and yet believe."
- Coffee morning 24th April after 10am Mass – there will be home baking, face painting, glitter tattoos & a waffle maker. A selection of fair-trade goods including rice, tea/coffee, jams and chocolate will also be on sale.
- Quiz night for all 7th May – 7pm for 7.30pm until 11pm. BYOB. Donations of quality raffle prizes to the Sacristy would be much appreciated.
- Youth Mass 23rd April 6pm – vigil Mass for young people aged 11+. Meet in the upper hall at 5.30pm before Mass, then pizza & a short talk from the young people attending the World Youth Day afterwards in the hall. Pick up around 8.30pm. If anyone would like to be involved in the Mass ministries eg as a reader, pass keeper, server, offertory or with the music, please give your name to Fr Mackle.
Happy Birthday, Gillian! Gillian Murray welcomes everyone to join her for today’s celebration of her 50th birthday. Mass at 12noon followed by tea / coffee / cake in the upper hall. Please come in and join the party. Have a great day, Gillian.
St Andrew’s Squad (SAS), Sunday 8th May, for all Primary 4 children in the parish celebrating First Holy Communion this May. Please come along to the Upper Hall from 9am till 9.45am. If you require any further information, please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993. Thank you.
Many thanks to all those who worked so hard in so many ways with all the preparations for the Holy Week and Easter liturgies, and to everyone for their participation in them. We are very grateful to the children and the children’s liturgy catechists for decorating the cross on the sanctuary, which will remain there until Pentecost Sunday.
Following the Vigil Mass last Saturday evening Jackie and Geoff Harrison would like to thank Father Mackle, Monsignor Ryan and Deacon Tommy for their help and support during this last year with special thanks going to Margaret, Raymond and Nick from RCIA. We would also like to thank all the parishioners for their overwhelming good will, congratulations and welcoming comments.
Divine Mercy Sunday – today, 3rd April. St Patrick’s, Dumbarton. Confessions at 2.30pm. Mass at 3pm followed by refreshments in Benview. All most welcome.
Final day for SCIAF wee boxes to be handed in is Sunday, 17th April, in order for SCIAF to ensure all money is in on time to be doubled as part of the UK Aid match scheme.
All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, who visit the housebound, please note that the date of the next meeting has had to be changed and will now be on Thursday, 19th May at 2pm in the chapel-house. No meeting on the 12th May.
April Meetings –
11th at 7pm – 50th Planning
19th at 7pm – Liturgy Group
21st at 7pm – Adult Faith Formation Talk
21st at 7.30pm – Justice & Peace
25th at 7pm – Youth Commission
26th at 10am – P7 Thanksgiving
26th at 7pm – Cluster
28th at 7pm – Finance & Fabric
28th at 7pm – Adult Faith Formation talk.
Padre Pio Prayer Group meets on Mondays at 7pm. All welcome. For information or interest, please contact Kay Dick 0141 942 7771 or Kate Hay 0141 931 5154. The Legion of Mary meets Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Hut. New members always welcome.
New Gift Aid Envelopes - 2016/2017 – to be collected from the porch. If you are a taxpayer and would like to sign up to make donations via Gift Aid, please speak with one of the team or enter your name and address on the sheet on the table. Finally, HMRC refund last year was about £15000 - many thanks to you all in helping to achieve this amount. Brian Donnelly 942-6085. St A Finance & Fabric Team.
Dates for Children's Choir May 8th, 15th; June 12th, 19th Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 07749715514 /[email protected]
Your donations to Drumchapel Foodbank will be gratefully received; non-perishable goods such as cans, rice, pasta toilet rolls, nappies etc are much needed and delivered to the Foodbank every Monday morning. Thank you for your help.
Mind Body and Soul retreat at Schoenstatt - Friday May 27 / 28 - £80. This retreat focuses on the holistic health of the individual, and incorporates diet, and wellness, and is superb if you are looking to improve your health, may wish to loose weight or are diabetic or with other issues and includes awareness healthy eating, juicing for health and much more. Includes Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast and a range of tastings, all teas and coffees and a mass of materials for a healthy lifestyle. Contact: 01360 312 718 to book.
Thank you to two parishioners for the £1000 each donated for parish funds.
Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes - Please see the poster on the notice board about Glasgow Lourdes Hospitalite if you are interested in joining the annual Lourdes Pilgrimage taking place from 15th—22nd July.
Support in bereavement Group in the Parish and is willing to help anyone seeking assistance. If you have suffered a bereavement (not necessarily recently) and feel you could benefit from talking to someone about it, please speak to Father Mackle or Monsignor Ryan.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Marie Moy, Margie Cornyn, Michael Moss, Russell Rodger, Hil Black, Alexander Pate, Patricia Swiatek, Eileen Merry, Gilbert O’Rourke, Graham Declan McCusker.
Recently Dead—Andrew Gillespie, Margaret Donnelly, Brian Kee, Pearl McCallion, Gerald Gibson, James Sweeney, Marguarita Lupi, Donald Rennie
Anniversaries—Thomas Murphy, Elaine Frances McKenzie, Charles Dolan.
Six Months Mind—Anne Moakler