but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
The Rite of Election takes place today at 3pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral. Please, remember in your prayers the Elect of our parish, John Harper and Robbie McKechnie, all the Elect of the archdiocese and all who are to receive the Sacraments for the first time at Easter.
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7pm during the Season of Lent followed by Confessions.
Why not think about taking the Short Term Pledge for Lent? Prayer cards in the porch.
Times for First Confession - Families of Primary Three children are invited to choose one of the scheduled confession times during the Season of Lent for their child to make First Confession. Family members are encouraged too to take the opportunity then to go to Confession
Lentfest. 4th March – 21st April. Pick up a copy of the official Festival Guide. Visit www.lentfest.co.uk An imaginative fusion of faith and the arts.
Second Collection during Lent will be taken up to support the fund for sick and retired priests of the archdiocese. On 4th Sunday, the collection will be exclusively for SCIAF. Wee boxes available in the porch.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am Mass. March 9th & 16th, May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
Liturgy Group – Next meeting will be this Tuesday, 11th March at 7.30pm in the chapel-house
Calling All Messengers—Our next meeting will be on Monday 24th March in Lower Hall—Area Leaders at 7.30 p.m. and Messengers at 8.00 p.m. Could you please bring your copy of the Messengers Prayer with you? We are short of quite a few messengers particularly in the Bonnaughton/Baljaffrey area, so if any parishioners could help deliver the Reachout twice a year, please contact D. MacLean—587 7319—Thank you.
Parish Pastoral Council meets again this Wednesday 12th March in the Lower Hall at 7pm to continue discussing planning for the future structure of the parishes of the North West Deanery.
Coffee Morning - after 10am Mass, Sunday 16th March. Please come along and join us. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received.
Diocesan Pastoral Future Provision information sheet giving the six proposed options for our North West deanery issued with this week’s bulletin. View the consultation document on the parish website. We’d welcome you to join us for a cup of tea/coffee to hear more about the planned changes in the Lower Hall after Vigil Mass next Saturday 15th March, and after each Mass in the Upper Hall on Sunday 16th March.
Deanery Station Mass – early notice of this year’s Lenten Mass with the Archbishop, which will take place here in St Andrew’s on Friday 4th April at 7pm. Keep the date in your diaries please.
Mary's Meals - Help raise funds for Mary's Meals by recycling your old mobile phones and branded printer cartridges. Phones, even broken ones, are worth anything between 25p and £10 depending on the age and model. Printer cartridges are generally worth about £1 each. As it costs only £12.20 to feed a child through Mary's meals for the whole school year, it won't take very long before your phones and printer cartridges start to cover the cost for a number of children who really need your help. You'll see a box at the back of the church throughout March if you can drop your old phones and branded printer cartridges, that would be fantastic.
Mass in honour of St. Patrick will be celebrated in St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday 15th March at 11.30 am. Principal Celebrant: Archbishop Tartaglia. All very welcome.
Prayer of the Past; Prayer of the Present. A series of Presentations will take place at The Immaculate Conception Church Hall during Lent from 7.30 - 9.00 pm. Refreshments available. The events are free and open to all. See poster in porch for full details.
Commonwealth Games. The archdiocese is making an appeal for people who would be prepared to provide hospitality in their homes for either the Athlete family members or Clydesiders. For more information, see poster in porch or visit www.morethangold2014.org.uk/homestay or email [email protected]
Fair Trade Fortnight In the last 10 years, the UK supermarket sector has almost halved the price of loose bananas while the cost of producing them has doubled. To sign the petition asking the Secretary of State for Business to act to protect millions of poor farmers and workers, see foncho.fairtrade.org.uk or sign postcard available in church porch.
SPRED (Special Religious Development) meets on Wednesday evenings during school term-time from September to May. We would welcome new volunteers to become companions in faith to our friends with learning disabilities and so help them take their rightful place within the parish community. A series of three introductory evenings for new volunteers starts on March 11th. Why not come along to the first one and give it a try -there's no commitment at this stage. Visit www.spred.org.uk If you are interested please phone Catherine (942 6984) or Lorna (942 0696).
Anniversary Mass of the Election of the Pope in St Andrew’s Cathedral at 3pm on Sunday, 30th March. Each parish has received two tickets for the occasion. Please enter your name and contact details on the sheet in the porch, if you would like to be included in the ballot, which will be after 12noon Mass on Sunday, 16th March.
Please help keep the list of sick up to date by letting us know of names that should be added or removed from the list.
Piety Stall Rota. Volunteers still needed to assist with serving, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass and are over aged 16, please call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? – contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (0141-776-1063)
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Monday at 7.00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All are very welcome.
Maryhill Foodbank Collection. Please place any donations of non-perishables (tins of soup, beans, meats etc., pasta, rice, toiletries) in the containers in the porch. Many thanks.