
Youth Ministry Team - If you would like to get involved, please contact Fr Mackle or one of the members of the team, or sign up on Sign Up Sunday 28th April. We’re always looking for ideas as well for youth events. If you’ve any, and would like to help out with them, let us know. Next youth ministry meeting – 7th May atpm.
SAS (St Andrew's Squad) is also looking for more helpers. SAS meets for a fun and informative session with the children preparing to make their Sacraments. These sessions last for an hour and there are only 3 of these each year, so it’s definitely NOT ahuge commitment.If you would like to assist, then please think about signing up to help on Sign Up Sunday. To find out more about what's involved in being a helper with SAS, call Margaret Hendry on 563 9993/[email protected] or Veronica Maguire :[email protected]/ 07884468212
Many Congratulations and well done to Mairi Docherty, Andrew Hughes, John McLaughlin and Joseph O’Donnell, who have been successful in completing the Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Course. They’ll be presented with the Caritas Award at the Awards Ceremony at the Clyde Auditorium on 28thMay.
My Light in your Eyes video (on this link) produced by St Andrew’s parishioners is a dialogue between Christ and us, both as individuals and as Community.invites us to the Sacrament of Reconciliation,He wraps us in forgiveness and restores us to our rightful place in the Community...just in time celebrate Easter.
Volunteers requiredto have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm Thursday 18thApril. Please enter your name on the sign up sheet on the noticeboard.
Catholicism Series of DVDs continues in the Upper Hall on Thursdays at 7pm.throughout Lent and early Eastertide. You don’t have to have attend ed the earlier ones, but can drop into those you have time for. The upcoming episodes are:-
4th April Episode 5The Indispensable Men (Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure)
11th April Episode 6A Body Both Suffering and Glorious (The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church)
25th April Episode 7The word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven (The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist)
2nd May Episode 8Vast Company of Witness (The Communion of Saints)
9th May Episode 9The fire of His Love (Prayer and the Life of the Spirit)
16th May Episode10World Without End (The Last things)
Rohingya Exhibition We are honoured to host SCIAF’s photographic exhibition of the Rohingya tragedy during Lent. aid agency not only lifts people up to dignity and independence but is also there to help in a crisis, such as among the Rohingya people. exhibition will be displayed in the church this week to allow us to reflect on the stories of these people who have suffered so much and to pray for them and others in distress this Lent. St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s Justice and Peace Group
New Gift Aid Envelopes - 2019/2020- Parishioners who use the envelope system for Gift Aided donations please pick up your new box of envelopes from the table in the church porch. Only NEW envelopes should be used from w/end of 6/7 April 2019. Any remaining old envelopes, in your current box, should be destroyed. If you are a taxpayer and would like to sign up to make donations via Gift Aid, please speak with one of the team or enter you name and address etc. on the sign-up sheet on the table.
Many thanks to you all. St. Andrew’s Finance & Fabric Team.
Health and Social Care Partnership –Moving Forward Together event Fri 5thApril 1.30pm Bearsden Hub. Call 578 8658 to book. See noticeboard for details.
Justice & Peace Scotland, CeartasSith, -2019 To celebrate 40 years of striving for social justice, you are invited to join J&P Scotland Carfin Grotto this Monday 1st April at 1.00 pm. Bishop Nolan will celebrate Mass followed by a tree planting ceremony. Juniper trees and four Scots Pine trees will symbolise each of the eight Scottish Dioceses. will be available after the ceremony. All welcome.
St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s joint J&P Group.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week Some consider reconciliation as an impossible dream which ideally might become the lever for a true transformation of society. For others it is to be gained by arduous efforts and therefore a goal to be reached through serious reflection and action. Whatever the case, the longing for sincere and consistent reconciliation is without a shadow of doubt a fundamental driving force in our society, reflecting an irrepressible desire for peace. Pope Saint John Paul II, Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, para 3
Befriending Service bringing together in Bearsden and Milngavie volunteer befrienders and adults. Brian McDermott will be around after Mass on Tuesday for anyone who might want to discuss suitability for the service.
Standing Order We’re very grateful to those who have changed their personal plate offering to standing order. If this is something you are still thinking of doing, standing order forms suitable for Gift Aid and Non Gift Aid donors are available in the porch area. Thanks again.Brian Donnelly St A - F & F Coordinator Email [email protected]
Drumchapel Foodbank All donations of non -perishable food items and toiletries placed in the boxes in the church porch are gratefully received, and delivered every Monday to the foodbank.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--Drew McGarry, Win Sibbald, Tony Donnelly, Hugh Nelson, John McLafferty
Anniversaries— Eric Dick, Kenneth Aubrey Curran, Margery Joan Curran, Christopher and Christine Boyle