always; yet, to the end of time."
Thanksgiving Prayer Service and Party for First Communicants will take place this afternoon, Sunday, at 3pm.
Day for Life 31st May – A day in the Church’s year dedicated to celebrating and upholding the dignity of human life. The Church teaches that life should be protected and nurtured from conception to natural death. The leaflet for this year’s Day for Life is on End of Life issues – a simple guide to Catholic teaching. The second collection will be taken up today, 31st May, to support the Church in her pro-life work.
Youth Evangelisation Team- Lucy Dooley and Kate Curran, the new Youth Officers for the Archdiocese of Glasgow, will speak at the Vigil and 10am Masses this weekend 30th/31st of May to promote the first of a number of events being organised for the younger people of the Parish. The first event is a mini retreat for young people aged 16+ and will be held in the Upper Hall on Thursday 11th June at 7pm. The event will focus on the theme of the World Youth Event being held in Stirling in July. There will be a variety of activities, time for prayer and the evening will end with a social event. If you are interested in attending, Lucy and Kate will have ‘sign up’ sheets to be completed at the end of Mass. Even if you do not sign up this weekend, please feel free to attend on the 11th. This will be a great chance to meet, pray and socialise with young people in the Parish.
Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver will visit our parish on 6th/7th June to speak to us about their Mission Appeal. There will be a second collection taken up to support the Sisters in their missionary work.
Andrew Thompson RIP. At this sad time for our family we are most grateful for all the kind expressions of sympathy which we have received. The sympathy cards, the letters and the Mass cards have touched us deeply. We have experienced such great kindness from so many people. Thank you. Sandra, Kathleen and Tommy and family.
A.M.D.G. On Sunday 26th April we had a fundraising coffee morning in St Andrew's church hall. Our fundraiser was in aid of our forthcoming trip to Lourdes with underprivileged children in July and is being organised through St Aloysius College where I am a 6th year student. My friends and I would like to thank everyone who came along and supported us. We raised a fantastic £400. Thank you all so much. We would also like to thank Mr Gordon Reid for all his time, help and advice. Amy, Eleanor, Jessica, Imogen and Riccardo.
Children’s Liturgy Meeting – Sunday 14th June at 11.15am in the Upper Hall.
Kevin Farmer would like to thank all who sponsored him in his fundraising London Marathon Run for SCIAF. He raised the fantastic sum of £910.62, which will be doubled by SCIAF’s UK aid match.
Annual Irish Day at Carfin Grotto – Sunday, 14 June. Mass on the Mass Rock at 3.00 pm. A warm welcome is extended to all. In the case of inclement weather, Mass will be celebrated indoors.
To All Extraordinary Ministers who visit the sick and housebound – there will be a meeting on Thursday, 11th June at 7.00pm in the chapel-house.
Legion of Mary - 7.30pm in the Hut every Tuesday. All welcome.
May Devotions – Rosary 9.40am daily. Rosary and Benediction Sundays at 4.30pm.
Catholic Youth Festival - 30 July to 2 August at University of Stirling Campus. The event is open to those 14 -25 years of age. If you are keen to go let us know, and contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Halls Committee – 1st June at 7.30pm in the Hut. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please email [email protected]
Padre Pio Prayer Group – every Monday at 7pm. All are very welcome.
Fabric and Finance – 4th June at 7pm in the chapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please email [email protected] £14,101 in tax repayments was received in the past year from the Gift Aid scheme. Do you pay tax? Do you Gift Aid? If you’re a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases the value of your offering by allowing the parish to reclaim the basic rate of tax on your offering at no extra cost to you. That’s 25p for every £1 you give. Gift Aid Declaration forms available in the porch.St. Andrew's Carpet Bowls annual outing is Thurs 18th June to New Lanark and then on to Peebles where High Tea will be served at 5 pm. We have hired a 50 seater bus with toilet facilities and are inviting any non-members to join us. £16 per head. Bus will leave Roman Rd car park at 9.45 am and leave Peebles around 7 pm. We have had a good response from non-members to join us - still some places available so pick up the phone and book your seat now. Contact D.MacLean 587 7319.
Can you knit or crochet ? St Andrew’s Primary PTA are supporting Team Lewis, which arranges for sick babies in hospital and their sibling(s) to have matching teddy bears, to enhance bonding. The PTA would like to arrange for as many teddies to be made for this great cause and are appealing for people to help with knitting these items. If you’d be able to assist please phone Anne on 07866 009078 - thanks to an extremely generous donation from a parent’s work, we’re able to provide you with wool, stuffing and patterns.
Mass attendance – 23 / 24 May – 497
Maryhill Foodbank. Donations of tins and packets of food will be gratefully received.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston) Alison Burns, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Mick Henry, Sheena Smith, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Gilbert O’Rourke, Margaret Cairney, Denis Campbell, Margaret Kearney, Ronald Coia, Mary Cox, Valentina Colaluca, Christine Turner, Dennis Haughey.
Recently Dead—Betty Barrett, Teresa Flood, Samuel Niven, Rinaldo Maestri, Bob Karasek, Douglas Morris, Flora MacInnes (nee MacNeil), Dorothy Hillhouse, Nora Sharpe, John Gallagher.
Anniversaries--John Hamilton, Angelo Giovanazzi, John McIntyre, Terry Grogan, Christina Lafferty, Jason McGarry, Kenny Donnelly, John Danaher.