Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for P7 pupils of St Andrew's and St Joseph's Parishes in Andrew's Church 7pm 13th May 2020. Enrolment forms, available in the church porch, to be returned, please, by 9th February. There is a meeting for parents of P7 pupils preparing for Confirmation February 20th at 6pm in St Andrew’s Upper Hall. Please note change of start time.
Please keep in your prayers Yvonne McCafferty and Jen Wright, who are journeying though RCIA preparing to become Catholic this Easter.
The St. Andrew’s Squad- (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Sunday 2nd February from 9.00am in the Lower Hall leading into 10am Mass and children’s liturgy. Please note change of venue. Any queries please contact Tamara Kennedy [email protected] The Archdiocese of Glasgow is a charity registered in Scotland (SC018140).
Pope Francis Faith Award All the P6 PFFA participants continue to do good work in school, at home and in the parish.
NET Ministry Faith/Fun Day Sunday 2nd Feb for the young people of St Joseph's & St Andrew's beginning with 10am Mass in St Andrew's through to 2pm. For all young people in P6, P7,S1 & S2. Lunch will be provided.
Youth events in the pipeline – 21st March – Lenten evening; 7th May – P7 day retreat; 30th May – Pentecost Party. More details of these soon.
Invitation to all our senior parishioners to St Nicholas’ Robert Burns’ school assembly celebration Tues 4th Feb. 1.45pm of poems, songs and some traditional toasts to ‘the lassies’ and ‘the haggis’ led by P4-P7. Come along. Just turn up.
Soup run - Fri Feb 7th - please note revised start times. Volunteers will leave for the city centre at 6.30pm. Sandwiches, fruit and snacks all welcome as well as any donations of decent quality clothes, toiletries etc. Inexpensive gent’s underwear particularly appreciated.
Church Halls The church halls are used for a huge range of activities, details and information of which are on the parish website. Both halls are available at weekends for birthday parties, christenings, anniversary parties, fund raisers, weddings and funerals. For further details, please visit http://www.standrewsbearsden.co.uk/church-halls.html or call the Halls Letting Secretary on 07528 425 698.
St Nicholas Care Fund boxes to be returned, please, by today, 26th Jan.
St Margaret’s Adoption Agency Crib Boxes to be returned, please, by 2nd Feb.
All Christmas stock in the Piety Stall is half price. Come and have a look and get some bargains !
Turnbull Times availabe on this link
Today, 26th Jan, 3rd Sunday in ordinary time, has been named ‘Sunday of the Word of God’. In his letter, Pope Francis says, “May the Sunday of the Word of God help his people to grow in religious and intimate familiarity with the sacred Scriptures........adding “a day devoted to the Bible should not be seen as a yearly event but rather a year-long event.”
Come along to our Monthly Scripture Reflection after 10am Mass on Mon Jan 27th in the church house. We will be reflecting on the gospel for Sun 2nd of Feb, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord - Luke 2:22-40. Join us for coffee/ tea and a friendly discussion.
Archdiocesan Safeguarding - St Andrew’s Parish’s volunteers, whose PVG is dated 2015, must contact the Safeguarding Office to arrange to have their PVG updated.
All new volunteers, and existing volunteers who haven't yet attended training, must attend the mandatory Part 1 Training. The same volunteers must also attend the mandatory Part 2 Training. Please contact the Safeguarding Office - [email protected] or 226 5898 to register.
Part 1 Training
Wed 29th Jan. 2 – 3.30pm Renfrew Room, 196 Clyde Street, G1 4JY;
Sat 15th Feb 10 – 11.30am Eyre Hall, 196 Clyde Street, G1 4JY.
Part 2 Training
Sat 1st Feb 10 – 11.30am St Eunan's, Gilmour Street, G81 2BW;
Sat 15th Feb 12.30 – 2pm Eyre Hall, 196 Clyde Street, G1 4JY
Thurs 27th Feb 7 – 9pm Christ the King, 220 Carmunock Road, G44 5AP
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: A Rachel's Vineyard retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held north of Glasgow on Tuesday 11th – Thursday 13th February 2020. This confidential, supportive retreat is powerful for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. For more information, please call/text Sr. Andrea on 07816 942824 or email Rachel via the enquiry form on the website www.rachelsvineyard.org.uk
On Thursday 13th February from 4.30 – 6pm, Maura McRobbie will do a short presentation on her novel, Howth, in the Chapel House. The book, which is set in Dublin and Glasgow, is semi-biographical and is based on the story of her grandmother. It explores the powerful influences of religion in the early twentieth century. There are only a few first edition copies left following a successful launch last year. These will be for sale at the event. All proceeds will go to St Andrew’s Parish Homeless Fund. The book is also available to read on Kindle. If you are interested in attending the presentation, please contact the parish on 0141 942 4635 or [email protected]
Like to try some ceilidh dancing? Why not come along to St Joseph’s Church Hall on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. All you need is comfy shoes & £6 Teacher: Peter Knapman. Accordionist: Rachel Campbell. Call 07902 127370
Could God be calling you to serve as a priest? Vocations Discernment Evenings: Catechesis – Adoration - Fellowship: 31st Jan, 28th Feb, 27th March, 24th April and 29th May. For further info contact Fr. Ross Campbell, [email protected] or 339 4315
Special Collection – 2nd Feb – Assisted Parishes.
Drumchapel Foodbank. All donations always gratefully received. The collection boxes in porch are delivered every Monday. Church open Mon – Sat 'til 4.45pm & Sun ‘til 1.30pm.
Legion of Mary continues to attend to our Mission Week’s follow up work of revisiting all those who requested a call back, as well as visiting families who have had a celebration of baptism within the past year. Legion of Mary meets weekly Tuesdays 7pm in the Hut. New members always welcome.
January Meetings
Safeguarding Coordinator – 28th Jan 6.30pm – House;
Reachout – 30th Jan – 4pm – Hut;
Emmaus – 31st Jan 10.30am House