"Stay awake and stand ready because you do not know
the hour when the Son of Man is coming."
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, November- All names may be recorded in the memorial book as usual. The book will be at the Sanctuary throughout November.
November Lists—Are available through your Messenger and at the porch of the Church. Please return them to the box provided.
Evening Masses—On the Tuesdays of November for all the Faithful Departed at 7pm in addition to 10am each weekday.
L. B. Club—For all Primary 4 children celebrating Confirmation in November. Please come to the upper hall on Sunday 6th November from 11—12noon. For more info call Margaret Hendry 563 9993.
Dates for the Children’s Choir—13th November, 20th November, 11th December, 18th December—ALL AT 10AM MASS and 11th December—Family Advent Service at 3pm. And 10.00 a.m. Mass on Christmas Morning.
Choral Group—invite new members to join the existing group. Preparations are beginning for Christmas—practice will be held on Wednesdays , 16th November , 30th November, 7th December, 14th December, 21st December—All at 8.00 p.m. in the church. The ~Choral Group will also sing at the Parish Workers Mass on the Feast of St. Andrew—30th November at 7.30 p.m. Contact Susan Morrison for information 563 7959.
Confirmation— Wednesday 9th November at 7.30 p.m. (Group 1)
Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m. (Group 2)
Youth and the Liturgy—The young people will assist with the Liturgy at 12 noon Mass on Sunday 20th November.
S.C.I.A.F Real Gifts--Are available online here. Copies of SCIAF’s Christmas catalogue of Real Gifts are available at the back of the church this weekend or from SCIAF on 354 555. This scheme enables SCIAF to benefit poor families in the developing world with life changing gifts, whilst you get a card and fridge magnet to pass on to friends or family members as a token of your purchase.
Ceilidh—To celebrate Feast of St. Andrew—Saturday 3rd December at 7.30 in the Upper Hall. Bar, Fish Supper Ticket £10.00. Great ceilidh band. Contact D. MacLean 587 7319 on sale now.
Charity Christmas Fair—Our Charity Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 20th November after 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon Masses in the Upper Hall. This event will be the biggest we have ever hosted! In addition to our own Piety Stall, there will also be cards, wrapping paper and gifts from the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, SCIAF, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres, and SPUC. Proceeds from the tea and coffee will go to The National Autistic Society. Please join us! Donations of home baking for the event would be most welcome (no nuts please)
Prisoner Week 20th—27th November—for more information go to www.PrisonersWeekScotland.org.uk
Requiem Mass for the faithful departed—in the east end of the city. See notice in the porch.
Adult Faith Development Programme—see notice in the porch.
Building a Vision of Life in Marriage Preparation—Glasgow University Catholic Chaplaincy, Tuesday 8th November, 7 15pm. Dr. Angela McCallum. Angela has worked in General Practice and as a Consultant Radiologist. She is also a member of Fertility Care Scotland and teaches Fertility Awareness for High Schools and the Glasgow Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation programme. This is part of the monthly Turnbull Ethics Series. (6 45pm Rosary for Health Care Workers). Contact [email protected] or tel 339 4315. Refreshments. All welcome.
White Flower Appeal—The sum collected was £916.20. Many thanks to all who contributed.
Catholic Nurses Guild of Scotland—Meeting Monday 5th December at 7pm—see notice in the porch.
Life in the Eucharistic Renewal Day—Saturday 19th November—see notice in the porch.
Justice and Peace in the Archdiocese of Glasgow.—A day of Reflection on the work of Justice and Peace in the Archdiocese will take place on Saturday 26th November, 10 30—3pm in the Ogilvie Centre, Rose Street, Glasgow. For full details see the poster in the church porch. All welcome.
New Exercise Classes.—Several new exercise classes have recently started in the halls. These are a Zumba class in the Upper Hall on Saturdays from 11—12 and pilates classes in the Lower Hall on a Tuesday morning from 11—noon, Wednesday morning from 9 30—10 30 and a Thursday evening from 8 15—9 15. New members are most welcome. For further details on these lets, together with any other enquiries on current events in the halls or for booking the hall for your own family or other event, please contact Gordon Reid 07528 425 698.
1st Bearsden Boys’ Brigade - Are holding their “CHRISTMAS MARKET AND COFFEE MORNING” on Saturday 3rd December from 9 30—12noon at the BB Hall Glebe Car Park. Adults £3, children £1—tickets at the door or from any boys or Officers of 1st Bearsden Boys’ Brigade.