Thoughts and prayers are with Jenny and her family.
May God give Terry rest and peace in the kingdom of light, and may Jenny and her family find comfort during this sad time.
St Andrew's RC Church Bearsden |
We pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of Terry McGahan whose funeral Mass will be today Tuesday 30th March, at 10am.
Thoughts and prayers are with Jenny and her family. May God give Terry rest and peace in the kingdom of light, and may Jenny and her family find comfort during this sad time.
A few words....
I hope this finds you safe and well. Great that the church has reopened. There's a buzz about the place again. If you haven't been able to book for Mass (all our Triduum liturgies are now fully booked) keep in mind, they'll all be live streamed. Today's Palm Sunday gospel is read in the light of the resurrection. What looked like a humiliating and shameful failure for Jesus we know wasn't the end of the story. As we begin Holy Week, journeying through these final days of this holy season of Lent, maybe, with hindsight, you can look back on something in your own life - maybe some desperately unwanted situation. Maybe it was some painful time, that seemed like a tragedy at the time, but out of the pain, out of the suffering, out of the tragedy new possibilities came - new beginnings were experienced - new life followed for you. That's death and resurrection being lived. Wishing you a peaceful and fruitful Holy Week. Father Mackle Congratulations to all the children who have now received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Together we pray they will always discover the wonder and peace of God’s forgiveness, and experience the loving presence of Jesus in this grace-filled Sacrament. These children continue on their journey of faith, as they and their families look forward to their First Holy Communion next year. Here's another terrific story of reconciliation, boys and girls. Great News!
We welcome today's news that churches can reopen. Public Mass can once again be celebrated, giving the opportunity, for those who wish, to attend from this Saturday's Vigil on. Remember, though, you'll need to book through our website's booking system. Looking forward to seeing you. Take care Father Mackle To: All Primary Three Families
Hello, again, everyone, Great that this week the children will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I hope you found the videos of the Lost Sheep and Lost Son and the activities helpful. Normally, we would have parish catechesis St Andrew Squad sessions (SAS). It is really unfortunate that these can't take place at present, because of all the restrictions. Instead, here's a 'Tour round St Andrew's Church - going to Confession' video, which has a lot of interesting things to see and note. St Andrew's First Reconciliation Preparation Session 3 Once again, I am really grateful to the parish team for seeing to all these videos and producing the activities. All the P3 pupils are in our prayers at this special moment in their journey of faith, celebrating and encountering the infinite love, mercy and compassion of God, who is so close to us, especially in the Sacraments. Remember, if you've got any questions, do get in touch. Take care Fr Mackle I hope this finds you safe and well.
This Tuesday is the first anniversary of national lockdown - a National Day of Reflection. There'll be a minute of silence at 12 noon. At 8pm, if you can, light a candle at your window or shine your phone and say a prayer in remembrance and support for all who have lost their lives over the past year. Pray, too, that all who are bereaved may be comforted. Today's 'grain of wheat' gospel reminds us of a truth that any parent can testify to I'm sure - that it's dying to ourselves, it's making sacrifices, that we give life to others. We'll never really be of any real help or benefit to others if we are always so caught up, so wrapped up in ourselves. It's the day in day out and often each day gospel-Christian challenge - die to selfishness daily so that we can rise to selflessness daily. Fingers crossed and here's hoping we get the green light on Tuesday to open up this Saturday for Holy Week. Have a good week. Fr Mackle Please God and fingers crossed we get the green light this Tuesday. If we do and you’re coming along to Mass next weekend, (remember, though, you'd need to book) you’ll see that it’s that time of the year again for purple veils covering the crosses and statues. They’re covered for the next fortnight. We missed doing this last year because of lockdown.
This ancient liturgical custom of using veils, of hiding Christ from the world, of hiding Him from our sight (and the saints) is to help us in our preparation for, and really to assist us in becoming focused solely on the mysteries of His passion – the sufferings Christ endured for our redemption. £500 worth of food from the Cash and Carry donated to Drumchapel Foodbank from monetary donations made by St Andrew’s Parishioners together with two days' worth of donations left in the Chapel House porch.
Thanks to everyone who contributes to this worthwhile cause. |
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St Andrew's RC Church
29 Roman Road Bearsden Glasgow G61 2SN Telephone : 0141 942 4635 Email : [email protected] |