Father Mackle, Monsignor Ryan, Deacon Tommy, John Heath, Ron Drozdziak, Mary Theresa Coyle, Sadie Traynor, Gordon Reid and Veronica McLaughlin.
Elizabeth Reid, Margaret Barton, Jane Dowds and Ann Marie Clark.
1. Opening Prayer
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Father Mackle. Gordon was welcomed to the PPC as replacing Dorothy as halls committee representative. A vote of thanks was given to Dorothy for her long years of service on the PPC.
2. Previous Minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted and there were no matters arising. It was noted that changes to the porch have been beneficial.
3. Group Reports
Group Reports circulated in advance of the meeting were discussed.
Action – agreed to put succession planning on agenda for next meeting.
The original constitution for the PPC is still in draft form with a scanned copy available. It was agreed to review at next PPC and thought to be given before then to any revisions required. Agreed appeal in bulletin to offer opportunity for any new members to join PPC.
Action - Veronica to locate nomination forms and electronic version of original draft. Fr Mackle to draft bulletin appeal.
The Legion of Mary group in the parish meets every Monday at 5pm. There is to be a Legion of Mary Visitation to the parish in August 2019 giving an opportunity to reconnect with the church. This will be for 10 days visit and involve a visit to each house in parish. A group will be needed to organise in due course.
Cluster arrangements are generally going well though there’s a more natural twinning process occurring with St Joseph’s. The next spiritual event will be in St Benedicts on 22nd March.
Fr. Mackle reported on an item discussed at the recent Council of priests meeting which was to review pastoral structure. The Archbishop has raised the question of whether the Archdiocese can be reduced by 2025 to 50 parishes from the current level of around 90. There are currently around 50 active priests in the diocese. This will be considered at the next cluster meeting on 16thApril before communication to parishes. Lay input will be sought at the next Lay council meeting in June.
Parishes are having awareness raised of requirements of new regulations with seminars to follow. One aspect which will affect parishes is that individuals have to give consent that their data is being stored. More information will follow in due course.
A request has been made by a parishioners to ask EDC to reinstate the bus bay on Roman Road. Contact has been made with EDC and they have confirmed that bus bay at Bearsden hub is the designated bay. Agreed it would be reasonable to advise school as well as people arranging for any parish trips.
Action - Fr Mackle to take forward.
Action - John to ask Anne to draft short item for bulletin.
Fertility Care Scotland – following on from a donation made by the parish to Fertility Care Scotland, a request has been made for a parishioner to be trained in the Billings Ovulation method in May 2018.
Action – Fr. Mackle to draft short item for bulletin requesting volunteer.
Parish social activities – following the success of the various social events as part of the Parish’s 50thanniversary, a suggestion was made to repeat some events in 2018. Possible suggestions are the BBQ and music night
Action - all to give thought to feasibility of this before 30thMarch and email thoughts to Veronica.
Next Meeting The next meeting is proposed for Tuesday 1stMay at 6.45 for 7pm in the Parish house.
Meeting closed with a Prayer led by Fr. Mackle.
Father Mackle, Monsignor Ryan, Deacon Tommy, John Heath, Ron Drozdziak, Mary Theresa Coyle, Sadie Traynor, Gordon Reid and Veronica McLaughlin.
Elizabeth Reid, Margaret Barton, Jane Dowds and Ann Marie Clark.
1. Opening Prayer
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Father Mackle. Gordon was welcomed to the PPC as replacing Dorothy as halls committee representative. A vote of thanks was given to Dorothy for her long years of service on the PPC.
2. Previous Minutes
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted and there were no matters arising. It was noted that changes to the porch have been beneficial.
3. Group Reports
Group Reports circulated in advance of the meeting were discussed.
- Liturgy Group report - comment made on low numbers particularly on 2ndNovember. This will be considered by liturgy group before next year. Numbers attending the 10 o’clock “midnight” Mass had increased and it seemed the revised time had meant some regular attendees had not come along and equally there was an increase number from out with the parish. It was agreed that the time of Mass for 2018 should be considered by the Liturgy group. A good turnout for Mons Ryan’s talks noted and very positive that numbers for next parish retreat are good with around 40 people signed up.
- F&F – Clarification given around security issues mentioned in report.
- Messengers - positive feedback on new look Reach out. This lead to a discussion around the heavy reliance placed on a relatively small number of individuals for key parish activities. This could potentially cause an issue if for whatever reason they are no longer able to continue or access to key records or equipment is not available.
Action – agreed to put succession planning on agenda for next meeting.
- Halls – Gordon outlined plan to go to competitive tender for church and hall cleaners. Enquiries have been made via bulletin and Association of Bearsden Churches for potential companies. It was agreed at the same time to make an appeal through bulletin for volunteers to clean and assess if this would be a viable alternative.
- Constitution
The original constitution for the PPC is still in draft form with a scanned copy available. It was agreed to review at next PPC and thought to be given before then to any revisions required. Agreed appeal in bulletin to offer opportunity for any new members to join PPC.
Action - Veronica to locate nomination forms and electronic version of original draft. Fr Mackle to draft bulletin appeal.
- Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary group in the parish meets every Monday at 5pm. There is to be a Legion of Mary Visitation to the parish in August 2019 giving an opportunity to reconnect with the church. This will be for 10 days visit and involve a visit to each house in parish. A group will be needed to organise in due course.
- Update on clustering
Cluster arrangements are generally going well though there’s a more natural twinning process occurring with St Joseph’s. The next spiritual event will be in St Benedicts on 22nd March.
Fr. Mackle reported on an item discussed at the recent Council of priests meeting which was to review pastoral structure. The Archbishop has raised the question of whether the Archdiocese can be reduced by 2025 to 50 parishes from the current level of around 90. There are currently around 50 active priests in the diocese. This will be considered at the next cluster meeting on 16thApril before communication to parishes. Lay input will be sought at the next Lay council meeting in June.
- General Data Protection Regulations
Parishes are having awareness raised of requirements of new regulations with seminars to follow. One aspect which will affect parishes is that individuals have to give consent that their data is being stored. More information will follow in due course.
- Bus bay on Roman Rd
A request has been made by a parishioners to ask EDC to reinstate the bus bay on Roman Road. Contact has been made with EDC and they have confirmed that bus bay at Bearsden hub is the designated bay. Agreed it would be reasonable to advise school as well as people arranging for any parish trips.
Action - Fr Mackle to take forward.
Action - John to ask Anne to draft short item for bulletin.
Fertility Care Scotland – following on from a donation made by the parish to Fertility Care Scotland, a request has been made for a parishioner to be trained in the Billings Ovulation method in May 2018.
Action – Fr. Mackle to draft short item for bulletin requesting volunteer.
Parish social activities – following the success of the various social events as part of the Parish’s 50thanniversary, a suggestion was made to repeat some events in 2018. Possible suggestions are the BBQ and music night
Action - all to give thought to feasibility of this before 30thMarch and email thoughts to Veronica.
Next Meeting The next meeting is proposed for Tuesday 1stMay at 6.45 for 7pm in the Parish house.
Meeting closed with a Prayer led by Fr. Mackle.