"The disciples recognised the Lord Jesus in the breaking of bread, alleluia"
Children’s Choir—The dates for the choir this term are:
8th May
15th May
12th June
19th June.
Any queries please contact Annamaria Strachan 942 9799 / 07749715514.
L. B. Club—For all children celebrating their First Holy Communion in May. Please come along to the Upper Hall on Sunday 8th May from 11am till 12noon. Please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993 for further information.
Considering life as a Diocesan Priest? - A retreat for those who would like to find out more about diocesan priesthood will take place 27th –29th May. This is an offer of time for prayer, reflection and the opportunity to meet with others who are also thinking about priesthood. For more information please contact your Diocesan Vocations Director:
Monsignor John Gilmartin,
Our Lady of Lourdes,
51 Lourdes Ave,
Glasgow G52 3QU.
0141 882 1024
email [email protected]
World Day Of Prayer For Vocations - Sunday 15th May.Second collections for the Ecclesiastical Students Fund.
Musical Events - For the re-opening of St. Andrew's Cathedral. See notice in the porch.
First Communions -
15th May (12 noon)
22nd May (10.00 a.m.)22nd May (12 noon)
29th May (12 noon)