to his wisdom there is no limit."
We continue our prayers for the peaceful repose of the soul of Archbishop Tartaglia. We keep in our prayers, too, Monsignor Hugh Bradley who has been elected as Diocesan Administrator until a new archbishop is appointed for our archdiocese.
Confessions will be heard outdoors on Saturdays at the front door of the chapel house 4.15pm to 4.45pm, and on request. It would be appreciated if food bank donations are not dropped off there between 4pm and 5pm on Saturdays.
Lenten Resolution - It's that time of year when we start to think of choosing to give something up (or in some cases add something in) from our daily routines.
Ash Wednesday & Lent. It is so unfortunate that for Ash Wednesday this year, which is 17th February, we won’t be free to gather in the church to receive ashes and celebrate the beginning of Lent. Just to say, though, that there will be quite a few things for Lent being made available for you over the next few weeks. There will be a liturgy for Ash Wednesday that families can use at home and we’ll be making available other suggestions for praying at home.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 7th February The Church and the World urgently need your enthusiasm. Be sure to make the most fragile people, the poor and those wounded by life your travelling companions.Pope Francis, Letter to Young People from the 2018 Synod
Justice and Peace Scotland highlights a campaign every month on which you can take action. February Campaign: Introduce a basic income to get the country back on its feet after COVID Click on the link to support this campaign
Next Planning Ahead zoom meeting will be this Thursday 11th February. If you have any matters you would like discussed, please email
Veronica McLaughlin [email protected]
Youth Ministry Team – Planning for Lent – next zoom meeting – 16th February.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) for Primary 3 pupils is due to be celebrated on Saturdays 20th & 27thMarch 10am – 11am. Letters from the school and parish have now been sent out to all families regarding information about preparations and arrangements.
First Holy Communion for Primary 4 pupils will be celebrated on Saturday 8th, Sunday 9th, Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th May. All Masses will be at 2pm. It is uncertain at this stage for us to know what the maximum capacity at each First Communion Mass will be.
Confirmations for Primary 7 & Secondary 1 pupils. The dates for these are subject to a loosening of restrictions.
The archdiocesan safeguarding team has scheduled Zoom training dates for volunteers who have still to attend Induction Part 1 and / or Induction part 2. Below are the February dates. Induction meetings are mandatory. Volunteers who have still to attend are asked to contact the safeguarding office by email to book aspace [email protected].
Zoom Induction Part 1 10th & 24th Feb – 6pm
Zoom Induction Part 2 15th, 22nd & 25th Feb – 7pm
During lockdown, St Andrew's is closed until further notice.
Mass will be celebrated each Sunday which will be live streamed at 10am. Mass will also be live streamed Monday to Friday at 10am. Please visit
While we are in lockdown, and with all the uncertainty that is around, let us keep each other in prayer. Let's pray that these lockdown restrictions and the vaccines will be effective in bringing about the desired result in reducing the present levels of infection and transmission throughout our country.
Drumchapel Foodbank. The number of families now dependent on the foodbank, and the number of emergencies, are rising fast, especially when the schools are off. Thanks to all of our Parishioners who are donating food and toiletries to our collection point in the Chapel House porch to be delivered to Drumchapel Food Bank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to help, especially during lockdown.
Our parish’s soup-run’s volunteers continue to collect food donations form M&S Byres Road for delivery to Drumchapel and St Gregory’s Foodbanks and the Wayside Club.
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Chapel House or sent by email: [email protected] by12noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter and on the parish website.
Recently Dead – James Andrew, Richard Binns, Mme Raymonde Charrier, Elizabeth Cunning, Frances Donaldson, Olwen Jones, Donald Leiper, David McCallum, Philip Reilly, Fr Paul Sanders
Anniversaries – Michael Begen, Margaret Connolly, Nessie and George Cannon, Folimena D’Aguanno, Harry English, Anne Lawson, Stella Mazoyer, Fr David McDonald, Joseph Muir.