do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to
such as these."
October Devotions –honour of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, there will be Rosary & Benediction on the Sundays of October at 4.30pm. Rosary prayed daily in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9.40am.
Calling all P7 Confirmation Candidates - In preparation for your Confirmation, an opportunity to get to know more about the Holy Spirit as a Helper and a Guide, and the chance, with some parish catechesis, to learn more about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. This will take place in St Joseph's Hall, from 2pm - 3.30pm on Sunday 28th October.
Dates to Note - First Holy Communion for Primary 4 children will take place at the 12 noon Masses on 12th & 19th May 2019. Rehearsals will take place on Thursdays 9th & 16th May 2019 at 7pm in the church. There will be a preparation meeting for all parents at 7pm in St Andrew’s Upper Hall on Thursday 31st January 2019.
Between now and Easter, please keep in your prayers Pamela Edmiston, Gabija Lazaraviciute, Christopher Earl, Joakim Landstroem, Stephen Miller and David Quinn who have all begun the RCIA journey of preparing to become Catholic next Easter.
Mass for Newly-Married Couples will be celebrated by the Archbishop today, Sunday 7th October at 3pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral. All those married in the past few years are most welcome, as are their families and friends.
Iona - Can anyone who is thinking of coming on the parish visit to Iona in May 2019, please complete forms and cheque by next Sunday, 14th October after 12 Mass and put through parish house door, as places now need to be finalised.
St Andrew’s Readers’ Rota - We are currently short of readers for the 12 Noon Sunday Mass. If there is anyone interested in becoming a reader at this particular Mass, I would be very grateful to hear from them prior to the preparation of the next rota for the 3 month period December 2018 to end February 2019? The usual commitment is approximately one reading per month at the same specified Mass time. Please contact me at [email protected]for more details/to organise a short meeting if you are interested in joining the Readers’ Rota for the 12 Noon Mass.
Sunday 7 October is Homeless Sunday. Around 30,000 families and individuals in Scotland find themselves homeless each year.Homelessness includes sleeping rough, but there are a whole lot of people who are homeless who don’t sleep rough. They may be in temporary accommodation, hostels or refuges.. Learn about homelessness and the work of Scottish Churches Housing Action
“Heavenly Father –
My neighbour has nowhere to call home: help me be aware.
My neighbour needs love and community: help me be active.
My neighbour is crying out for justice: help me be adamant
…to see an end to homelessness.”
Save The Dates – 10th Nov – Cluster Youth Mass; 9th Dec – Cluster Nightfever; 13th Dec- Advent Evening Reflection.
Children’s Choir – November 11th and 18th; December 9th, 16th and 25th. All at 10am unless otherwise stated.Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514- [email protected]
St Andrew’s Music & Quiz Night- Saturday 24 November. This year we will be running the evening as a fundraiser for SAMH (the Scottish Association for Mental Health). We are looking for volunteers for a return appearance the pop-up choir as well as an all new Man choir slot! Sign-up time forMusic and Quiz Nightsingers! If you enjoy exercising your vocal chords and having a good laugh, please sign up to join us. There will be rehearsals in the church on Sunday afternoons in November - if you can manage two out of three, that's fine. “Pop Up Choir” & "Man Choir" sign-up sheet is available in the porch or contact Margaret Charrier on 07933713621.
Anyone who would like to play an instrument on their own, or sing a song, please get in touch with Veronica McLaughlin [email protected] Tickets costing £5 now on sale after all vigil/Sunday Masses. Last year's tickets sold out very quickly, so get in early!
FIND for young people S5 – 25. Discussion, prayer and pizza. Every Thurs 4pm – 6.30pm in 196 Clyde St. FORMED for P7 – S4. Chance to meet new friends. Prayer and Pizza. 4.30pm – 7pm in 196 Clyde St. Every 1stFriday. Pick up an info card from the porch. Visit
Safeguarding Induction Part 1 Training.All volunteers should by now have completed this training in order to continue in their role. If you still require to attend this training, please contact the Safeguarding Team on 226 5898 / [email protected]. For details of Training dates, see porch noticeboard.
Annual Torchlight Procession -51 years since the Abortion Act.Remembering the lives lost from abortion. Thursday 18 October. Gather at George Square 6pm.Rosary 6.30pm; Procession 7.00pm; Mass 7.30pm at Saint Andrew's Cathedral.
Evening Pilgrimage to Carfin – Saturday 13thOctober with torchlight procession. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at the Post Office in Milngavie. All are very welcome.
Fatima – The Ultimate Mystery:Pope Francis requests us to pray the Rosary every day in the month of October. Now come and see the unique approach of this film. It shows the message of Fatima not as belonging to the past, but rather as ongoing divine intervention that has changed our recent history and will still influence the world’s future. This will be screened on 22ndOctober in St Helen’s Langside church hall. Time: 7pm Rosary, 7.30pm film. Tickets from Pauline bookshop, St Helen’s parish or (suggested ticket donation £4.00).
Newman Association:Catholics and Schools after the 1918 Education Act.A symposium organised by the Scottish Catholic Historical Association in collaboration with the Newman Association and the St Andrew’s Foundation - Lecture Theatre 213, St Andrew’s Building, University of Glasgow, 20 Eldon Street, G3 6NH. 12.00 – 17.00 on Saturday27thOctober 2018. All welcome. SCHA and Newman members: admission £6. Non-members £9 - includes tea/coffee and biscuits.
Daily Mass is celebrated in St Andrew’s Monday to Saturday at 10am. All are most welcome. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is every Saturday from after 10am Mass until 12.30pm
Tidy Up of the Crypt - The Halls Committee is intending to carry out a ‘spring clean’ of the Crypt area under the church from 10.30 till 12.00 on the morning of Saturday 13 October. We are looking for some volunteers to assist with this. If you are interested, could you contact the halls phone on 07528 425 698 to let us know of your help and also if you have any questions. Could any Parish Group that uses the Crypt for storage ensure their areas are clean and tidy and appropriately marked, so we don’t dispose of anything by accident. Many thanks.
Drumchapel Foodbank Particular items requested are tinned meals, soup and long life milk and all would be very gratefully received. Collection boxes in the porch are taken to the foodbank every Monday.
Upcoming Meetings
8thOct –Bereavement Support – 7pm - House
12thOct – Reachout Editorial Team – 10.30am – Hut
19thOct – Emmaus – 10.30 – House
21stOct– Soup Run Helpers – 1.15pm.
26thOct – Reachout Ed Team – 10.30am – Hut
30thOct – Fabric & Finance – 7pm - House
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—Lawrence Gilmurray, Olive Chateau, Marie
Menzies, Robert Zachary Bunsa, Sandra McDonald.
Anniversaries--Martin O’Callaghan, Anne Moakler, Lee McCrone.