The following questionnaire has been compiled to summarise the discussion areas covered in the Vatican's preparatory document.
1. To which parish do you belong:
2. In which capacity(ies) are you completing this survey?
Lay person, Parent, Grandparent, Priest, Deacon, Parish volunteer, Professed Religious, Teacher/ Headteacher, Pastoral Assistant, Catechist, Lay Chaplain, Theologian, Church employee, Member of Lay Association or Movement (please give details below), Marriage Preparation Facilitator, Other (please give details below)
3. Is this a group response? If yes, please indicate the number of people involved in the conversation.
4. What is your marital status?
Married,Single, Engaged, Widowed, Separated, Divorced, Divorced and re-married, Cohabitee, Other (please state below)
5. How old are you?
6. What are your joys and hopes of marriage and family life today?
7. What are your struggles and fears of marriage and family life today?
8. How can we better understand marriage as a vocation?
9. How does your marriage enrich you?
10. How does your family life enrich those around you?
11. In what way, through the abiding presence of God, is your family “salt of the earth and light to the world,” and a place of and for handing on our faith?
12. Do you have any other comments?
If you wish, please enter your name and an email address, so that we may update you with our preparations for the Synod.
Responses to be sent to [email protected] or by post to Chancellor, 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow, G1 4JY.
Document below

Synod Of Bishops.doc |