and my Father is the vine grower."
‘Looking to the Future’ archdiocesan consultation. All parishes have been asked to bring their reflections and ideas to the first Deanery Council meeting on 22nd May. Arrangements will be made very soon so that you will have the opportunity to contribute to this consultation process.
First Communion takes place at the 12 o’clock next Sunday 14th May. We look forward to welcoming the children and their families for this very special moment on their journey of faith. We thank all who have been involved in helping them to prepare for this special day, at school, at home, and in the parish. We pray that the blessings of the Eucharist will stay with the children for a long time to come and that they will become committed members of the Body of Christ.
First Holy Communion SAS – today Sunday 7th May 9.00am – 9.45am in the upper hall leading into 10am Mass with children’s liturgy.
First Communicants Mass of Thanksgiving will be at 10am on Sun 21st May followed by a big party in the hall.
World Youth Day Lisbon - Countdown is on. Hannah Quinn will be flying the flag for our parish, joining over 60 others from across the archdiocese. Fundraiser after the vigil on 1st July. More details soon. If you would like to support Hannah & WYD23 financially, please give any donations to one of the clergy.
Coffee Morning - Sunday, 28th May Please come along and join us in the upper hall, after 10 am Mass, for tea, coffee and some delicious home baking. This month we are raising funds for our very own parishioner, Hannah Quinn, who will be representing our Parish at World Youth Day in Lisbon, 1-6 August.
Hannah works tirelessly in our church as an altar server, cantor and assisting the Youth Ministry, to name but a few of her many roles, so please come along and support her. Also, Dr Karen Keeshan, our parishioner who works at the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, has sent the following:-
“On behalf of the staff and students in the Paul O’Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre, I would sincerely like to thank all the bakers and helpers and the St Andrew’s Parishioners who came along to last month’s coffee morning for their very generous and amazing donation of £655. This donation will go towards our goal to cure blood cancer in people of all ages.”
Thank you! Frances O’Donnell from Lincoln Kitchen Project was absolutely delighted to receive the baby/children’s clothes donated by parishioners as part of our Lenten challenge. She wants her thanks passed on to everyone involved.
Prayer for the New Monarch, King Charles III ~ O God, to whom every human power is subject, grant to our sovereign, Charles, success in the exercise of his high office, so that, always revering you and striving to please you, he may constantly secure and preserve for the people entrusted to his care, the freedom that comes from civil peace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.
Pope Francis, General Audience 5 June 2013, World Day of the Environment
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - The human environment and the natural environment deteriorate together; we cannot adequately combat environmental degradation unless we attend to causes related to human and social degradation. (#48)
SPRED still has a catechist available for another friend and it would be wonderful if someone wanted to give our SPRED group a go. Our group is age 22+. Just get in touch.
SPRED fundraiser. Big raffle prizes to be won. Tickets on sale weekend 20 /21 May.
This will be live streamed on our YouTube Channel.
Interested in becoming a Catholic? Please get in touch. The programme of learning and instruction will begin after summer and prepares adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more.
Carfin Grotto Bus - 13th May 6pm. Milngavie Station Cost £8. Please put your name on the list in the porch or pass it to Fr. Mackle or email [email protected] For transport to Milngavie Station, please indicate on the list and someone will be in touch.
Book Launch. 'People I Met On My Way' by Fr Joseph Dillon SVD. 50 years in Brazil. Sat 27th May 6pm - 8pm in St Andrew's upper hall. Refreshments served.
Fr Joe will celebrate the 5pm Mass.
Book Signing and Coffee Morning - Sunday 28th May after 10am and 12 noon Masses.
All profits to Fr Joe's Health Projects in São Paulo.
The church is open until 5pm Mon to Fri. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass, Mon to Thurs. All most welcome.
Saturday Adoration Do come and spend some time each week, to be still before God at our Saturday Adoration. If shopping at the Cross, or out for a coffee, pop in to St Andrew's for some quiet prayer. Have a heart to heart with God. Saturday 10am until 11am, with Confessions throughout. Sunday Confession 9.15am until 9.45am.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
Drumchapel Foodbank. Your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our soup-run volunteers continue to collect donations 7 evenings each week from Marks & Spencers, Milngavie, for delivery to St Gregory’s Foodbank. This is for families and Aspire West End to support those trying to get back on their feet.
If you are interested in volunteering once or twice a month, please get in touch with Veronica McLaughlin - [email protected].
Recently Dead: Theresa Docherty, Michael Duddy, Jimmy Dyer, Catheleus Grant, Anne Hamilton, Rachael Higgins, Alice Mazzucco, Mabel McQuade, John Park and Oriana Spadoni.
Anniversary: Vittorio and Angela Arcari, John McKinnon and Andrew Thompson.