We look forward to Legion of Mary’s visit from 24th - 31st August for the Peregrinatio (Pilgrimage) week. Pray for them in a special way that their time here spreading the gospel in our parish will be successful and fruitful. Many thanks to all those who will be hosting them, and to those who will be looking after the week’s meals. More detail soon.
Coffee Morning--Please come along and join us this morning, in the upper hall, afteram, for the last coffee morning before the summer holidays.This month we are raising funds for Fr Mathew Parumoottil’s parish school in India. Heto introduce English Language to the school to improve the children’s employment prospects and they need text books, both for the school and to lend to individual children who cannot otherwise afford them. May we take this opportunity to wish everyone ‘happy holidays’ when they come and thanks again for your continued support. Veronica and David Maguire
Day for Life 2019– A day in the Church’s year dedicated to celebrating and upholding the dignity of human life. The illustrated card for this year’s Day for Life reminds us of the scourge of domestic abuse. The 2ndcollection is for the Church’s Annual Day for Life Fund. Groups and Organisations whose special vocation is to tackle and heal the wounds of domestic abuse are invited to appeal to this fund for assistance. Visit www.dayforlife.org
Interested in becoming a Catholic?– Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA will begin in autumn. The programme of learning and instruction prepares adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
The Caritas Award 2020 So far, we have two candidates. Still not too late if you would like to sign up. If you are in your final year of high school or just left and interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
Fr Declan McNaughton of the Columban Missionary Fathers will be visiting our parish next weekend to speak to us about their Mission Appeal.There will be a second collection taken up to support the Columbans in their missionary work. Visit columbans.co.uk
Video: In Christ Alone: In his homily during the Easter Vigil, Pope Francis called Easter ‘the feast of tombstones rolled away’. This video is a reminder that Christ has overcome death and released us from the fierce grip of sin. It is an invitation to allow Christ to roll away our own ‘personal tombstones’ which block his Light from entering our hearts…and inspires us to help each other to live up to our Baptismal promises.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week-“Do not grieve or complain that you were born in a time when you can no longer see God in the flesh. He did not in fact take this privilege from you. As He says: ‘Whatever you have done to the least of my brothers, you did to me’.”
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Refugee Week J&P Event, Tuesday 18th June, 7pm in Immaculate Conception ChurchDaniel Sweeney, Social Justice Coordinator for J&P Scotland, will talk on the refugee crisis in the light of his recent visit to Calais, and how we can help. welcome.
St Nicholas’ enthusiastic Eco gardeners will help with planting a Juniper sapling in the Spirit of Peace Jubilee Garden after Mass this Thursday to mark Justice & Peace’s 40th Anniversary. Refreshments will be served in the Hut afterwards. The Eco gardeners look forward to planting a J&P Juniper sapling in the school’s grounds after summer.
Film – The Trojans – Thurs 13th June - 7.30pm – Douglas Academy. A brand new, haunting and uplifting adaptation of Euripedes’ great anti-war tragedy, The Trojan Women, written and acted by a cast of Syrian refugees living in Glasgow.The Trojans transcends countries and time with a cast who have known the horror of war bringing their own experiences of exile and loss and of the bitter-sweetness of building new lives in Scotland. Q and A session will follow showing of film and there will be an opportunity to talk with refugees over some light refreshments.Admission free - Donations to Syria Bright Future & Médecins Sans Frontières
Day Trip to Carfin for the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 2nd.Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign sheet in porch, if you would like to go.
Volunteer needed to lock up the church on Thursdays at 4.45pm. If you can help with this, please contact 942 4635 [email protected]
A huge thanks to all who helped make the First Communicants’ Thanksgiving Mass and Party such a success. Still a few certificates to be collected from the sacristy.
For support, motivation and lots of fun,join our fitness classes every Wednesday in the upper hall at 10am. Call Rosemary on 01416397477 for details.
Busted Halo(www.bustedhalo.com) – good for spiritual seekers. Has engaging answers to almost every moral and Catholic question you can think of. Particularly good for teenagers and young adults and great for finding up-to-the-minute commentary on world and Church affairs. Message from Fr Lawlor – Renovation works during July and the abolition of the Tier 5 Visas mean we need to suspend the Sunday evening 5.30 Mass until 1stSept. Restricted access to the church during July.
Priests for Scotland – Enquirers Day: Discerning a vocation to the Diocesan Priesthood? Wanting to know more about how to apply for the Priesthood in Scotland? Priests for Scotland are holding an information day on Sat 15th June 10am to 3pm. Contact your Vocations Director, [email protected]or e-mail [email protected]
The 31 Club –Anyone can join. Offer one Mass each month for Church vocations. All that is looked for is a personal commitment to attend and offer up a Mass for vocations. You pick a day in the month that suits. Just sign or initial a date on the 31 Club sheet in the porch. Promoted by Glasgow Serra.
The 29 Club Summer 2019 Draw Our Summer Double Draw took place at the Church on Thursday 06 June 2019 with the following winners:-£1000 : No.2 - Michelle Donnelly, £1000: No.160 - Anne Connor, £100 : No.10 - Peter Donohoe, £100 : No116 - Nancy MacDonald, £100 : No.49 - Lorna & Chris Donnelly,£100 - No.106 - Kathleen Milne,£100: No38 - Tony Higgins, £100: No. 115 - Caroline McKechnie, £100 : No. 29 - Fr Joe Mackle, £100: No. 109 - Lorraine McSherry.
My thanks to the our Thursday Church Cleaners team together with the early weekday mass attendees for making the draw.
To all you 29 Club members Thank You for your continued support…and to the winners .. Enjoy!!
All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and various charitable causes. Vacancies are available now for the new season starting October with membership at £6 per month or £65 per annum.
Come and Join Us !! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6085 or Father Mackle on 942-4635.
Please help the Passkeepers by leaving your hymn books and order of Mass cards tidily after Masses, and by taking your bulletin away with you. Many thanks.
Carpet Bowls- This year’s outing is on Thursday, 20th June to Lomond Shores and Inverary.A few seatsavailable for non-members - price £25 including High Tea.-members are already coming along, so if you wish to join us for a lovely day out, please contact D. MacLean - 587 7319.
Evening Pilgrimage to Carfin for St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s– Thursday 13thJune. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at the Post Office in Milngavie.All welcome.
A Pro-Life Conference Sat 22nd June at St Augustine's Coatbridge to explore the skills needed in presenting the pro-life response at home, school, church and society. Speakers Austin Ruse of C-Fam, Prof Janet Smith, a renowned defender of Humanae Vitae, and Cathy Ruse of the Family Research Council and Gordon Macdonald of Care not Killing will discuss life, bio-ethical questions andaffecting life, love, sex, marriage and the family.book, visit https://lifeissues.eventbrite.co.uk (lunch is included).
St Nicholas' Choir June 9th& 16that 10am Mass. For details to join contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799/07749715514 [email protected]
The church is openuntil 4.45pm (7.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays) Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God. Tea is served in the hutafter daily Mass. All most welcome.
St Nicholas’ Primary Parent Association Ladies’ Night: Join us for the first ever St Nicholas’ Primary PA Fundraiser Ladies’ Night at 7.30pm on 14th June in St Andrew’s Hall forschool funds and our nominated charity, The Spark. Tickets £10 include prosecco on arrival. There will be a raffle, £5 in an envelope competition and lots and lots of dancing!!!!Please contact Siobhan McManus 07850 212 951. BYOB event and for over 18s only!
School Uniform Collection -One worthwhile cause you can help is this year’s school uniform appeal. New and used uniforms are needed for children in the Clydebank and Dumbarton area, many of whom miss school because they do not have a uniform. If you can donate anything, please phone Judith Reid 07713478676 to arrange collection. Last year more than 100 families were helped. Please help us do better this year.
Drumchapel Foodbank All donations of non -perishable food items and toiletries placed in the boxes in the church porch are gratefully received, and delivered every Monday.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--Anne Laurie, Pat Maguire, Brian McCool, Valerie Granger, Margaret Hamill, Laurie Bratt, Mary MacDonald
Anniversaries—Bridie Best, Angelo Giovanazzi, Adela Marie Hilda Murray, Margaret Dolan, Robina Burnett