blessed is he who hopes in God."
Next Sunday is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. The second collection will be taken up for Apostleship of the Sea. For information about AoS’s work, visit www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk
Maryhill Food Bank – During school holidays, many families will be under extra stress as the children will not have school meals. In the past, the parish have been extremely generous and we ask now for your continued support. Thank you.
Please help keep the list of sick up to date by letting us know of names that should be added
Next year's World Youth Day is being held from 25 July to 31 July 2016 in Krakow with 2 million young people from all over the world expected to attend. The 7 day event will include international speakers, world renowned Catholic musicians, youth based prayer and liturgies and lots of fun! For more information please see www.krakow2016.com If you are interested in attending with the Archdiocesan Youth Office or would like more information, please mention to Fr Mackle and also contact Lucy on 0141 226 5898 or email: [email protected] St Andrew’s Parish would like to give as many of its young people as possible the opportunity to attend.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who are on the Vigil / Sunday rota - a date for your diary. Please note there will be a meeting in the church on Sunday, 6th September at 1pm.
Coordinator required - If anyone would be interested in taking on the role of co-ordinator of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, for a fixed term of 2 years from September, could they please say to Frank Bonnar or Fr Mackle. It involves drawing up the rota every quarter and sending it out to all by email, and also attending the liturgy group meetings (four times a year).
Like to Train and become a Parish Catechist? If you would like to apply for this two-year part-time course, sponsored by the parish, and train to become a parish catechist, speak to Fr. Mackle. This course is also suitable for those who wish to study for their own purposes. For further information, contact the RE Dept on 226 5898 /[email protected]
Interested in becoming a Catholic? – Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? The RCIA Programme (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult) will begin in the autumn. RCIA is the process by which adults are received into the Catholic Church. The programme of catechesis and instruction prepares adults for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Please speak to Fr. Mackle or Monsignor Ryan if you have any questions about receiving the Sacraments as an adult, or if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
The Knights of St Columba are unique in the Catholic Church. The role of the Knights is to support our churches and our communities, to help those less fortunate than ourselves and have a commitment to help develop our young people in their journey of Faith. We live in the values of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. What makes us different from other service organisations is the spiritual element, what the Second Vatican Council referred to as the universal call to holiness. That is the spirit of the Order, being a lay apostolate. If you wish to join us on our journey, now is the time to take the Opportunity to Serve. For more information contact Brian Henry (Provincial Grand Knight), E-mail: [email protected] or Tony McCartney (Provincial Membership Officer), E-mail: [email protected] or phone our Head Office on 0141 883 5700
Legion of Mary – 7.30 p.m. in the Hut every Tuesday. All most welcome.
Fresh Start is a local ecumenical charity supporting Women’s Aid in association with Scottish Churches Housing. We provide new, small household goods for women setting up a new home after a period in a refuge. The reason for providing new goods is to boost the women’s’ self-esteem which is often low after domestic abuse. The organisation needs someone to take on the role of Treasurer; this will not be a big job, possibly a few hours a month at most. The person will have to set up a bank account, bank cheques from donors and give out money to Fresh Start members when we need to buy more stock for the stores. The person will not necessarily need to come to meetings as most of the business can be done by email or in person. If anyone wishes to know any more information or to volunteer they can contact Sue Cobb on 0141 772 9429.
Last chance to see AGAP’s acclaimed production of “The Martyrdom of St. John Olgilvie” There will be one final performance on Thursday 16th July at 7.30 p.m. in St. Michael’s Hall, 1350 Gallowgate, Parkhead. Tickets £5.00 under 16s £2.00) available from AGAP 0141 554 1333 or www.agap.org.uk/even
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7.00 p.m. All are very welcome.
Mass attendance – 27th / 28th June – 493
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick - Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston), Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Mick Henry, Sheena Smith, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Gilbert O’Rourke, Margaret Cairney, Denis Campbell, Margaret Kearney, Ronald Coia, Mary Cox, Valentina Colaluca, Christine Turner, Dennis Haughey, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Michael Docherty, Maureen Scott
Recently Dead - Mary Cox, Hugh Wallace, Anne Morrison, Paul Roberts, Beatrice Johnstone, Audrey Workman, John Gallacher, Dorothy McConnell.
Anniversaries - Ian McColl, Margareet McKinnon, Andre Mazoyer, David McCallum, James Murray, John Hart, Gerard Hart.
Please help keep the list of sick up to date by letting us know of names that should be added.