Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2012
Forthcoming Events
Lent begins following Ash Wednesday on 22nd February. Blessing and Distribution of Ashes at both Masses 10.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. See Sunday Bulletin for further Lent details.
Parish Mission 3rd—9th March
Parish Exhibition 10th/llth March in the upper hall after all Masses
There will be displays and information about all your parish groups and activities.
Come along................. ,...... there's something for everyon we need your help!!!!
Celebratory Mass 17th March at 6.00 p.m.
A celebration for the 25th anniversary of the formal opening of the church. Mass will be followed by a social in the hall; to help with catering please complete a slip which will be available nearer the time.
The Easter Triduum—Holy Week
The Triduum: The Easter Triduum is the central mystery of our faith. The three sacred days, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil are one continuous celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the climax of the whole Christian year bringing us new life through the sacraments.
Holy Thursday: Today inaugurates the Triduum. At the Mass of Chrism the oil of the sick and the oil of Chrism, used in the sacraments, are blessed to be used at the Easter vigil and throughout the coming year. At the Mass of the Lord's Supper, Christ washes the feet of the apostles and tells Peter "if I do not wash you, you can have nothing in common with me". This gesture of love/humility is in preparation for laying down his life for us. We are called to share his Mission and to give our lives to others, nourished by him in the Holy Eucharist.
Good Friday: Today the supreme sacrifice of Christ's love for us is fulfilled in His passion and death and His transformation of the cross into a symbol of triumph; "so the crowds will be astonished at him and Kings stand speechless before him; for they will see something never told and witness something never heard before".
Easter Vigil: This is the night when Christ will pass from death to the glory of the Resurrection. The service in in four parts;
The Service of Light: The new fire is kindled and blessed; the Easter candle is lit, dispelling the darkness of the night and the world. The Liturgy of the Word: Through the Old Testament our story of salvation is told, and brought to fulfilment in the New Testament by Jesus' saving death and resurrection.
The Liturgy of Baptism: Through Baptism we are called to share in both the life of the risen Christ and his mission of reconciliation, justice, love and peace in the world. Those who are to be received into the church are welcomed tonight.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist: We are fully united with Christ and receive nourishment for our journey of faith as we travel towards our own resurrection and to life with the risen Lord. This is the night of nights! "we rejoice and are glad
Holy Week and Easter Services
Lent begins following Ash Wednesday on 22nd February. Blessing and Distribution of Ashes at both Masses 10.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. See Sunday Bulletin for further Lent details.
Parish Mission 3rd—9th March
Parish Exhibition 10th/llth March in the upper hall after all Masses
There will be displays and information about all your parish groups and activities.
Come along................. ,...... there's something for everyon we need your help!!!!
Celebratory Mass 17th March at 6.00 p.m.
A celebration for the 25th anniversary of the formal opening of the church. Mass will be followed by a social in the hall; to help with catering please complete a slip which will be available nearer the time.
The Easter Triduum—Holy Week
The Triduum: The Easter Triduum is the central mystery of our faith. The three sacred days, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil are one continuous celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the climax of the whole Christian year bringing us new life through the sacraments.
Holy Thursday: Today inaugurates the Triduum. At the Mass of Chrism the oil of the sick and the oil of Chrism, used in the sacraments, are blessed to be used at the Easter vigil and throughout the coming year. At the Mass of the Lord's Supper, Christ washes the feet of the apostles and tells Peter "if I do not wash you, you can have nothing in common with me". This gesture of love/humility is in preparation for laying down his life for us. We are called to share his Mission and to give our lives to others, nourished by him in the Holy Eucharist.
Good Friday: Today the supreme sacrifice of Christ's love for us is fulfilled in His passion and death and His transformation of the cross into a symbol of triumph; "so the crowds will be astonished at him and Kings stand speechless before him; for they will see something never told and witness something never heard before".
Easter Vigil: This is the night when Christ will pass from death to the glory of the Resurrection. The service in in four parts;
The Service of Light: The new fire is kindled and blessed; the Easter candle is lit, dispelling the darkness of the night and the world. The Liturgy of the Word: Through the Old Testament our story of salvation is told, and brought to fulfilment in the New Testament by Jesus' saving death and resurrection.
The Liturgy of Baptism: Through Baptism we are called to share in both the life of the risen Christ and his mission of reconciliation, justice, love and peace in the world. Those who are to be received into the church are welcomed tonight.
The Liturgy of the Eucharist: We are fully united with Christ and receive nourishment for our journey of faith as we travel towards our own resurrection and to life with the risen Lord. This is the night of nights! "we rejoice and are glad
Holy Week and Easter Services