All the very best to all who are off this Sunday on the parish's Golden Jubilee anniversary day pilgrimage to Carfin. We wish them all a most enjoyable time.
Nick Pryce will be ordained a Permanent Deacon this Friday 8th September by Archbishop Tartaglia at 6pm Mass here in St Andrew’s, followed by a reception in the hall to which everyone is invited. Keep Nick and Trish and their family in your prayers these days as he prepares for Ordination.
Children’s Choir - Sept10th & 17th; Nov 12th ; Dec 3rd (Golden Jubilee Mass 10.30am) December 10th & 17th 10am mass and Kelvin Choir concert 3pm. Dec 25th (Christmas mass) – All at 10am unless otherwise stated. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan01419429799/07749715514 - [email protected]
SPRED Sunday. 9th / 10th September. SPecial REligious Development. SPRED works within the Church to nourish accepting and inclusive communities for people with learning disabilities. We are very blessed to have our own parish SPRED group. Please pick up a SPRED leaflet from the porch. The second collection will be taken up to support SPRED’s charitable work.
Advance Notice – In February of this year, our Liturgy Group discussed the matter of fewer and fewer people attending the Christmas Midnight Mass over the recent years. So, as we feel that an earlier time might be better suited for people, the Midnight Mass for 2017 will be brought forward to 10pm. The Christmas Carol Service will begin at 9.30pm. In our parish cluster, there will still be a 12 Midnight Mass in St Joseph’s.
Save the Date for our Golden Jubilee Anniversary Mass at 10.30am on Sunday, 3rd December 2017 followed by a reception in the hall. Principal celebrant will be Archbishop Tartaglia. Please note, there will be neither 10am nor 12noon Masses on 3rd December.
50th Anniversary : EDC Doors Open Day – next Saturday 9th September. As part of our ongoing 50th Anniversary events, St.Andrew’s is taking part in EDC’s Doors Open Day. Brochures publicising the event are available for collection in the Porch and your help in distributing these and promoting the event within the wider community is gratefully appreciated. Additionally, any members of the Parish community who are familiar with the history and architecture of the Church and who would be willing to act as guides on the day should contact Catherine Dunipace at [email protected]
Aid to the Church in Need will make an appeal at all the Masses on the weekend 23rd/24th September. After the vigil Mass on the 23rd at 7pm in the Lower Hall, ACN will give a presentation on their work, and there will be an opportunity for Q&A. Teas and coffees will be served. All are most welcome. Organised by the parish's Justice and Peace Group. An invitation has been extended to all in the Association of Bearsden Churches. ACN helps and assists persecuted and oppressed Christians around the world.
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for P7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Parishes in St Joseph’s Church 7pm 6th February 2018. There will be a meeting for parents and sponsors on Thursday 28th September 2017 at 7pm in St Joseph’s Church Hall, Milngavie.
The church halls are used for a huge range of activities. Now that the schools are back, why not make a commitment to support a local business or charity and the church through taking part in one or more of these activities. They include Scottish Slimmers; two choirs; the University of Third Age; various fitness, Pilates and dance classes for all ages and abilities; carpet bowls; a rugby play programme for 2 – 5 year olds; whist; flower arranging; Bearsden Literary Society; prenatal, mother and baby and adult beginners yoga classes; Taekwondo for children and adults; and toddlers and pre-school clubs. Both halls are also free at weekends for birthday parties, christenings, anniversary parties, fund raisers, weddings and funerals. For further details, please visit the web site on or call the Halls Letting Secretary on 07528 425 698.
Upcoming Meetings
Ongoing Faith Formation – 10.30am on 4th Sept
School Council – 7pm on 5th & 26th Sept
Justice and Peace – 7pm on 5th Sept (in St Joseph’s)
Confirmation Catechists’ Training – 7pm on 5th Sept (Eyre Hall)
Baptism Preparation – 7pm on 7th Sept
Parish Council – 7pm on 14th Sept
Emmaus – 10.30am on 15th Sept
Cluster – 7pm on 18th Sept
Liturgy Group – 7pm on 19th Sept
Confirmation Preparation – 7pm on 28th Sept (in St Joseph’s)
What’s on the next few months?
Saturday 9th Sept – Doors Open day
Sunday 17th Sept – Coffee Morning
Sunday 22nd October – Coffee Morning
Sunday 29th October – Mass of Commitment for P3 Families
Sunday 29th Oct – Youth NET Ministry Golden Jubilee Retreat
Carpet Bowls resumes this Thursday 7th September in Upper Hall from 1pm – 4pm. We would welcome any new members. Why not come along and give it a try? Afternoon tea/coffee etc available at 3pm.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
Dementia Awareness Campaign Me Not Ball this September. For more details or information see poster in the porch or contact Anne O’Donnell on 0141 946 0966 or AO’[email protected]
Drumchapel food bank - all items left in the porch are taken each Monday to the foodbank. Many thanks.
Upcoming Special second collections – SPRED – 10th Sept; Mary’s Meals – 17th Sept; Aid to the Church in Need – 24th Sept.
Safeguarding Training. who work in the parish with children and/or vulnerable adults, who haven't previouslytraining, areto attend one of the following training evenings - 18th September 7-9pm in St Flannan's, Kirkintilloch or Monday, 16th October 7-9pm in St Paul's,, please contact[email protected]tel226 5998.
Mary’s Meals clothing collection. Volunteers from Mary's Meals will be here on the weekend of 16th and 17th September to collect any used clothing. A second collection will be taken up to support this important charity.
Evening Pilgrimage to Carfin- Wednesday,th. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at the Post Office in Milngavie and return at 9.30pm. All are very welcome.
The Legion of Mary - new members always welcome. Meets on Tuesdays at 4pm in the Hut. Please note new time.