to God with joy."
First Holy Communion. As a parish community, we look forward to the Primary 4 children’s celebration of First Holy Communion at the 12 noon Masses on May 11th and 18th. We keep them in our prayers.
Rehearsal times for First Holy Communion. For 11th May First Holy Communion Mass - Thursday 8th May, 10am Mass followed by rehearsal. For 18th May First Holy Communion Mass - Thursday 15th May, 10am Mass followed by rehearsal.
Vigil for Vocations – Friday 9th May. 7pm – 9pm in St James the Great, Crookston. All are welcome to join Archbishop Tartaglia for a Vocations Mass reflecting on the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. Also, “Vocations : Witness to the Truth” presented by Fr John Sweeney. The vigil is sponsored by Glasgow Serra. The lay arm of the Church for vocations promotion.
To All Extraordinary Ministers who take Holy Communion to the sick and the housebound, there will be a meeting in the chapel-house at 7pm on Thursday 15th May.
Canniesburn Nursing Home – Mass on Wednesday, 7th May at 11am.
Consultation on Pastoral Parish Provision for the North West Deanery. The results of our parish consultation are now published on the parish website here. These will be summarized and taken to this month’s deanery meeting.
Children’s Liturgy - Lorraine McMillan, after fourteen years of faithfully serving the parish in the area of children’s liturgy, has decided to give up this work at summer time. I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the parish, to extend our very sincere thanks to Lorraine for her ministry, good work and efforts in the many years she has been involved in children’s liturgy. It has been very much appreciated. The P1 to P3 Children's liturgy group, therefore, are looking for a new coordinator from August. The role involves preparing the rota and liaising with the liturgy leaders about the various activities with the children. Anyone can undertake the role as long as they enjoy working with children and are happy to go through PVG clearance. Particularly welcome would be a Mum or Dad who has primary aged children. We are also looking for new leaders and helpers as some of our existing team are looking to "retire" after many years service. Leaders and helpers are on duty about once a month and help the children participate in the liturgy. It is a very satisfying role as well as being useful preparation for anyone considering training as a teacher. No particular experience is required as you will work with an experienced leader for the first few months. Again PVG clearance is required. If you would like to discuss this further please contact Fr Mackle on 942 4635 or Lorraine on 942 1065.
Piety Stall has a great selection of cards and gifts for all occasions, especially for First Holy Communion. Newly in, is a selection of 24 hours devotional candles with prayer on the reverse. £1 each.
The Andrea Kearney Fund is holding its annual dinner on 31st May at the Radisson Hotel in Glasgow. It's always a wonderful event for a very deserving cause and we're delighted to support it, by performing this year. We look forward to seeing you on 31st May so please book your tickets or table now at www.andreakearney.org Don't delay as tickets are selling fast! Best wishes Lorraine McIntosh & Ricky Ross
NET Ministries – ministering to the young people of our Archdiocese – encouraging them to love Jesus and embrace the life of the Church. Pick up a copy of their May Newsletter from the porch.
St Andrew's Primary School is hoping to set up a Lego Club and would welcome donations of any unused/unwanted Lego sets They need not be complete. Thank you. If you can, please hand them in direct to the school, or leave in the church porch.
Glasgow Living Theology is a course for everyone interested in deepening their knowledge of the Christian faith and in developing their personal reflection on Christian living and belief. It runs four evenings and one afternoon and each participant follows two courses. It will be held in The Ogilvie Centre (next to St Aloysius Church) from 21st – 25th May. For more information, see poster in porch, or call 332 3039 or Email: [email protected].
The Kelvin Choir Summer concert at 7.30 pm next Saturday 10th May in Ruchill Parish Church (beside McDonalds). The concert will feature The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins. Tickets £12 for adults, £5 for under 16 and can be purchased on the door or at www.kelvinchoir.com
Glasgow Catholic Youth Festival - One Way Day - Saturday 17th May is a festival of faith for young people in S3 and above based on Jesus' words "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". Which way? What is truth? How do I live the life? - Come and see! Mass, catechesis, music, workshops, reconciliation, prayer... presented by the Youth Pastoral Team and NET ministries 10.00am - 7.00pm in the Eyre Hall (next to St Andrew's Cathedral) Tickets are free but you must register: go to: www.rcagyouth.org.uk
Emmaus Glasgow Community provides living and workspace for the homeless. Visit www.emmausglasgow.org.uk. Any unwanted furniture for recycling? Phone Celia on 342 4089. Van Mon – Sat to collect for free.
Mobile phones – just to remind you, please, to turn off your mobile phone or turn it to silent mode, prior to the start of Mass. Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechisis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of each month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Mary’s Meals – Appeal and Rags to Riches Clothing Collection. Mary’s Meals work with some of the poorest people in the Third World countries. If you have any unwanted clothing / bedding, please bring it along to Mass on 24th / 25th May. 2 bags of clothing raises £7 – enough to feed a child in Malawi for one year. The 2nd collection will be taken up that weekend for Mary’s Meals.
Special Collections over the next couple of months - 11th May for Ecclesiastical Students; 25th May for Mary’s Meals; 1st June for Communications Sunday; 8th June – Day for Life; 15th June for Archdiocesan Assisted Parishes Fund; and 29th June for Peter’s Pence.
The following special collections cheques have now been sent – Lenten Alms for Sick and Retired Priests - £2420; SCIAF Sunday - £1967; Good Friday Peter’s Pence for Holy Places - £705.
SCIAF Wee Boxes can be returned any time now. Many thanks.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am Mass. May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7 pm. All very welcome. Next Mass will be at 7.30pm on 12th May.
Mass Attendance – 26th / 27th April. Vigil Mass - 141; 10am Mass – 329; 12 noon Mass – 128. Total – 598.