Saturday Vigil - The six months trial start time of 5pm Saturday Vigil was reviewed at the most recent Liturgy Group meeting. Given that attendance has been much higher since the beginning of January at the vigil, and feedback positive, the Mass will continue now to remain at 5pm, with Confessions before it from 4.15pm – 4.45pm. Please be aware that Roman Road car park charges for parking up until 5.30pm. Parishioners, particularly those who have mobility concerns, are very welcome to use the car parking space at the front and at the rear of the chapel-house.
The Caritas Award 2020 So far, we have three candidates. Still not too late if you would like to sign up. If you are in your final year of high school or just left and interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
Iona pilgrims are invited to collect their memories of Iona photo montage from the porch.
Summer Holidays – If you are going on holiday do have a safe journey, a happy holiday, and a safe return. Please check for a church near to where you are going.
A warm welcome to those who are visiting us at this time.
We’re now on Twitter - As well as having our website, Parish Facebook, Youth Ministry Facebook, and link with the school’s Facebook and Twitter, great now to have St Andrew’s on Twitter. Link is at follows can be sent to Catherine at [email protected]
Happy tweeting.
A huge thanks to the P6(2) pupils of St Nicholas's,their families and Miss Smith their teacher, for amazing end of school year donations to the Drumchapel Foodbank. It needs extra donations during the holidays when school meals are not provided, putting many families under additional strain, and the pupils’ generosity is very much appreciated.
The family of Mary Mcilroy would like to pass on our heartfelt gratitude for the love, compassion and prayers of mum's parish of St Andrew's. Your care and thoughtfulness has helped carry us through these dark days. Thank you also for your generous contributions towards Marie Curie and SCIAF at mum's funeral. Mairi, Colin, Iain, Mary, Jess and Blair.
For the Attention of all Parish volunteers with (or pending) PVG certificates. All volunteers working with children or protected adults should now have attended the Safeguarding level 1 training.For those who still require to attend please note the next level 1 training dates are: Tuesday 10th September – Holy Name parish, Mansewood
Mon. 7th October – Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of Glasgow
Saturday 23rd November (2 sessions am & pm) - Eyre Hall
It is essential to book a place to ensure we have handouts for you and can contact you if there any difficulties.
Anyone wishing to book onto this or any other training course please call the safeguarding office on 0141 226 5898 or book directly from the Archdiocese of Glasgow website Safeguarding page
An all abilities countryside walk through some beautiful woodland starting at McDonald’s in Kirkintilloch to Schoenstatt, Lennoxtoun - Sunday 15th September. There will be a bus from the parish and back. A cluster event. More details soon.
Your generous response to recent appeals has been very much appreciated –
Good Friday Holy Places - £720
Assisted Parishes - £846
Ecclesiastical Students £1,040
Communications - £722
Pro-Life £931
Columbans - £1,710
Peter’s Pence - £825.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – meetsMondays at 7pm.
Divine Mercy Novena is prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
Youth Ministry Team is currently organising a social / reunion for the P7s who have just left primary. In the pipeline for the cluster are a P6 Retreat in November, advent Carol Singing event, February NET Ministry Retreat, Lenten youth evening, P7 pre Confirmation Retreat, Caritas and the Pope Francis Faith Award.
We look forward to the Legion of Mary’s visit from 24th - 31st August for the Peregrinatio (Pilgrimage) week. Pray for them in a special way that their time here spreading the gospel in our parish will be successful and fruitful. Many thanks to all those who will be hosting them, and to those who will be looking after the week’s meals. We will also be looking for drivers to help. More details soon.
Advance Notice :Meeting for all parents of altar servers, including parents of all new servers – Thursday 22nd August at 7pm in the Upper Hall.
Carfin:Saturday 13th July @ 6.30 p.m. Bus leaves from Milngavie Post Office.Come and join us on the 13thof each month as we honour Mary the Mother of God and pray the Rosary for our own intentions or for some other special intention, asking Mary to present our prayers to Jesus. Hope to see you there. Legion of Mary
Day Trip to Carfinfor the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 1st.Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign sheet in the porch, if you would like to go.
St Margaret’s Adoption Society is currently looking to recruit prospective adopters. If you have ever thought about adoption as a way to grow your family and would like to know more, please contact their office for a chat with one of their friendly and experienced staff on 0141 332 8371or email [email protected].
For support, motivation and lots of fun,join our fitness classes every Wednesday in the upper hall at 10am. Call Rosemary on 01416397477 for details.
Emmaus Glasgowliving and workspace for up to 24 previously homeless companions and is located in Hamiltonhill. Donations of furniture are welcome. Call Gavin on 0141 342 4089 for free uplifts.
School Uniform Collection -One worthwhile cause you can help is this year’s school uniform appeal. New and used uniforms are needed for children in the Clydebank and Dumbarton area, many of whom miss school because they do not have a uniform. If you can donate anything, please phone Judith Reid 07713478676 to arrange collection. Collection point also in the church porch until 20thJuly.Last year more than 100 families were helped. Please help us do better this year.
Drumchapel FoodbankAll donations always gratefully received and delivered every Monday from the church porch to the foodbank.
Standing Order If changing your personal plate offering to standing order is something you are still thinking of doing, standing order forms suitable for Gift Aid and Non Gift Aid donors are available in the porch area. Thanks again.Brian Donnelly St A - F & F Coordinator Email [email protected]
2019/20 Levy One substantial expense, which our parish annually incurs, is the Diocesan Levy. This is a contribution that every parish must make towards the administration of the archdiocese. We are anticipating the Diocesan Levy for our parish for this year to be around £60,000. We will be given the actual amount in the autumn. In the meantime, our monthly levy standing order payment to the archdiocese is £4,000.
The 31 Club Anyone can join. Offer one Mass each month for Church vocations. All that is looked for is a personal commitment to attend and offer up a Mass for vocations. You pick a day in the month that suits. Just sign or initial a date on the 31 Club sheet in the porch. Promoted by Glasgow Serra.
Please help the Passkeepers by leaving your hymn books and order of Mass cards tidily after Masses, and by taking your bulletin away with you. Many thanks.
Forthcoming Special Collections –
Assisted Parishes – 18th August
SPRED – 8th Sept
LEPRA – 21st Sept.
The church is open until 4.45pm (7.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays) Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass. All most welcome.
Recently Dead--.Charles Gallagher, Gerald O’Hara., Peter McDonald, Alice Brunjes
Anniversaries—Andre Mazoyer, Mary Frances Gerard, David McCallum, Russell Rodger, James Murray, Pat Hayward, Bridget Baillie, Robina Guidi
1 month’s Mind—Anne Laurie