"We saw His star as it rose
and have come to do the Lord Homage."
To be read at all Masses Sunday 8th January 2912 (available on link above)
Solemnity of the Epiphany—Sunday, 8th January—a day of prayer for peace— special collections for Justice & Peace. The children who have been baptised in the parish over the last year, together with their parents and sponsors, are invited to mark the occasion with a celebration at 12 noon Mass today and afterwards at the Upper Hall. Please return the reply slips to help with catering. Thank you. Today marks the end of Christmastide this year.
The Western Catholic Calendar—For 2012 is now on sale in the Piety Stall priced £2. 90.
25th Anniversary Events for January and February--As part of our year long celebration of the church building's 25th Anniversary, the Parish Pastoral Council has arranged three great events during January and February. These include a quiz night on Friday 20th January, a Fish and Fizz night on the evening of Saturday 4th February and a youth mass and musical evening on Saturday 25th February. Further details on each of these events will be available early in the New Year, but in the meantime, make this your first appointments in your new diary for 2012. For more information, please contact Stewart Ballingal (942 5679) or Gordon Reid (563 9717).
Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) - Parents meeting for those presenting children this year— at the Upper Hall on Thursday, 12th January at 7 30pm. (Please note correction to date)
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity—Service at Baljaffray Parish Church on Sunday 22nd January. Speaker Mgr. Paul Conroy, (Secretary of The Bishops' Conference of Scotland)..
Unity Supper—Wednesday 18th January 7.15 for 7,30. Tickets £7.50 from Margaret Sanders - New Kilpatrick New Halls—Speaker Elaine Duncan, Chief Executive of the Bible Society.
Soup Run - The next soup run is on Friday 13th January. Donations of soup, sandwiches, soft fruit etc, accepted in the lower hall from 7pm. Many thanks for your support. Enquiries to Phyllis 0141 570 1343.
Recycle your Surplus Presents in Aid of the Homeless—If you have received a present over Christmas that you now feel is surplus to your requirements then why not donate it to a fundraising event in aid of the homeless. Just ring your gift along before or after Mass next week (15th January) and place it in the labelled box in the foyer. Justice and Peace Group
St. Andrew's Quiz Night—Friday 20th January at 7.30 p.m. Come as a team or come and be part of one. £2.00 per person. Bring your own bottle. Please contact Michael Sheerin 943 0935 for tickets or information.