"Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.
You have the message of eternal life."
September 9th at 10.00 a.m. Mass
September 16th at 10.00 a.m. Mass
November 11th at 10.00 a.m. Mass
November 18th at 10.00 a.m. Mass
December 9th at 10.00 a.m. Mass
December 16th at 10.00 a.m. Mass
Any queries please contact Annamaria Strachan
0141 942 9799/07749715514 e mail - [email protected]
St. Andrew’s Primary School Parent Council—A.G.M. - In the school 18th September 2012 at 7. p.m. All welcome and we are particularly short of members at the P.1,2, and 3 stages.
Year of Faith—”The Documents of Vatican 2” - See notice at the church porch.
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive—is held on the last Monday of the month in the Lower Hall at 7.30 p.m. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along
8th/9th September—Special second collections for Assisted Parishes.
Parish Pilgrimage to Florence & Italy—7-15th September.
Vocations Awareness Week—begins 16th September
Forty Hours Devotion--Which was scheduled for this weekend, 9th September in Holy Family and St. Ninian’s Kirkintilloch has been re-scheduled to next weekend, 16th September, for the parish feast day.
Volunteers Required--We are looking for some strong men/boys to help set out and put away the tables and chairs on the Coffee Morning days, (normally every 3rd Sunday of the month apart from during the month of May and the school holidays). If you are able to help, please contact Veronica Maguire 0141 942 0607 or email [email protected] Many thanks.
Family Ceilidh--To celebrate St. Andrew’s night, we are holding a family Ceilidh on Saturday 24th November in the Upper Hall from 7pm—10pm. B.Y.O.B. and soft drinks and we’ll provide burgers, hot dogs and pizza. £15 per family ticket. Contact Shivonne Hayes on 942 8603 / email [email protected] or Veronica Maguire on 942 0607 / email [email protected]
Archdiocese of Glasgow—Deanery Masses 2012
South Monday 10th September Our Lady of Lourdes Cardonald
East End Tuesday 11th September St. Thomas’ Riddrie
South East Wednesday 12th September Christ the King, King’s Park
North East Thursday 13th September St. Matthew’s, Bishopbriggs
North Monday 17th September St. Philomena’s, Provanmill
Dumbarton Monday 24th September St. Kessog’s, Balloch
West End Tuesday 25th September St. Patrick’s, Anderson
North West Thursday 27th September St. Mary’s Duntocher
City East Monday 1st October St. Andrew’s Metropolitan Cathedral
Principal Celebrant: Most Rev. Philip Tartaglia, Archbishop of Glasgow
Teas & Coffee--Please join us in the Upper Hall after 10am Mass on Sunday 16th September.
Thank you--To all who contributed to the success of the celebration to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Parish St. Pio Prayer Group. Meetings take place each Monday at 7pm (except Holiday Mondays) in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All are welcome.
Fund-raising Concert--In Bearsden Baptist Church on Sunday 16th September at 6pm till 7pm, in aid of the “Families Together” project in Tajikistan which works with children with disabilities and their families. Entry by donation at door—see notice in church porch.
SPRED--Welcomes people with learning difficulties into our parish community. We are desperately in need of someone who is free on a Wednesday evening (tern time only) to help with one of our friends. No experience necessary as training will be given. We also need a driver for one of our friends to enable him to attend our meetings—this would only be every second Wednesday. If interested, please phone Catherine on 942 6984
Altar Servers Training--There will be four sessions held in the Church
Session One Sunday 30th September 2pm-3pm
Session Two Sunday 30th September 3pm-4pmSession Three Sunday 7th October 2pm-3pm
Session Four Sunday 7th October 3pm-4pm
Servers are asked to attend only one of the training sessions
Friday 2nd November 7.30pm—The Glasgow Gospel Choir will be performing a rich collaboration of African and Gospel music from an energetic mix of talented musicians. All proceeds will go towards the African Youth Development Action Project, Liberia (ADAP). Tickets (including cheese & wine) £10/£7 Children free!
Contact Thomas McGonigle on 07881 951952 for tickets and further details.
Justice & Peace: Kilombero Rice on Sale Soon—We are delighted to announce that Kilombero Rice from Malawi will once more be on sale during coffee mornings after 10am Mass starting on 16th September. Those who bought it last time round will remember this to be a high quality, tasty and versatile alternative to supermarket brands. Life is not easy for the small farmers in Malawi who produce this rice, prey to local middlemen who often use dodgy scales to measure produce and who make the farmers loans at exorbitant interest rates during the “hungry months”. In response to this a small, dedicated, local group committed to fair trade began importing Kilombero rice into Scotland in 2008, in order to enable these small farmers earn sufficient money to sent their children to school—at present less that one in three children go to high school. Kilombero rice retails at £2.99 for 1Kg. Bag.
Meeting for Parish Priest and Parish Ecumenical Representatives--Tuesday 25th September 7-9pm, Eyre Hall, Clyde Street—see notice in the church porch