Interested in becoming a Catholic? – Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult) will begin in the autumn. RCIA pro- gramme of learning and instruction prepares adults for the Sacraments of Bap- tism, Confirmation and Eucharist, usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew and rebuild your life after experienc- ing the trauma of abortion. The healing weekends offer a supportive, confidential and non-judgemental environment where women and men can deal with painful post-abortive emotions. This weekend, Divine Mercy Sunday, we welcome a speaker who will give an information appeal on their behalf.
A very sincere Thank You to all those who worked so hard in so many ways looking after all the preparations for Holy Week and Easter, and to all those who were involved in various ministries. It was very heartening to see such great num- bers attending throughout. The beautifully decorated children’s liturgy cross will remain on the sanctuary until Pentecost Sunday.
Coffee Morning Please come along and join us for a cuppa, a chat and some deli- cious home baking on Sunday, 15th April after 10am Mass in the Upper Hall. This month we will be raising funds for The Marie Curie Charity, who give care and support through terminal illness. Many thanks to all who came along to March’s coffee morning at which The sum of £124.70 was raised for The Nation- al Autistic Society Scotland.
Pre-exam Mass. The young members of the parish are warmly invited to Mass at 6pm on Saturday 21st April to pray for success in exams. Take a short time out of busy pre-exams studying and enjoy the prayerfulness of this Mass, which will be followed by pizza and refreshments in the hall for the young people and their fam- ilies. If anyone would like to be involved in the Mass ministries, eg. readings, intercessions, passkeeping, music, serving please give your names to Fr. Mackle. Our Caritas candidates will say a few words about what has been involved in completing the Caritas Award. Caritas Leaflets available in the porch.
First Confession - Sacrament of Reconciliation- For children who have still to make theirs, times are Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 5.15pm – 5.45pm; Sun-
days 9.15 – 9.40am. Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The Rosary on the Coast for Faith, Life and Hope in the British Isles. Sunday 29th April @ 3pm at various coastal locations – Largs, Ayr, Ardrossan, Leven- grove Park, Dumbarton and many more places - Watch the video. Visit @rosaryonthecoast for more details and information. Get involved in this unique moment and be part of something truly gracious for our country.
Safeguarding Training - Volunteers who work in the parish with children and/or vulnerable adults, who haven't attended a previous safeguarding training meeting must make every effort, please, to attend the training evening in St Andrew’s Up- per Hall 7pm – 9pm on 14th June. To book, please contact Clau- [email protected] / 0141 226 5998 or say to Fr Mackle. If you haven’t man- aged to attend a previous meeting, it really is imperative that you attend this one.
Autism Bake Sale in aid of East Dunbartonshire Carers Link on 20th April 9am -11am in St Andrew’s Primary, Bearsden. All welcome. Donations of home baking will be greatly received. Any queries please contact Suzanne Gahagan 07757 383 843.
The St. Andrew’s Squad - (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for First Holy Communion, Sunday 22nd April from 9.00 – 9.45am in the Upper Hall. Any queries please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993
New Gift Aid Envelopes - 2018/2019 - Still some new box of envelopes to be collected. New envelopes should be used from this Sunday, 8 April 2018. Any remaining old envelopes, in your current box, should be destroyed. If you are a taxpayer and would like to sign up to make donations via Gift Aid, please speak with one of the F&F team / call 942 4635 or rmail [email protected] HMRC refund last year was about £15,000 - many thanks to you all in helping to achieve this amount. St. Andrew’s Finance & Fabric Team.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer
each Saturday.
Please note – No Adoration 7 April, as there will be a wedding that day.
Music - If you would like to get involved and join the parish’s music ministry as an organist, pianist, instrumentalist or cantor, please contact Sally Mulholland[email protected] It doesn’t need to be a permanent or regular commitment throughout the whole year. You might be a student and when home on holiday can help out for a couple of months. If you can help, please do get in touch.
Parish Pastoral Council - Nomination forms available in the porch to be re- turned by Sunday, 29th April 2018. Members are normally appointed to serve a three year term and membership is open to active parishioners over the age of 16. The Council is a planning body of parishioners which fosters the full partic- ipation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church as lived out in St. Andrew’s Parish. In consultation with the Parish Priest, the PPC actively listens to and identifies the needs and concerns of parishioners and helps devel- op a plan to respond to those needs.
SVDP. The Society’s Summer Charity Concert will take place on Friday 18th May in the Woodside Halls at 7.30 pm. Full details can be found on the poster in the Church porch. Your support for this event is much appreciated.
The Dream of Gerontius portrays the passage of the Soul after death on its way to Paradise, meeting on the way Demons (intent on enticing him to the other place) and accompanied by Souls already ‘home’ (encouraging him to remain steadfast on his dramatic journey). It also includes Henry Cardinal Newman’s epic poem and uplifting hymn setting of ‘Praise to the Holiest in the Heights’. Sir Edward Elgar’s very emotional masterpiece will be performed in Glasgow City Halls on Saturday 29th April by Bearsden Choir. Tickets (numbered) can be obtained via the Choir website or from Chris Sanders (0141 942 7519). Handbill with more details on Narthax noticeboard.
The Legion of Mary - new members always welcome. Meets on Mondays at 5pm in the Hut. Divine Mercy Novena is prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
Padre Pio Prayer Group meets on Mondays at 7pm. All welcome. For infor- mation or interest, please contact Kay Dick 0141 942 7771 or Kate Hay 0141 931 5154.