"It is not those who say to me "Lord Lord" , who
will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but the person
who does the will of my Father in heaven".
Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confessions) - For the school children—P3—on Saturdays 5th & 12th March at 10 30am.
Liturgy Meeting—In preparation for Lent & Easter at the presbytery on Tuesday 8th March at 7 30pm.
Ash Wednesday—9th March—Blessing & distribution of Ashes at Mass at 10.00 am and 7 p.m.—A day of fast and abstinence.
First Sunday of Lent—13th March.
In addition to the 10.00 a.m. Mass, daily, there will be evening Masses on the Wednesdays at 7.00 p.m. beginning on Wednesday 16th March.
Second collections for sick and retired priests fund on Saturday/Sundays exception on S.C.I.A.F Sunday—2nd/3rd April
Stations of the Cross—as announced
Deanery Station Mass, celebrated by the Archbishop and clergy of the Deanery at Our Holy Redeemer’s Clydebank on Wednesday 6th April at 7.00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross—Sunday 20th March at 5pm.
Piety Stall—Has a large selection of cards and gifts on sale both for those celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation and for St. Patrick’s Day.
Fairtrade Sunday 6th March—This weekend—To celebrate St. Andrew’s Fairtrade status and to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to trade justice, we will be serving coffees, teas and cakes after the 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 a.m. Masses. There will also be a raffle and a stall offering a selection of Fairtrade goods for sale. Donations of home baking are appreciated (no nuts please). Many thanks—Shivonne Hayes (942-8603)
First Communion—Parents meeting at the Upper Hall on Thursday 10th March at 7 30 p.m.
RCIA—Rite of Election at St Mary’s Calton on Sunday 13th March. Please pray for Alan McBeth, Keith Sinclair and Susan Morrison and for all the Parish Group who are assisting them.
Adult Faith Development—See notice at the church porch.
Haiti Appeal—Thank you to all those people and friends who supported the Haiti coffee morning. £710 has been sent to Mary’s Meals International Relief/Haiti. Pat O’Shea.
St. Patrick’s Night Cabaret—This event is almost sold out. Please return any unused tickets to D MacLean A.S.A.P. There is now a waiting list. Any unsold tickets returned on 19th March will require to be paid for. The evening will begin prompt at 7 30pm and the meal served at 9pm. Phone 587 7319. Donations towards the raffle will be greatly appreciated.
SPRED—Our parish SPRED group will lead the liturgy at the 12 o’clock Mass on Sunday 13th March. All are invited for refreshments afterwards in the upper hall.
The Vespers of St. John Ogilvie—St Aloysius, Garnethill, Thursday 10th March at 7 30pm. See notice in the porch.
Glasgow Lourdes Hospitalite—Glasgow Archdiocesan, Lourdes Pilgrimage 2011, 15—22 July. See notice in the porch.
40 Hours Devotion—Monday 21st March not Sunday 20th March due to transport problems with buses and also on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday our Forty Hours Adoration will finish late afternoon due to same transport problems. St. Maria Goretti’s, 259 Bellrock Street, Glasgow, G33 3LN.
40 Hours Devotions—St. Augustine’s Milton Sunday 5th June.
4th International Youth Pro-Life Conference—Loch Lomond Youth Hostel, Friday 18th March—Sunday 20th March. For booking and information call 0141 221 2094 or email [email protected]