the love of Christ."
Parish Bus Trip to Carfin for the National Pilgrimage. Some seats still available. Sunday, September 7th. Bus will leave parish at 1pm and return approx. 7.30pm. £3. Mass at 3pm. Rosary procession at 5pm. There’s a good cafeteria at Carfin, or you might want to take a packed lunch. Please sign sheet in porch or mention to Dorothy MacLean, if you would like to go.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church, speak to Fr Mackle, who will be happy to talk you through the RCIA process. To be baptised, confirmed and come to share in the Eucharist is possible at any age! Today, men and women from a variety of backgrounds are responding to the call to follow Christ and celebrate the Sacraments of the Church.
The Halls Committee is intending to have an ‘autumn’ clean of the crypt at 10.30 on Saturday 9th August. If you are a user of the crypt, it would be helpful if a representative of your group could come along to help with the tidy up, particularly in the area occupied by your group. Hopefully, we should be complete by 12 Noon. Please call Gordon Reid, Halls Letting Secretary, for further details. 07528 425 698.
Order of Mass Children’s card. Specially designed to help children celebrate and understand the Mass. Copies available in the pews.
Prolife Youth Rally – Project Truth – Saturday, 16th Aug in Turnbull Hall. Open to all aged16-30. See poster in porch for more details.
Family Fun Night - Saturday 20th September. Food, bingo and quizzes to suit the whole family. In the upper hall 7 til 10.30 pm. byob. Tickets - £3 per adult, £2 per child. Please contact David and Veronica Maguire [email protected] or text 07884468212. Many thanks.
Baptism Course. The next preparation morning course will be on Saturday, 6th September at 11am in the Lower Hall for parents and Godparents. If you are looking to make arrangements to have your child baptised, please speak to Fr Mackle.
Pauline Books - Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow. Children's storytelling sessions - storytelling will take place on Wednesday the 6th August at 2pm in St Paul's Book Shop, Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow.
Foodbank - Your continued support for this local project is very much appreciated. Currently there is a shortage of the following food and household items:- Pasta sauces, Cereals, Rice, Pot noodles, Flavoured rice, Flavoured pasta, Tins of pasta (e.g. spaghetti hoops), Tins of fish (tuna & sardines), Tins of meat dishes, Tins of fruit, Pudding, UHT milk, Treats (chocolate biscuits, sweets), Squash or cordial, Toothbrush / toothpaste, Toilet paper, Disposable nappies. Although grateful for all that they receive, quantity is what is required at present and they are delighted to take “own brand” or “lower cost brand” items.
Please help keep the list of sick up to date by letting us know of names that should be added or removed from the list.
The Monday Club for senior citizens. Enjoy friendship, entertainment and tea every 2nd & 4th Monday at 2pm in the Baptist Church Hall, Roman Road. This is a Bearsden Churches Together Project. Call Rona Armstrong on 956 4318.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7 pm. All very welcome.
Why not email a link to this the bulletin to someone who cannot be at church today.
Mass Attendance – 26 / 27 July. Vigil Mass - 107; 10am Mass - 202 ; 12 noon Mass – 147. Total – 456.