Promoting a culture of life for beginning and end of life issues in Scotland, SPUC’s work involves challenging the Assisted Suicide legislation and backing the case of the Scotland-based midwives in their legal challenge to have their conscientious objection rights recognised and respected by hospital authorities. SPUC is also launching a petition highlighting the high number of wrongly certified abortion procedures taking place in the UK, and its education and youth development work is continuing with great success.
October Devotions – Rosary and Benediction this afternoon, Sunday at 4.30pm.
New Hymn Supplement - you'll see on the benches this week our new hymn supplement for use along with our Laudate hymnal. This includes a number of well known hymns for both parish and St Andrew’s Primary school use, as well as the new Gloria, which we've been learning over the past few months. Each time we are to use a hymn from the supplement, you'll see a red ' S' for Supplement on the hymn board alongside the number of the hymn in the supplement. Music is such an important part of the liturgy and very much enhances our experience at Mass, helping us to raise our hearts and minds to God, and it is hoped that having a more extensive range of hymns will further help us with this. Sincere thanks and appreciation are extended to Veronica and Eugene McLaughlin and their family for all their good work in preparing and producing the parish’s new St Andrew’s Hymn Supplement.
Monsignor Ryan, who for the past two years has been residing and serving in St Joseph’s, Milngavie, as a retired priest, has requested to move in to St Andrew’s presbytery, which is more suitably sized in terms of accommodation for two priests. We look forward to welcoming Monsignor Ryan, who will move in on Friday, 24th October.
Five things you can do to promote vocations to the priesthood as a parishioner. Make sure you get your copy with this week’s bulletin
Passkeepers Meeting – Sunday, 12th October at 11.15am in the church. If you are not going to be free to attend, please let Michael Sheerin know.
The Xavarian Fathers are very grateful for our parish’s generous response to last week’s Mission Appeal. £1606 was donated through the second collection to help The Xavarian Fathers in their missionary work.
The McLellan Commission. St Andrew’s Parish has been chosen as one of four parishes in the archdiocese for a parish visit by the McLellan Commission, as part of their work on Safeguarding in the Catholic Church. A number of parishioners have been invited to form a discussion group and meet on Saturday, 11th October at 11am in the chapel-house with two of the commission’s members, Prof Nancy Loucks, Chief Executive, Families Outside, and Mr Lindsay Roy MP.
Musicians needed for Vigil Mass We are very fortunate in St. Andrew's to have some excellent musicians which include four organists, a Folk Group and the Young Musicians. However, we are occasionally faced with a situation when, despite this, we have nobody to play. It usually affects Vigil Mass. We are looking for volunteers to fill in occasionally. It would not be an onerous task, possibly once every couple of months. If you feel you could help, please could you contact Fr. Mackle or Susan Morrison (07580086381 or 01415637959) We would be delighted to hear from you.
Coffee Morning after 10 am Mass, Sunday 19th October. Please come along and join us. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received. This month will be a free coffee morning as a thank you to all our faithful supporters. Also, many thanks to everyone who came along to September's coffee morning. The sum of £80 was sent to Cafod's Syria Appeal.
Mary's Meals are hosting a World Porridge Day challenge on 10th October. A suggestion that people challenge themselves to only have one bowl of porridge for a day as a reminder of the hunger that others have to endure. How about being sponsored for the challenge. Posters and information available on the Mary's Meals website.
Bearsden Celtic Festival: Saturday 4 October at 7.30pm in New Kilpatrick Church, a Celtic Concert with Jenn Butterworth, Lori Watson & Alastair McDonald. Sunday 5 October at 6.30pm in New Kilpatrick Church, a Celtic Ecumenical Service including massed church choirs. Both events are free. More info on
Primary 7 from St Andrew’s Primary School took part in the Scottish Country Dance Festival on the morning of Friday 3 October.
Parish Pastoral Council – next meeting Thursday, 23rd October at 7pm in the hall. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact Thomas McGonigle at [email protected]
The Sacraments—Reconciliation (First Confession), First Communion, and Confirmation. Parents intending to present children, who are in primary 3, for these sacraments are required to complete an application/enrolment form available in the porch. Please complete and return them by 12th October.
Service of Commitment for Primary Three Families at 10am Mass on Sunday, 26th October.
Fabric & Finance – next meeting 9th October at 7pm in the chapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact Brian Donnelly at [email protected]
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish (who has made his/her First Holy Communion) who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details. Training sessions are due to commence soon.
Altar Servers’ Training Session. If you didn’t manage to attend on Sunday 21st September, please attend today, Sunday 5th October, 1.30 pm till 2.30 pm.
Piety Stall Rota – Volunteers required, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass we would really appreciate your help. Any questions, please call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Ladies’ Fabulous Fun Night in aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for cancer research in the west of Scotland. Friday 14th Nov at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Champagne reception and dinner with cabaret. As always, it will be a great night. Tickets cost £45 each. Ladies only, so why not get together with some friends and take a table of 10? For tickets, call Angela Bruno 07730615045 or Veronica Maguire 07884468212 or [email protected]
Allander Jazz Band - Friday 24th October in Baljaffray Church at: 7.30pm. Tickets: £8 includes supper. Contact Dr Sue Milne on 07780995748
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Special Second Collections – 5th October, Pro-Life White Flower Appeal; 19th October, Mission Sunday; 9th November, Survive Miva; 16th November, Assisted Parishes.
Choir Dates for this term November 9th & 16th, December 14th, 21st & 25th (to be confirmed). All at the 10am Mass. Any queries, call Annamaria Strachan 942 9799/07749715514, or email: [email protected]
Padre Pio Prayer Group: Monday at 7.30pm. All are most welcome.
Mass Attendance – 27 / 28 Sept. Vigil Mass - 132; 10am Mass - 214 ; 12 noon Mass – 146. Total – 492.