Report of Meeting
Fr. Mackle, John Heath, Donal McDermott, Ron Drozdziak, Elizabeth Reid, Mary Theresa Coyle, Gordon Reid and Veronica McLaughlin.
Apologies Monsignor Ryan, Deacon Tommy Sadie Traynor.
Opening Prayer
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Fr. Mackle.
Previous Minutes There were no matters arising and minutes were agreed from previous meeting.
Group Reports
Group Reports were considered on the following with no significant questions raised:
· Liturgy
· Faith Formation
· Messengers
· J&P
· Fabric & Finance
· Halls
It was noted that all had gone well with arrangements for Christmas Vigil Mass and that there are plans to have the current P6s to encourage P5s to sign up for Pope Francis award.
SVDP 2020 - Double Anniversary Year
The New Year 2020 is of particular significance in the historical journey of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. The foundation of the first conference in Scotland took place 175 years ago on the 25th May 1845. This development heralded the beginning of the establishment of many other SSVP conferences throughout Scotland. The New Year 2020 also marks the 50th anniversary of the National Council of Scotland instituted in 1970. To commemorate both these anniversaries there will be special events during 2020 at national level. It was suggested that the parish also mark this special anniversary in some way and raise parish awareness of the amazing work done by the SVDP. The possibility of marking this special occasion through a parish Mass was discussed as well as communication both in the parish and the wider community potentially involving the mini-vinnies.
Click here to find read the latest edition of Ozanam news and find out more
Action – Donal will discuss with the group and liase with Fr. Mackle on next steps.
Lent Fest 2010
It was highlighted that this will be held again this year and it’s hoped that the exhibition could move around the diocese including the parish.
Schools consultation
Members of the group had attended the 2 public meetings in Bearsden Academy, which were extremely well attended. In summary, the potential impact of the original proposal was detrimental to encouraging parents to send their children to St. Nicholas Primary, as it wouldn’t be an associated school for the local Secondary’s. Discussion followed about the impact of that on Catholic education. This will revisited when the outcome of the consultation is known.
St Andrew's Squad - children's catechesis The parish group require new volunteers to take over from current ones to support children before they receive the sacraments. Current volunteers have carried out this valuable service for a number of years.
Action - Fr. M to meet with Veronica MacGuire and Tamara Kennedy
Vocations promotion
There was a discussion around the need to promote vocations in the parish and local primary school. This is a particular concern given the low number of priests and the fact that there are currently only 20 seminarians in Scotland. A new initiative has started in the school to pray for and promote vocations
St Nicholas 28. Prayers for Vocations. Supported by SERRA and Ricky Jackson.
Primary school newsletter
The group had a discussion around the school newsletter as it’s felt that there was scope to increase visibility of faith related issues such as the Pope Francis award, mini-vinnies, sacrament preparation as well as fundamental faith promotion.
One suggestion possible option would be source some newsletters from other catholic primary schools and pass them to the school to assist.
Action - Donal to source some catholic primary school newsletters as examples then discuss next steps with Fr. Mackle.
A replacement has been found for a new parish Safeguarding coordinator who will be appointed shortly. Level 2 training which is mandatory, will possibly be held in the parish as we have sufficient numbers.
Next Meeting and closing prayer Dates for future meeting proposed for 23rd April at 6.45 for 7pm in the parish house. Meeting closed with a prayer led by Father Mackle.
Fr. Mackle, John Heath, Donal McDermott, Ron Drozdziak, Elizabeth Reid, Mary Theresa Coyle, Gordon Reid and Veronica McLaughlin.
Apologies Monsignor Ryan, Deacon Tommy Sadie Traynor.
Opening Prayer
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Fr. Mackle.
Previous Minutes There were no matters arising and minutes were agreed from previous meeting.
Group Reports
Group Reports were considered on the following with no significant questions raised:
· Liturgy
· Faith Formation
· Messengers
· J&P
· Fabric & Finance
· Halls
It was noted that all had gone well with arrangements for Christmas Vigil Mass and that there are plans to have the current P6s to encourage P5s to sign up for Pope Francis award.
SVDP 2020 - Double Anniversary Year
The New Year 2020 is of particular significance in the historical journey of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. The foundation of the first conference in Scotland took place 175 years ago on the 25th May 1845. This development heralded the beginning of the establishment of many other SSVP conferences throughout Scotland. The New Year 2020 also marks the 50th anniversary of the National Council of Scotland instituted in 1970. To commemorate both these anniversaries there will be special events during 2020 at national level. It was suggested that the parish also mark this special anniversary in some way and raise parish awareness of the amazing work done by the SVDP. The possibility of marking this special occasion through a parish Mass was discussed as well as communication both in the parish and the wider community potentially involving the mini-vinnies.
Click here to find read the latest edition of Ozanam news and find out more
Action – Donal will discuss with the group and liase with Fr. Mackle on next steps.
Lent Fest 2010
It was highlighted that this will be held again this year and it’s hoped that the exhibition could move around the diocese including the parish.
Schools consultation
Members of the group had attended the 2 public meetings in Bearsden Academy, which were extremely well attended. In summary, the potential impact of the original proposal was detrimental to encouraging parents to send their children to St. Nicholas Primary, as it wouldn’t be an associated school for the local Secondary’s. Discussion followed about the impact of that on Catholic education. This will revisited when the outcome of the consultation is known.
St Andrew's Squad - children's catechesis The parish group require new volunteers to take over from current ones to support children before they receive the sacraments. Current volunteers have carried out this valuable service for a number of years.
Action - Fr. M to meet with Veronica MacGuire and Tamara Kennedy
Vocations promotion
There was a discussion around the need to promote vocations in the parish and local primary school. This is a particular concern given the low number of priests and the fact that there are currently only 20 seminarians in Scotland. A new initiative has started in the school to pray for and promote vocations
St Nicholas 28. Prayers for Vocations. Supported by SERRA and Ricky Jackson.
Primary school newsletter
The group had a discussion around the school newsletter as it’s felt that there was scope to increase visibility of faith related issues such as the Pope Francis award, mini-vinnies, sacrament preparation as well as fundamental faith promotion.
One suggestion possible option would be source some newsletters from other catholic primary schools and pass them to the school to assist.
Action - Donal to source some catholic primary school newsletters as examples then discuss next steps with Fr. Mackle.
A replacement has been found for a new parish Safeguarding coordinator who will be appointed shortly. Level 2 training which is mandatory, will possibly be held in the parish as we have sufficient numbers.
Next Meeting and closing prayer Dates for future meeting proposed for 23rd April at 6.45 for 7pm in the parish house. Meeting closed with a prayer led by Father Mackle.