The funeral for Gerry Banks will take place on Thursday, 1st July. Please pray for Gerry and the peaceful repose of his soul, and for Geraldine and her family that they may be comforted.
The funeral for Bert Consani will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 30th July. Please pray for Bert and the peaceful repose of his soul, and for Sandra and her family that they may be comforted.
The funeral for Gerry Banks will take place on Thursday, 1st July. Please pray for Gerry and the peaceful repose of his soul, and for Geraldine and her family that they may be comforted.
These past sixteen months haven't been easy. They've impacted hugely on all our lives.
A painful period was when churches were closed. That was painful good people of faith not being able to be nourished by the Body of Christ. Please, start thinking about coming back to Mass, if you haven't already. Don't think that your coming to Mass will be depriving someone of a seat. You won't be. Social Distancing ~ Depending on the data closer to the time, the Government intends to reduce social distancing indoors to 1m on 19th July and abolish it on 9th August. We'll be looking at altering our church's and halls' seating arrangements.
Weddings ~ From Monday 28th June the person (such as the father of the bride) accompanying either of the couple down the aisle does not need to wear a face covering whilst doing so. The couple do not need to wear face coverings throughout the wedding liturgy. Funerals ~ From Monday 28th June, families can once again carry coffins into/out of church and lower coffins into the grave, if the funeral directors and/or burial staff are content for that to happen and if parishes are content that it is safe. Everyone carrying the coffin must wear a face covering (unless exempt) and be encouraged to sanitise hands before and after doing so. Happy Summer Holiday! 🤩🤩🤩.
All at St Andrew's and St Joseph’s wish all children, young people and teachers a safe and happy summer holiday. 🥳🥳🥳️️️ Photo from St Nicholas' P7(1) Leavers' Mass Tuesday 22nd June.
We wish them all well as they move on to secondary school. A massive thanks to the Youth Ministry Team for giving the St Nicholas P7s two great and memorable leavers’ parties! 🥳🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩🤩
We wish all P7s in our parish well as they move on to high school. Photo from St Nicholas' P7(2) Leavers' Mass Monday 21st June.
We wish them all well as they move on to high school. |
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