Yours faithfully – the weekly church / religious column in the Milngavie and Bearsden Herald is looking for a volunteer from St Andrew’s to write the column for the first week in September edition. 400 words. You would be free to choose your own subject. Deadline is 1st September. If you are willing to write this column, please speak with Fr Mackle. Writing caps on. We are also looking for other willing parishioners to write for post September dates. Your commitment would be no more than one column a year.
February’s Flourish includes an update on discussions concerning Parish pastoral provision; reflections from Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) with a particular focus on parish, community and missionary discipleship; a look at the work of Glasgow's Notre Dame Centre in supporting disadvantaged children and kinship carers; how the Commonwealth Games might energise parish communities; Faith Into Action stewardship report and summary of archdiocesan accounts; and Schools' shining the light of faith through charity. Our archdiocesan newspaper – always a good read.
Passover Meal - Wednesday 16th April: Please speak with Fr Mackle if you can help by being part of a small group to look after the arrangements of this service. Also, please sign the sheet in the porch if you would like to attend the Passover Meal. This will help us to gauge interest and viability. A demonstration Passover Meal during Holy Week can have educational and spiritual value, and can help those who attend to understand better the Jewish roots of our Eucharistic liturgy. Various ritual foods symbolising the Exodus are eaten, including matzah (unleavened bread), green and bitter herbs and haroset (a sweet mixture).
Fabric & Finance Group will meet on Tuesday, 18th February at 7pm in the chapel-house. Parish Pastoral Council will meet on Thursday 20th February at 7.30pm in the hall. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed at either meeting, please contact Brian Donnelly on 942 6085 for F&F, and Thomas McGonigle on 942 1167 for PPC.
The parish’s SVDP is keen to increase its membership and would welcome anyone who is interested in its work to join and take an active part in influencing the work undertaken. Please speak with one of the SVDP members in the porch after Mass.
Ball for Brazil. The Saint Vincent de Paul’s fundraiser sequel to World Youth Day Rio. Saturday 15th March in Grand Central Hotel. From 6.30pm. For tickets, £40 each or £350 for a table of 10, contact Clare on 226 8833 or [email protected]. Porch noticeboard has all the details.
The Living Tradition of the Church From the Apostles to Francis. A talk to be given by Archbishop Tartaglia on 13th February at 7.30 pm in Turnbull Hall for young people aged 16 – 25. Facebook: glasfaithforum or email: [email protected]
Copyright law. Whenever an Order of Service is being printed for use in either the Church or Hall, the following must be included - “All rights reserved, hymns reprinted by authorisation of Calamus & licence number 1700.”
RCIA Please keep in your prayers John Harper and Robbie McKechnie, who are engaged in the RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am Mass. February 16th & 23rd (Catholic Education Sunday), March 9th & 16th, May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
What’s on @ St Andrew’s Church Halls— Scottish Slimmer's on a Monday evening, Zumba on a Saturday morning, Pilates on a Wednesday morning, an over 60’s exercise class on a Friday morning, circuits on a Thursday evening, a general exercise class on a Wednesday morning and a prenatal Yoga class on a Wednesday evening. Bearsden Literary Society on a Monday evening and the University of the Third Age on a Tuesday morning. Choir rehearsals on a Monday and Tuesday evenings and a baby and toddlers music class on a Tuesday morning. Visit or call 07528 425 698 for more details. The halls are also available for that special occasion, whether it’s a child’s birthday party, an anniversary celebration, a christening or a wedding.
Baptism Course starts back on 1st March. We now only have one volunteer running the course. We desperately do need more volunteers. The course is on every first Saturday of the month from 11am – 1pm. If you are able to help, please speak with Kathleen Thompson or Fr Mackle.Applications for Seminary Applicants' Year is about to begin once again. If you would like to know more about life as a diocesan priest or if you wish to take part in the Seminary Applicants' Year then please contact the archdiocese’s Vocations Director, Fr John Keenan, at [email protected] or on 339 4315
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood ? – contact Fr John Keenan, [email protected] (0141-339-4315) or Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (0141-776-1063)
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Monday at 7.00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All are very welcome.
Annulment and Marriage Validation - See Fr Mackle to learn more about the process if you are divorced and remarried or never married in the Catholic Church.
Maryhill Foodbank Collection. Please place any donations of non-perishables (tins of soup, beans, meats etc., pasta, rice, toiletries) in the containers in the porch. Many thanks.