and kindle in them the fire of your love."
Reopening - We are desperately looking forward to the day when our church doors will reopen – no definite dates yet, though, since these are dependent on the developing scientific evidence. The Scottish Government has announced that places of worship will be allowed to open for private prayer in the 2nd phase of the plan, and reopen for Mass and other group gatherings in phase 3.
The Bishops' Conference have expert advisers preparing plans for how this can work, and we have already started to look at a number of things in preparation to reopen. Regarding social distancing, we are comfortable that we can fit in the church around 50 people whilst observing the 2m distance, and more if couples and families sit together. We're also looking in to the possibility of both halls being used.
There will be lots more details provided as we get closer to reopening and get more guidance from both national and archdiocesan level on what we need to do to reopen our church and halls safely.
Our parish's clergy's responses to the Archbishop's Reopening Churches consultation have been submitted. They will be collated, and principal conclusions drawn will be presented to the Bishops Conference of Scotland working group, which next meets this Tuesday, 2nd June. I'll keep you posted of developments.
It's time to plan now for the re-opening of our churches ... that was the message of Archbishop Tartaglia during a recent livestreamed Mass from the Cathedral.
"Something has changed," said the Archbishop.
"The Scottish Government has intimated that it will initiate Phase 1 of post-lockdown on Thursday coming, by introducing some light and cautious loosening of the restrictions that are currently on our lives.
"We have been advised too that churches may open for limited purposes in Phase 2, which will be after the 18th June review, and that public Masses and acts of worship may resume with Phase 3 that will follow the 9th July review. Government has stressed that these dates and phases are provisional, depending on the how the virus is being controlled.
"Provisional as they are, now, thank God, we have an idea of where we are headed, and we can make practical preparations for the sacramental life of the Church to be resumed.
"As you can see, we still need to be patient for some weeks yet. During these weeks, we need to pray for those who are ill, for those who are dying and for all those who are involved in the care and protection of our families, neighbours, friends and loved ones. We need to continue to pray too that the rate of infection slows down and the virus becomes less of a risk...""The Scottish Government has intimated that it will initiate Phase 1 of post-lockdown on Thursday coming, by introducing some light and cautious loosening of the restrictions that are currently on our lives. I'm sure that will be very welcome."We have been advised too that churches may open for limited purposes in Phase 2, which will be after the 18th June review, and we may also expect that public Masses and acts of worship may resume with Phase 3 that will follow the 9th July review. Government has stressed that these dates and phases are provisional, depending on the how the virus is being controlled.
"Things are changing," said the Archbishop."The Scottish Government has intimated that it will initiate Phase 1 of post-lockdown on Thursday coming, by introducing some light and cautious loosening of the restrictions that are currently on our lives. I'm sure that will be very welcome.
"We have been advised too that churches may open for limited purposes in Phase 2, which will be after the 18th June review, and we may also expect that public Masses and acts of worship may resume with Phase 3 that will follow the 9th July review. Government has stressed that these dates and phases are provisional, depending on the how the virus is being controlled.
"Provisional as they are, now, thank God, we have an idea of where we are headed, and we can make practical preparations for the sacramental life of the Church to be resumed.
"As you can see, we still need to be patient for some weeks yet. During these weeks, we need to pray for those who are vulnerable or ill, for those who are dying and for all those who are involved in the care and protection of our families, neighbours, friends and loved ones. We need to continue to pray too that the rate of infection slows down and the virus becomes less of a risk..."
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - Pentecost Sunday (31st May) Our world is being torn apart by wars and violence. ... Let everyone admire how you care for one another and how you encourage and accompany one another.
Evangelii Gaudium para.99
Here's something for St Joseph's and St Andrew's parishes for Pentecost. How about putting pictures of flames or doves in your window or light a candle for Pentecost? As parishes, we may continue to be physically isolated, but we're not separated. We are united as the body of Christ.... We are the Church. Praying at Pentecost, praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit, can help us to realise and appreciate that we are all with one another in prayer.
Why not take a photo of Pentecost at your home and send it in to be posted. Photos to be emailed to both [email protected] and [email protected]
Sacrament of Reconciliation - if you would like Confession, that can be done in the church grounds observing social distancing. Phone beforehand to arrange a time. Also, if it suits, I can come to you for Confession in your garden.
Sacramental Preparation - Just to remind all Primary 3, 4 & 7 families that the archdiocesan web page below has been created to support the families of pupils who were preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation, but are now unable to due to the current situation. It is hoped that the materials and resources on this web page will support you in continuing your child's preparation at home. The archdiocesan RE Dept will continue to update this web page over the coming weeks, so please keep checking it and their Twitter and Facebook pages for updates. In the meantime, it is hoped that these activities uploaded are of some use. Please don't hesitate to phone or email the chapel house, if any help or support is needed.
We are looking for volunteers to collect surplus food from the local supermarkets. This is normally done between 6pm and 9pm. It can be stored in your car overnight and then delivered in the morning to the 1051 GWR restaurant, 1051 Great Western Rd, G12 0XP, the next morning. The team would then organise its distribution to the various food banks and homeless accommodation. You would not be involved in this. We are aiming to have enough volunteers that you would only have to do this once a week, at most. It is urgent that we set this up as soon as possible, so if you are able to help out please contact Veronica Maguire on 07884468212. Please share with friends/family who may be interested.
With our piety stall being closed we are offering individual cards for posting, or collection from the chapel house porch. We have a full range of cards for almost every occasion, all £1 or 40p each. P&P is £1 per order (up to 4 cards) or free if collected from the chapel house porch. Email Annamaria ([email protected]) to place an order. Payment is by bank transfer or cheque.
RCAG Youth continue to offer the young people of Glasgowma variety of online opportunities to grow in faith and in fellowship with others during this time. These include Morning Prayer LIVE!, Lectio Divina Online and weekly audiences with guest speakers, amidst other things. To find out more or to get in touch , please check out: www.facebook.com/RCAGYouth
Visiting of Sick and Housebound:- The clergy and extraordinary ministers of holy communion unfortunately are not permitted to visit the sick and housebound as these are high risk people and we need to avoid bringing the virus to them. Please don't hesitate to phone 942 4635 for telephone ministry.
Virtual Mass:- the Cathedral streams Mass twice per day (1300 & 1715) on Weekdays and on Sundays with Vigil Mass Saturday at 1715, Sundays 1000, 1200, 1715). You can join in spiritually through the link on their website or by going directly to the link https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st-andrews-cathedral
Monsignor and Fr Mackle continue to celebrate Mass each day separately praying for the parish community and their intentions.
Drumchapel foodbank: If you can, as part of your daily exercise this week, drop off a food donation in the chapel house porch and our volunteers will get it to those in need. Also, If you know of anyone who lacks resources to buy food, please mention the foodbank at St Joseph's Milngavie (hall on left hand side), which opens from 2pm to 3.30pm on Fridays and 12.30-13.30pm on Sundays.
Our parish's soup run and some new volunteers continue to deliver more than 700 GWR hot meals and surplus supermarket items each week to families and individuals in need. This includes deliveries to Drumchapel and St Gregory's foodbanks, those in emergency accommodation across the city and a registered charity in Drumchapel supporting vulnerable families.
Flourish – this month's available at www.flourishnewspaper.co.uk
Parish Website – Bulletin - Latest -Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish YouTube Channel - The parish now has a YouTube Channel on this link.
We have regular Sunday Gospel reflections, hymns, night prayers and other videos.
Meditation Corner - Monsignor Ryan has been sharing weekly meditations on this web page.
Recently Dead – Alan Baker, Maurice Boyce, Christine McPhee,
Anniversaries – Anne Laurie, John Gallagher