Catholic Education Week 8th – 15th Feb. “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel”. SCES’s Newsletter features news of recent and forthcoming developments in education. Pick up a copy. Special message from Archbishop Tartaglia will be read at all Masses next Sunday, and we will welcome pupils from the primary and secondary schools. Coffee Morning next Sunday after 10am Mass. Come and enjoy tea / coffee and cakes and it’s free. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received.
4th, 5th and 6th Year Students Are you thinking about doing a Duke of Edinburgh or Caritas Award? Do you know that volunteering to help with the Children’s Liturgy at the 10 o’clock Mass on a Sunday counts towards these awards. If you are interested in finding out more please contact Sharon Warner on 942 6901.
A series of talks on the Catholic Faith for young people 16 – 25. Thursday evenings at Turnbull Hall. See porch for full details.
Don’t forget to collect your Wee SCIAF Box from the porch. Remember, this Lent the UK Government will match every penny you donate to SCIAF’s 50th anniversary Wee Box, Big Change appeal.
RCIA Please keep in your prayers Jennifer Aire and Alison McDonald, who are engaged in the RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter. RCIA Retreat will be on 21st Feb, and the Rite of Election on the 22nd.
Interested in being part of a 'bank' of home bakers to do Scones/a fruit Loaf/ cup cakes, for each or any of our monthly coffee mornings? – none in May or July. Please contact Veronica Maguire [email protected] or 07884468212
Volunteers wanted to help with the monthly coffee mornings. Hopefully, you would only be on duty at one coffee morning per year. If you are willing to help, please contact Veronica Maguire :- [email protected] or 07884468212
Diamond Dance in aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for cancer research in the west of Scotland. Sat 14th March at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. It will be an evening of enjoyment - champagne reception, dinner and dancing. Why not get some friends interested and take a table of 10? As always, it will be a great night. Tickets £150 per couple; £75 per person. Contact [email protected] 07730615045 or [email protected]/ 07884468212
Children’s Choir 15th Feb, 8th & 15th March, 10th May, 14th & 21st June. Any queries, call Annamaria 942 9799/07749715514 or [email protected]
P3 Visit to the church this Friday, 13th Feb for 10am Mass, as part of preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Parents whose children are at schools other than St Andrew’s are encouraged to make arrangements for this visit please.
Primary Three Sacrament of Reconciliation - During The Season of Lent (18th Feb – 29th March) Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 5.15pm – 5.45pm; Sundays 9.15am – 9.40am.
The re-scheduled First Holy Communion meeting will now take place on Thursday 19th February at 7pm in the hall. Remember that children can only make their First Holy Communion if they have already been Baptised and made their First Confession.
Baptism Course – The next one will be on Saturday 7th March at 11am in the Lower Hall. Parents and godparents are expected to attend. Please note, future baptism courses will be on the first Thursday of each quarter at 7pm in the Upper Hall. The dates are 4th June, 3rd September & 3rd December. When making arrangements, please note that a godparent must be16, baptised, confirmed and leading a life in harmony with faith, and not a parent of the one to be baptized. A baptised non-Catholic may serve as a witness to the baptism if a Catholic godparent also takes part. Only one godparent is needed, although two may serve.
Sunday's 50th Anniversary Mass for SCIAF. Fr Mackle will be attending. We are grateful to Fr Marley from the Dominicans who will say today’s 12noon Mass.
“What are fathers for?” A seminar, organised by Opus Dei, on this topic will be held at Dunreath, 231 Nithsdale Road, Glasgow on 28th February. To answer the question there will be talks on what the Catholic Church says to fathers, what St Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei, said and then a DVD which includes interviews with married couples. Time also for questions and tea. The seminar would be of particular interest to men who are just married, just about to get married and those who think that they will get married. See poster in porch for more details.
The annual SPUC Youth Conference 6th - 8th March at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Southport (near Liverpool) for all aged 16 to 35. Cost £100, including all meals and accommodation. If interested in attending, speak to Fr Mackle. A kind parishioner has offered to sponsor the total cost of £100 for one young parishioner who wishes to attend. The Youth Conference has been very successful in recent years in educating and motivating the youth of today to engage in peaceful and effective pro-life work.
Forty Hours Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place here in St Andrew’s on 1st, 2nd & 3rd March. More details soon.
Reachout Editorial Team Meetings - Mondays 9th & 16th at 7.30pm.
Liturgy Group Meeting – this Tuesday in the chapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact [email protected]
Halls Committee Meeting – 16th Feb 7.30pm in the Hut. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact [email protected]
Sun 22nd March 7.30pm. Charity Concert with Scottish Classical singer Martin Aelred here in St Andrew’s in support of LET THE CHILDREN LIVE. Tickets on sale soon. Organised by St Andrew’s Justice and Peace Group.
An Appeal to all artists and aspiring artists in St Andrew’s. You are invited to create a piece of art (tapestry, installation, photograph, pottery etc) based on the Holy Week / Easter story. It could be a scene from the scriptures, or one of the Stations of the Cross. Your artwork will be part of the Bearsden Churches Holy Week Art Exhibition.
Mass attendance – 31 Jan / 1 Feb – 632
Maryhill Foodbank. Donations of tins and packets of food will be gratefully received.