"We saw his star as it rose
and have come to do the Lord homage."
Special second collection for Justice and Peace (Ctrl + to enlarge in browser)
Letter from Archbishop Tartaglia. (Ctrl + to enlarge in browser)
Parish Pastoral Council—Meeting Thursday 10th January at 7.30pm.
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord—Sunday 13th January. All baptised in the parish during the past year are invited to a celebration today at 12 noon Mass, followed by a reception for refreshments in the Upper Hall. Please return the tear off slip for catering purposes.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) - Parents’ meeting for all intending to present children this year—at the Upper Hall in Thursday, 17th January at 7.30pm.
Feast of St Kentigern - (Mungo) - Patron of the Archdiocese Sunday 13th January. Outwith the city, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is observed.
Christmastide—Concludes on the 13th January.
Forthcoming Ecumenical Events--
Life of Kentigan Saturday 12th January Mitchell Library Midday
The Mungo Festival Service Sunday 13th January Glasgow Cathedral 6.30pm
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th—25th January 2013
The Western Calendar—2013 edition on sale in the Piety Stall priced £3.
Association of Bearsden Churches Unity Supper 2013—see notice on the board in the porch.
Readers—Meeting for all new Readers on Tuesday 8th January at 7pm in the church. Andrew Smith is resigning as group leader and many thanks to him for his work over the last few years. Thanks to Stephen Hayes who has agreed to be group leader of the Readers.
Extraordinary Ministers—Thanks to Mark Henry who is resigning as a minister of the Eucharist. We wish him well in his new parish.
ABC Carol Singing at ASDA—Thank you very much to the four representatives from St. Andrew’s Parish—Nick Joint, Eugene McLaughlin, Siobhan McLaughlin and Clare Stuart—who sang from 12noon to 1pm on Saturday 16th December. The nine churches in the ABC are allowed four singers and in each hour slot ASDA permit twelve singers. The magnificent sum of £580 was raised, which will be split between St Margaret’s Hospice and Glasgow City Mission. Many thanks once again.
SPRED—Welcomes people with learning difficulties into our parish community. We are desperately in need of someone who is free on Wednesday evening (school term-time only) to help with one of our friends. No experience is needed as training is given. If you are even a little bit interested or would like to know more please phone Catherine 942 6984 or Lorna 942 0696.
New Year Resolutions @ St. Andrew’s Church Halls—With the excesses of New Year behind us, why not put into practice those New Year resolutions about getting some exercise and losing weight at our halls. With Scottish Slimmers on a Monday evening, Zumba on a Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, Pilates on a Wednesday morning, a general exercise class on a Wednesday morning, and Yoga on a Wednesday evening, there is something for everybody’s taste.
The halls are also available for that special occasion, whether it’s a child’s birthday party, an anniversary celebration, a christening or a wedding.
More details here or call 07528 425 698.
Urgent Request—Would anyone who found a hearing aid in a clear plastic box in the church please contact Dick Docherty on 942 6400.
Christmas Card Postal Service Report—Sat 1st/Sunday 2nd December, around 170 cards were posted in the Pillar Box which was very kindly lent to us by New Kilpatrick Church. The next weekend, about 95 cards were uplifted from the ‘Sorting Office’. During the following week, 40 cards were personally delivered by ‘postmen’. Sat 15th/Sun 16th December, the Sorting Office was manned by volunteers who offloaded the last few cards. Donations amounted to £22.20, to be distributed to three parish organisations, with a ‘thank you’ to NK. Many thanks to the donors and the stalwarts who helped out in this venture.