and my father will love him and we will come to him."
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit sick and housebound –next meeting - Monday 12thNovember at 2.00 pm in the chapel-house.
Annual Mass for the deceased Archbishops, bishops and priests of the Archdiocese on Thursday, 15 November at 1.00pm in St Andrew's Cathedral. All welcome.
Mass for Deceased Legionaries- Saturday 17th November @ 10.00 a.m. A special invite to all parishioners to come and join the Legion of Mary in this very special Mass for the month of the Holy Souls to pray for all our deceased legionaries who served faithfully their neighbour and the Church during their lifetime.Refreshments will be served in the hut after Mass.
Messengers Christmas ReachoutMeeting– 19thNov – Lower Hall. Area Leaders at 7.30 p.m. and Messengers at 8.00 p.m. Many thanks.
The St. Andrew’s Embroidery Group are creating an Embroidered Panel to celebrate the new St. Nicholas School. The Themes of the panel are the guiding principles of St. Nicholas life, his generosity, his faith and his support for those in need. The panel will be unveiled in the school on 6th December—St. Nicholas’ Feast Day. There will also be a Coffee morning after 10.00 and 12.00 Masses at St. Andrew’s Church on the 18th November (which is also the morning of the Christmas Fair). The proceeds of this will go towards helping to fund the materials used to create the panel. Please come and support the Coffee Morning. We hope some embroiderers will be there to describe in more detail the panel and its creation.
Thank you so much for your support.
Please join us at the St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fairon Sunday 18thNovember after the 10am and 12 noon Masses. This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities from the parish at the event.All profits from the sale of Piety Stall cards and gifts go to St Andrew’s Church funds. Tea, coffee and home baking will be served after both masses in aid of funding the materials used to create the embroidered panel to celebrate the new St Nicholas school which is being made by the St Andrew’s Embroidery Group.
St Andrew’s Music and Quiz Night – Saturday 24 November Tickets selling fast so don’t leave it too late! On sale after all Masses. Rehearsals for the pop-up choir and the “Man Choir” will begin today Sunday at 3pm. Even if you haven’t signed up you will be made most welcome. Anyone still wishing to perform on the night, please contact Veronica McLaughlin by Sunday 4th November([email protected]) Any enquiries/offers of help should be directed to Margaret Charrier (07933713621) or Veronica. We are looking forward to a great night with all proceeds going to the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH).
A huge thanks, to St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s SAS Team and Cat Club catechists for leading last Sunday’s catechesis afternoon and helping the pupils in their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was great to see such a terrific turnout. We look forward to the celebration of Confirmation in St Joseph’s at 7pm on 29thNovember. As there will be a brief practice before Mass, pupils and sponsors are asked to be in and seated for 6.30pm.
A huge thanks, too, to St Joseph’s, St Andrew’s and Glasgow University Legion of Mary for leading last Sunday’s “Fess Up” talk and discussion on the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and to all those who attended. Details of next meeting (different topic and discussion), which will be at St Joseph’s, to be announced soon.
And to the parish’s Youth Ministry Team, we also extend a huge thanks to all of them for looking after all the many preparations for and leading last Thursday’s P6’s “Called to be a Saint” Retreat Day, which took place in the church and hall . Grateful thanks to our parish catechists, class teachers and Caritas candidates for all their much appreciated help and assistance with the retreat day.
Our next Youth Event - Cluster Youth MassFor P6 to S2.Next Sat 10thNov at 6pm in St Andrew's followed with pizza in the upper hall. Still looking for some young people to help at the Mass as passkeepers, servers, and with the offertory and bidding prayers. If you would like to help with one of these ministries, please contact [email protected]/942 4635
Bearsden Choir is celebrating its Golden Jubilee by singing Handel’s Messiah, which they performed 50 years ago in the former Rio Cinema at Canniesburn. The concert will be on Sunday 16thDecember at 4.00pm in Glasgow City Halls. Tickets are still available, although half the seats have already gone. Details on handbill in Church porch, or phone Chris Sanders on 942 7519.
University of Glasgow Choral Society and Chapel Choir World War 1 Centenary Concert.
The Concert will be held in University Chapel on Saturday 10th November at 7.30pm featuring world premiere of A Glasgow Elegy by Tom Harrold and Dona Nobis Pacem by Ronald Center.Tickets £10 and £5 with student ID.available at door or reservations from [email protected]
St Andrew’s Readers’ Rota Dec 2018 – Feb 2019Please note that the Readers’ Rota for the three month period, December 2018 to February 2019 was issued by email to all current readers on 26thOctober 2018. For reference, a printed copy is also on display in both the Porch and the Sacristy. In the event that any readers did not receive an email please contact Catherine Dunipace with your new email address at [email protected]as soon as possible please.
Upcoming Special second collections: Assisted Parishes– 11th Nov; White Flower – 2ndDec, and Caring Sunday – 16th Dec.
Children’s Choir – November 11th and 18th; December 9th, 16th and 25th. All at 10am unless otherwise stated.Any queries, please contactAnnamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514- [email protected]
St Andrew’s Feast Day Celebrations– Friday 30thNov 10am Mass followed with free Teas / coffees and St Andrew’s feast day cakes served in the lower hall. All welcome.
Drumchapel Foodbankis always grateful for food donations received. In the weeks running up to Christmas, there has been a request particularly for donations of tinned meals. Collection boxes in the porch are taken to the foodbank every Monday.
Between now and Easter, please keep in your prayers Pamela Edmiston, Gabija Lazaraviciute, Joakim Landstroem, Stephen Miller and David Quinn who have all begun the RCIA journey of preparing to become Catholic next Easter.
St. Andrew’s Club (200) New Season—It’s the start of a new season for our popular 29 Club and our first £1000 draw will take place at our Parish function on 24th November. My thanks to those who have renewed the subscription, however we still have a few who have yet to renew…...Please!! All our fundraising is used to support our Parish Development Fund; various charitable causes and… you can win one of the many cash prizes on offer during the year. We need YOUR support please!!! Vacancies are available now for the 2018/19 season with membership at £6.00 per month or £65.00 per annum. Simply leave your name and address details with Fr. Joe or myself--Thanks! Come and Join Us!! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6805 or Father Mackle on 942 4635
Upcoming Meetings
5thNov– Halls Committee – 7.30pm – House
6thNov– St Nicholas Parent Council – 6.30pm – Bearsden Academy
7thNov– RCIA – 7pm - Hut
8thNov– Parish Pastoral Council – 7pm – House
12thNov– Ongoing Faith Formation – 10.30am - House
12thNov– EMHC who visit housebound – 2pm – House
12thNov– Legion of Mary – 4pm - Hut
12thNov– Youth ministry – 7pm – House
19thNov- Messengers – 7.30pm / 8.00pm – Lower Hall
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead— Therese Donnelly
Anniversaries--James O Callaghan, Fr. Ranulfo Sumagang,
Liberato Sumagang, Jim Tully